Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.
Showing posts with label door-to-door. Show all posts
Showing posts with label door-to-door. Show all posts

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Door-to-door: Are we next?


Kevin Downey Jr at PJ Media has another frightening report about what’s happening Down Under.  The headline:

Australia Building Quarantine Camps
as Military Goes Door-to-Door
to Enforce Lockdown Orders

The opener:

Welcome to Australia! Now Get in the Camp

Travelers visiting or returning to Australia will have to quarantine for 14 days at their own expense. Quarantine camps are going up around Australia and to little surprise. Australia has seen massive riots, protesting draconian lockdown measures. The Australian military has been brought in and is going door-to-door to make sure people are obeying lockdown orders.

If you know someone who has plans to protest, the police believe you are obligated to talk them out of it, or rat them out. This sounds like something the SS, KGB, and FBI would do.

The closing:

As mentioned, the army is now going door-to-door to make sure Australians are bending their knees. They did the same thing last year. The big difference is that now there are camps.

Are we next?  Or are we already almost there  -- or see here (there are so many reports of various sorts of governmental or institutional coercion to link to).  Full report by Mr. Downey at PJ Media is here.

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Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Getting the vaccine -- rammed down your throat


B.K. House at 100percentfedup has a chilling report:

In a statement during a White House press event, Jen Psaki claims that the “president has outlined 5- areas that his team is focused on to get more Americans vaccinated.”

The first “area” Ms. Psaki announced should alarm every American as they are planning a “targeted community by community, door to door outreach to get remaining Americans vaccinated by ensuring they have the information they need on how both safe and accessible the vaccine is.”

And by “information they need”, she means information that the left is trying to ram down the collective throat of all Americans. Anyone who is still clamoring for the left’s take on the vaccine most assuredly lives under a rock. The only information unavailable at this point are the true facts of the dangerous side effects that the left has censored and hidden in a jaw-dropping effort that would make Kim Jong Un proud.

On Twitter, one person wondered:

This means they must have a list of everyone who has been vaccinated so they know whose houses to go to?

A video of Jen Psaki’s press conference is at the link here.

In related news, at NOQ Report, Dr. Joseph Mercola tracks the censorship of one of the leading authorities on mRNA technology and research, one Dr. Robert Malone.

[Dr. Malone’s] Wikipedia, social media, videos, and podcasts are being systematically wiped from existence. He represents the anomaly in their plans to vaccinate everyone whether they want or need to be vaccinated or not, and that makes him dangerous.

Below, Dr. Joseph Mercola details some of the ways Dr. Malone has been erased so far. It’s ongoing; one is hard-pressed to find him anywhere online unless they’re getting their news from alternative outlets (like us) or they’re seeing his videos on Rumble. The Liberty Daily has three important videos of Dr. Malone stored for posterity and reference.

Full story is here.

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