Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.
Showing posts with label Looney Left. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Looney Left. Show all posts

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Senator Max Baucus' Drunken Rant on Health Care

H/T to the Ashland Tea Party/9.12 Group for posting this video of Senator Baucus in an egg nog induced rant on the Senate Floor debating the health care bill.

Forget about the keys.... it looks like friends shouldn't let friends drink and get on the Senate floor! And some people thought Rep. Joe Wilson's "You Lie" remark was offensive!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Senator Feinstein -- It's 'Morally Correct' to force Americans to pay for Abortions

Well ain't she just a peach!

Senator Dianne Feinstein, hailing from the state that just exudes high morals -- CA -- feels that it is morally OK for the government to force Americans into paying for abortions, regardless of what your religious or personal beliefs may be....
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D.-Calif.) told CNSNews.com that using tax dollars from pro-life Americans to pay for insurance plans that cover abortion is morally correct.

The health care bill put before the Senate by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D.-Nev.) would in fact provide tax dollars to health insurance plans that cover abortion. An amendment to the health care bill sponsored by Sen. Ben Nelson (D.-Neb.) that would have prohibited tax dollars from going to insurance plans that cover abortion was defeated yesterday.
It sounds like she laying the ground work for one of the new Czars that believe in using the government to install population control measures?

How's this for a comparison.... so muslim prisoners are not offended -- our government feeds them special meals, airlines have been sued because a few muslims were offended, and Hate Crime laws have been passed to keep people from being offended or their views attacked, but our government has no problem enacting laws that force Americans to pay for something they find offensive and against their religious beliefs.

With the pick & choose progressives, your beliefs mean nothing... unless of course they are in line with their doctrine. Using and growing the government to force you into becoming a progressive zombie is just the means to an end for trying to impose their agenda on the American public.

Maybe one of the progressive lefties that read this blog would like to take a stab at explaining the logic behind this hypocrisy!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Liberal Group creates Task Force "Bad Democrat" over Health Care

The Progressive Puke Brigade on the left is readying a full frontal assault on the Blue Dogs and other so-called "bad Democrats" that voted against the Health Care Bill.

From The Hill --
The Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC) e-mailed supporters on Tuesday asking for funds to take on Blue Dogs and other "bad Democrats."

"They betrayed us on this core Democratic issue," PCCC co-founder Aaron Swartz wrote. "It's payback time."

"Blue Dog Democrats are wholly owned subsidiaries of corporate America, and they will pay a political price back home for putting their corporate contributors ahead of their constituents who want reform," said PCCC co-founder Adam Green.

I don't know how much stock I would put in the fact that the Blue Dogs voted against the bill for a government run health care bill because they were really against it. A much more probable reason would be that they were given a pass from Pelosi or that they more fearful of losing their House seats and heard the Tea Party Patriots & 9.12ers at the Town Hall meetings. Being somewhat biased, I believe it to be the latter.

More important than why these Blue Dogs voted against the House Health Care Reform -- is that they did! For us, the TPP's & 9.12ers, this means we need to hold these votes against the government take over of our health care if any Bill comes out of the Senate. If this happens then we must counter in full force and go back to concentrating on the Blue Dog's to shore up their support against the bill.

We must let the Blue Dogs know that Pelosi & the Progressives can't help them! Why? Because it is the conservatives, and now increasingly more everyday, the moderate Democrats and Independents in their districts that are against the job-killing government forced health care that may or may not reelect them -- NOT Nancy Pelosi or the Progressive Change Campaign Committee.