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Showing posts with label chemicals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chemicals. Show all posts

Monday, March 13, 2023

Danger: Fake foods and control


Dr Joseph Mercola at America First Report explains why we should all be wary of fake meat, impossible burgers, and the like.  And such fake foods are already on many restaurant menus. 


  • I spoke with “Tea Time,” a program by Children’s Health Defense, about the dangers of fake meat products to help raise awareness about this latest assault on human health
  • Fake food — including lab-grown meat, animal-free dairy and plant-based meat — is the globalists’ latest attempt to control the food supply
  • The globalists are trying to replace animal husbandry with lab-grown meat, which will allow private companies to effectively control the human population
  • The idea that animals must be removed from agriculture to save the planet is flawed; animals are an integral, and necessary, part of the restorative process
  • Fake meat is an ultra-processed mixture of chemicals, GE ingredients, pesticides and toxic linoleic acid that will promote chronic disease

At face value, fake meat sounds like the perfect solution to end world hunger, protect animal welfare and save the planet from environmental destruction. Even a brief look below the surface reveals a much more nefarious reality, however.

. . .

Fake Meat Is All About Controlling the Food Supply

Fake food — including lab-grown meat, animal-free dairy and plant-based meat — is the globalists’ latest attempt to control the food supply. Former U.S. Secretary of State and national security adviser Henry Kissinger once said, “Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control people.” Controlling people is their whole agenda. . . .

Read the full report (with footnotes) here.

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Monday, February 20, 2023

Brandon fiddles

Gary Varvel cartoon at Townhall:

(except Biden Let’s Go Brandon is not at the White House;  he’s in Ukraine)