Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Throwing Trump under the bus


There was no red wave on Tuesday, so many major bloggers are already throwing President Donald Trump under the bus, e.g.:

  • Matt Margolia at PJ Media here  ("Trump Mocks DeSantis Again...")
  • John Hinderaker at Power Line here  ("Goodbye, Donald")
  • Don Surber here   ("Life after Trump")
  • UPDATE:  The New York Post

The word “fickle” comes to mind.  

Trump endorsed 174 candidates.  So far, 9 lost.  

So 5% lost.  95% won.  That’s a damn good batting average. 

For those who think that Ron DeSantis is the new standard-bearer for conservatives, please take on board Sundance's deep dive into his campaign contributions (at Conservative Treehouse).

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You Will Own Nothing and You Will Be Happy


Dutch Journalist and Filmmaker Alain Grootaers has a guest essay at Dr Robert W Malone’s Substack, and it’s about the World Economic Forum (WEF).  Dr Malone prefaces the article with a cautionary comment: “It is important to understand that what has been happening to all of us over the last three years has been globally coordinated.”

Transcommunism is coming: Better watch out

. . . Today, we see the 'Never let a good crisis go to waste' reappearing in all kinds of bizarre initiatives: the best-known statement on this is of course that of WEF leader Klaus Schwab, who saw in the COVID crisis and the reactions to it not death, economic misery and an attack on fundamental human rights, but rather (as he stated) 'a narrow window of opportunity' to roll out the scenarios that have been ready since a few years ago and about which the man has been very frank.  You can read it all in his book “The Great Reset”.

Now, the mainstream press is always a bit gun-shy about the WEF, and very much underestimates the influence the 'little club' has on government leaders and policy.  Anyone who comments on this is quickly dismissed as a conspiracy thinker.  It is nothing more than an informal meeting of world leaders, influencers, NGOs and captains of industry, the specialized financial press said as recently as this spring.

That now appears to be slightly different.  

[Mr Grootaers then expands on current global initiatives currently underway in Canada and the Netherlands, for example.]

. . .

Such a digital Euro, centrally controlled by the ECB [European Central Bank] is the prelude to a total social control society on the Chinese model. With it, every financial transaction can not only be monitored but then adjusted or even banned.  Linked to credit or debit cards, your spending patterns can be accurately tracked. Linked to your “Covid Safe” card or app (which will be soon renamed as a Health Certificate) your money can be blocked in case of 'undesirable behavior'.

Bought too much meat or avocados from Africa this month causing your carbon footprint to go into the red? Then your digital money for these products will be blocked. Put too many bottles of Moët et Chandon Champagne in your shopping basket while your digital health certificate knows you have high blood pressure?  "Better not drink any more alcohol this month anyway" your digital money will say to you.

Anyone who already takes a plane once in a while will not be able to book their next flight if as a result your 'CO2 plane points' have been exceeded.  Airmiles will suddenly take on a whole new meaning.

Maybe the green tick on your digital pass will suddenly jump to red if it turns out that you have not been vaccinated, and you will be unable to buy anything at all.

And if you protest about it and want to hit the streets, the red tick might give a free pass to riot police to beat you up.  Excessive?  It already happened consistently last year at peaceful demonstrations in the Netherlands, Canada, Belgium and France.  And it’s all been happening in China.

"You Will Own Nothing and You Will Be Happy", they once told us in a video at the WEF. The first part of that slogan is getting close.  Allow me to have my doubts about the second part.  Transcommunism is knocking at the door.  Better not open.

Read the full article here. 

RELATED:   John Knox posted a thread by ‘The Mallard Reborn’ at Not The Bee.  It’s about surviving everything collapsing around our ears.  Not for the faint-of-heart.  Click here

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Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Whither the Red Wave


Gary Varvel cartoon at Townhall

Gen Z = voters under 30.  Robert Spencer at PJ Media explains the mid-term election results:

If Della Volpe’s numbers are correct, and 64% of voters between the ages of 18 and 29 really voted for Democrats, then one thing is clear: the corruption and politicization of our educational system has worked.

. . .

What he is crowing about is the apparent fact that the voting group with the least life experience and the most recent subjection to the Leftist indoctrination that dominates America’s educational system ended up voting as it was brainwashed to do. Gee, that’s terrific, if you like evidence of the success of the relentless propagandizing of a vulnerable and impressionable captive audience, but neither John Della Volpe nor anyone else should be proud of it. What it shows is not that the Leftist case is compelling or persuasive; it shows that patriotic Americans have been far too complacent in allowing public schools to become centers of Leftist indoctrination and hatred of our own nation and heritage.

. . .

