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Showing posts with label basedunderground. Show all posts
Showing posts with label basedunderground. Show all posts

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Think Twice Before Buying an Electric Vehicle


Enrico Trigoso at BasedUnderground has a report that should make every driver think twice before switching to an electric vehicle (EV):

The corporate-controlled media is finally coming around to accepting the truth about the electric vehicle (EV) revolution, which is not even close to being as environmentally friendly as its supporters and promoters claim.

Reuters published a piece this week revealing that even the smallest EV accidents, including minor fender-benders, almost always result in insurance companies having to total the entire car. The reason for this has to do with EV batteries, which are so expensive to replace that it makes more sense to just replace the entire car.

“We’re buying electric cars for sustainability reasons,” said Matthew Avery, research director at the automotive risk intelligence company Thatcham Research. “An EV isn’t very sustainable if you’ve got to throw the battery away after a minor collision.”

The battery pack in your average Tesla, for example, costs tens of thousands of dollars to replace. The battery pack alone represents a sizable portion of the vehicle’s overall price tag, it turns out.

Tesla and many other EV manufacturers have made battery packs a structural component of their cars in order to reduce costs for end consumers – but at what cost to the environment? Unless EV manufacturers change the ways in which they incorporate battery packs into their cars, all this needless waste will continue to pile up. . . .

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(Related: It will never be possible for the electric grid as it currently exists to charge everybody’s EVs once gas-powered vehicles are gone.) . . .

More at the link here.

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Tuesday, August 31, 2021

COVID propaganda is killing us


Molly McCann cuts through the propaganda fog at TheFederalist. Here’s the opening section:

Pretending COVID Is An Emergency Is Killing America

There is no justification for the continued suspension of the American form of self-government that secures all our individual rights and liberties.

The Western world is living a massive COVID lie. That lie is strangling the life out of liberty, and it will destroy our constitutional order if we do not end this horrifying charade.

A recent article in The Guardian discussing France’s vaccine passport unconsciously provides the perfect example. It describes the Great Plague that struck Marseille in 1720 (the final contortion of the Black Death), noting that it “kill[ed] more than half of the city’s population.”

“[S]truggl[ing] to find a delicate balance between halting the spread of the disease and damaging vital commerce,” the city authorities, The Guardian tells us, ordered travelers “to carry a ‘bill of health’ and ships arriving at the Mediterranean port underwent a 40-day cordon sanitaire or quarantine.”

“Three hundred years on,” The Guardian seriously intones, “President Emmanuel Macron is walking an equally tricky tightrope . . .” Hopefully, you spotted the glaring problem with this comparison. In 1720, the Great Plague in Marseille killed more than half the city’s population.

We have gotten to the point in this “pandemic” where government leaders and a worryingly high percentage of the American people are acting like COVID is a crisis on par with Marseille’s Great Plague. We have been buried in facts, figures, mountains of data, constantly shifting information, misinformation, and more. We are relentlessly briefed by the media about rising infection rates or the current capacity of local ICUs.

But cut through it all and ask — how many Americans are dying? According to Johns Hopkins, the fatality rate of COVID in the United States is 1.7 percent, which means that 98.3 percent survive. That takes into account all deaths, including people who had underlying conditions and the elderly. Excluding those who are obviously high-risk, the survival rate is close to 100 percent.

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Read the rest here.

RELATED:  Dr. Joseph Mercola at BasedUnderground reports ‘Pandemic of the Unvaxxed’ Is a Lie: 60% of Those Older Than 50 Who Die From COVID Are Double Vaxxed.

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Saturday, July 10, 2021

Deadly Censorship


Dr. Joseph Mercola has a lengthy report and analysis on ivermectin, a therapeutic for COVID, but the article (at basedunderground, here) goes much further, especially into the censorship of the medical professionals who challenge the official government narrative. Here’s the opening summary:


If the World Health Organization has been captured by Big Pharma and is putting out information that goes against medical science, then public health is at grave risk

While the WHO insists large randomized controlled trials (RCTs) must be completed before ivermectin can be recommended, RCTs actually are not the gold standard in terms of scientific evidence. Meta-analyses are

A meta-analysis of 24 RCTs clearly demonstrates that ivermectin produces large statistically significant reductions in mortality, time to clinical recovery, and time to viral clearance

Ivermectin distribution campaigns have also resulted in rapid population-wide decreases in morbidity and mortality, which indicate that ivermectin is effective in all phases of COVID-19

While the WHO and world governments are willing to roll the dice when it comes to the novel COVID shots, they insist on ridiculously high standards of safety and effectiveness when it comes to off-patent drugs that have decades of safe use

Here’s another extract:

DarkHorse host Bret Weinstein, Ph.D., has conducted a couple of long and really valuable interviews in recent weeks. 

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Weinstein interviewed Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine technology.6 In both instances, YouTube deleted the videos. Why? Because they discussed science showing ivermectin works against COVID-19 and the hazards of COVID gene therapies. Never mind the fact that Kory and Malone are the widely recognized leading experts in their fields.

In the wake of this targeted takedown, podcast host Joe Rogan invited Weinstein and Kory in for an “emergency podcast” about the censorship of ivermectin. As noted by Weinstein in a June 23, 2021, tweet, “The censorship campaign obscuring Ivermectin (as prophylactic against SARS-CoV2 and as treatment for COVID-19) kills.”7

Indeed, we now know that early treatment is crucial to prevent complications, hospitalizations, death and/or long-haul syndrome, so censoring this information is inexcusable, and has without doubt resulted in needless deaths.

The full article is here.  Censorship – in this case of YouTube videos – can be lethal.

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