Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.
Showing posts with label states right. Show all posts
Showing posts with label states right. Show all posts

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Daniel Horowitz has a plan


The ship of state is sinking, but Daniel Horowitz has a plan to counter the Biden Administration’s ongoing power grabs. His outline is at Conservative Review, and here’s his rationale:

. . .If Biden’s speech [the demonic one in Philadelphia] is really to be a turning point in this one-sided cold war that is heating up, conservatives should resolve to use the power they already wield over Republican governors and demand united action for states to protect constitutional rights from this thuggish Biden administration and national security deep state apparatus that threatens our liberties more than any foreign enemy in our history. Rather than making idle promises of winning back the House with RINOs or winning back the presidency years from now when it’s too late, we should be demanding action now from 20 or so GOP trifecta-controlled state governments. If they fail to take action now, then the entire point of federal elections with divided government is moot.

What would a coalition of federalism look like? A group of prominent governors, attorneys general, and state legislative speakers and majority leaders would initiate a declaration in one state – let’s call it the “Miami Declaration,” for example. The declaration would lay out a list of grievances and examples of the federal government violating the rights of the individual: from medical freedom and bodily autonomy to privacy infringement, collusion with big tech against First Amendment rights, and using federal agencies to persecute political opponents. The declaration would pronounce these states to be constitutional sanctuaries that protect all constitutional rights, including against the federal government. . . .

And in closing:

From now until the election, Republicans will seek to distract us with flaccid promises of deliverance in the future. The best way to verify their sincerity is by demanding that they actually use the power they currently hold to counter deeply destructive and unpopular policies from this regime.

The full column is here, and it includes specific suggestions on provisions and recourses that could be in a Declaration.  

As an Ohio voter, I have to wonder if Gov DeWine et al have the backbone and motivation to sign on to such a Declaration. So many in the GOPe are Uniparty.  Still, if you think Mr. Horowitz’s plan could be viable, please share the link with family and friends.

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