. . . In China, Communist leader Mao Zedong began the Long March in 1934 to evade nationalist forces; the term, however, came to be associated with his slow, steady, patient rise to power, culminating in the Communist takeover of mainland China in 1949. The Long March Through the Institutions was the same kind of slow, steady takeover, as Communists, leftists, and their allies gradually gained control of America’s colleges and universities, its primary and secondary educational systems, its popular culture, and above all its ever-growing federal bureaucracy.

Mr Spencer concludes:

Many, if not most, of the Gen Z-ers who voted overwhelmingly for the Left will, as they get older, come to realize how foolish and wrongheaded they were to support socialist internationalism and the managed decline of the United States. But others will never wake up, and will applaud that decline as retribution for centuries of alleged racism and colonialism. Even as their own cities and towns become ever more squalid, poor, dirty, and dangerous, they will continue to think of themselves as righteous for having chosen all that. That pride will be all they have left.

Full column is here. 

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Tuesday, November 8, 2022

The “vaccines” do not work


Shawn Waugh at American Greatness explains why “The CDC Has Lost All Credibility”:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted 15-0 last month to add the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines to the recommended childhood schedule. . . .

The actual recommendation from the CDC is that children begin getting COVID-19 inoculations at 6 months of age. 

The CDC quickly pointed out that the organization cannot issue specific mandates and that the panel’s recommendation serves only to “help streamline clinical guidance for healthcare providers by including all currently licensed, authorized and routinely recommended vaccines in one document.”

That may be technically true. We know, however, that COVID-19 jabs, regardless of their true efficacy, have become a sacrament within the Branch Covidian church. Moreover, the CDC has significant influence on states and healthcare facilities regarding vaccination schedules. States commonly use CDC guidelines to protect themselves from legal liability when implementing local regulations. So the CDC’s decision will undoubtedly lead Covidian governors to add the CDC’s recommendation to their states’ vaccination schedules. In turn, this will mean parents must have their children vaccinated if they want them to attend public school, daycare, and participate in sports.

Before the tainted woke vote even took place, however, Florida’s Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo tweeted: “Regardless of what the CDC votes on whether COVID-19 vaccines are added to routine child immunizations—nothing changes in Florida.”

Florida and 19 other states [Ohio is one of them] have already implemented bans on COVID-19 vaccine mandates for students. And for good reason. The vaccines don’t work as advertised.

The Inconvenient Facts

We now know, without a doubt, that vaccination does not stop one from contracting or transmitting COVID-19. This is a far cry from the original false claims of the Covidian prophets about the jab.

Remember what they promised.

“When you get vaccinated, you not only protect your own health and that of the family but also you contribute to the community’s health by preventing the spread of the virus throughout the community,” said Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and chief medical advisor to the White House.

“You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations,” insisted Joe Biden.

“Vaccinated people do not carry the virus and don’t get sick,” vowed CDC Director Rochelle Walensky.

The CDC has since fervently walked back Walensky’s comments. No such luck from Fauci or the White House as they stand firmly behind their outright dishonesty and false doctrines.

We also know that children are at incredibly low risk of succumbing to COVID-19. A British study showed that the death rate from COVID-19 for those under 18 years old was 0.0002 percent. That’s two per million! It also showed that the survival rate for that same age group after a positive infection was 99.995 percent. This study doesn’t even include the scores of children who weren’t tested or who were unknowingly positive yet asymptomatic.

Not only do we know that the vaccines do not stop transmission, a top Pfizer official recently admitted to the European Parliament that their vaccine had not even been tested to see whether it prevented transmission. So the claims that it stopped transmission were entirely fabricated.

As for any adverse side effects, the Covidian clergy is quick to give a stump sermon dismissing these concerns and proclaiming the vaccines are “completely safe” and have the church’s blessing. It’s just another false edict.

There have been clear instances of young, otherwise healthy, vaccinated men with myocarditis. In young women, the vaccine can adversely affect and alter menstrual cycles. We still do not have adequate data concerning vaccination and pregnancy. We are just praying that we do not have another Thalidomide disaster on our hands.

Much more at the link here.  The State of Ohio has banned student vaccine mandates (the source map is here).  But so much damage has already been done.

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Election Day: Go Vote


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Monday, November 7, 2022

Blood Red Moon on Election Day: Not The Bee


Early on Tuesday morning, Election Day (Nov 8), the skies will be showing off with a “blood moon lunar eclipse” starting  at 5:16 am ET and ending at approx. 6:41 am ET. If you don’t have a good view (or if you don’t get up that early), Space.com will carry a livestream here.  One columnist, Daniel Payne led off his Not-The-Bee report with:

The moon is going to turn blood-red on Election Day, which . . .
 just seems overly cruel to Democrats, I'm sorry

An omen, or just another red herring? Heh.

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Trump Save America rally this evening in Dayton

President Donald J. Trump Holds Save America Rally
in Dayton, Ohio  ~  Monday Nov  7 at 8pm Eastern

Livestream link is accessible at Right Side Broadcasting Network here.

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