Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.
Showing posts with label September 11. Show all posts
Showing posts with label September 11. Show all posts

Monday, September 12, 2022

Your feel-good video for today: halftime Navy Leap Frogs

From Jim Thompson at Red State:

Six years ago, my son was ending his Navy career with the parachute performance team called the “Navy Leap Frogs.” The Leap Frogs parachute into stadiums and events to the cheers of crowds. On Sunday, September 11, 2016, my son and his Leap Frogs mates were performing for the Kansas City Chiefs. They jumped into Arrowhead Stadium on that beautiful Sunday afternoon with my son assigned the honor of bringing in the Stars and Stripes. It was an awesome clear day with a bit of a headwind for the intended entry corridor.

The guys before him were carrying other flags like the Navy SEAL flag. Trevor was carrying the slightly heavier Stars and Stripes. He parachuted in last. The headwind caught Trevor above the stadium and he appears to stall motionless, right above the stadium.

Patrons can be heard exclaiming, stunned, that he was hanging in the air like it was planned. It wasn’t planned. In fact, it was a little scary.

He couldn’t land left to right because of the headwind, so he turned, headed in the opposite direction, and landed right to left.

It’s an awesome short video [about 3 min] — and still gives me goosebumps.

Link to Red State is here.  

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Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Patriot Day

Today is Patriot Day. Laurie Edwards Tate at Communities Digital News reports:

When New York City’s Twin Towers were attacked on September 11, 2001, America was forever transformed, and Patriot Day became a day of remembrance. Americans across the country tragically lost their unshakable belief that acts of foreign war and terror could not occur on American soil. 
As approximately 3,000 Americans died, while visions of burning buildings and people jumping to their deaths proliferated on the TV news, the country came together.  for a brief moment in time in a unified voice screaming in disbelief, shock, mourning, outrage and resolve to move forward together.

Full article is here.
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