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Showing posts with label undercover. Show all posts
Showing posts with label undercover. Show all posts

Thursday, February 23, 2023

What Happened to James O'Keefe at Project Veritas?


Everyone knows that James O’Keefe and the organization he founded, Project Veritas, have parted company.  How could that possibly have happened?  Jeffrey A. Tucker published his thoughts on not only how it happened, but how it repeats an all-too-familiar pattern in the not-for-profit world.  Mr. Tucker's piece is reprinted by permission on Dr Robert W Malone's Substack page, and here’s a brief extract:

The Institutional Pathology That Took Down James O’Keefe

From the outside, it seems crazy. James O’Keefe as head of Project Veritas took the organization to new heights of fame and achievement of its core mission. His cage match with a Pfizer director—which took incredible guts—made for some of the most remarkable real-life footage in years.

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One might suppose that this would be the perfect time to build on success.

Alas, James has been pushed to resign as head of the organization. How is this possible? It seems utterly crazy.

Without knowing any of the details in the complaint against him, this episode has all the earmarks of a terrible institutional problem in nonprofits we’ve seen many times before. All it takes is a remarkable public-relations success, and a big infusion of funds, plus a weak, jealous, and confused board using disgruntled employees as shields for their misdeeds.

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Part of the problem traces to the legal structure of nonprofits. They are not owned by anyone. The board hires the president and the president hires the staff. The board is unpaid which usually means that they have no reason to be involved in the operations. But all the while, they have a sense that they should be controlling things even though they rarely understand anything about the operations.

Read the rest or Mr Tucker’s commentary at Dr Malone’s web page here.  This blogger spent many years working in non-profit organizations.  Mr. Tucker is spot-on.  And our household will be sending our contribution to whatever organization James O'Keefe ends up with.

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