Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Monday, December 5, 2022

One frustrated conservative voter


Meme via Emerald Robinson's The Right Way on Substack 
(from her column on why Kevin McCarthy is a lousy candidate for House Speaker)

From a conservative reader:

All my vote does is to tell the Democrats how many votes they need to steal.

That's why you see suitcases of ballots coming in the back door (Detroit), from under the table (Atlanta), a truckload of 100,000+ ballots shipped from New York to Pennsylvania, voting machines failing en masse in Arizona, and easily hacked voting machines. That's how we got saddled with a corrupt senile pedophile as "President".

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Sunday, December 4, 2022

Preview: "New World Order" January Agenda


The World Economic Forum (WEF) will convene next month in Davos, Switzerland.  At The Dossier, Jordan Schachtel previews the agenda, i.e., to plot the next steps in the global take-over:

Each year, the WEF brings together a well-connected cadre of powerful public and private individuals and organizations behind heavily secured and invite-only doors for their annual meeting in Switzerland. Through this gathering, the global “elite” is provided a physical space to form narratives and ideas to bolster their power. The WEF is led by a comic book villain-like character in Klaus Schwab, its president. Schwab has dedicated his life to the advancement of a fascist agenda through which all power is controlled by the merger of the state and select corporate interests. 

Davos is where these corporate and governmental power centers coalesce behind big action items. Themes such as Build Back Better, The Great Reset, and ESG were facilitated and advanced by Davos-connected entities.

This year’s Switzerland confab will be titled, “Cooperation in a Fragmented World.” The major themes for the gathering will include (along with my interpretation for what this stuff actually means in plain English):  

1.    “Addressing the Current Energy and Food Crises in the context of a New System for Energy, Climate and Nature”

Essentially, the WEF wants you to eat bugs while energy becomes unaffordable due to the purposeful destruction of the global reliable energy sector. The “green transition,” as they call it, is necessary to save the world from ending. If you have questions about the climate change narrative, you’re an evil “climate denier.” Just ask Greta!

Read all the rest of the “themes” to be rammed down everyone’s throats ~ click here.

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Saturday, December 3, 2022

More deliberate destruction: food shortages


The editorial at Issues & Insights pretty much answers its own questions:

. . . Most by now have seen reports that Dutch officials are closing as many as 3,000 farms in the Netherlands, the world’s second-largest exporter of agricultural products by value even though it’s only slightly larger than Maryland, to comply with crackpot European Union carbon dioxide emissions rules. It’s possible that eventually more than 11,000 farms will be shut down, and 17,600 forced to sharply cut their livestock numbers.

On our side of the Atlantic, the malefactors are also busy. Just the News is reporting that the Environmental Protection Agency is quietly quadrupling the regulatory cost of carbon emissions in a new war on fossil fuels, which is, of course, also a war on the food supply.

“If you think about the fact that they would impose this damage factor, let’s say on farmers, because it applies to fertilizer,” Louisiana Solicitor General Liz Murill said on the John Solomon Reports podcast. “Fertilizer emits nitrous oxide. So fertilizer is a big contributor. If every family farmer now is going to have to pay more to obtain fertilizer to fertilize crops that feed us, well, what’s that going to do to the price of food?”

Are these mere coincidences, entirely unrelated, isolated events?

Could be. But …

  • U.S. farmers are convinced that “government meddling threatens their livelihoods and the nation’s food security.”
  • “Unrealistic green-energy policies in Europe – and the Biden administration’s hostility to U.S. energy production – are worsening energy shortages,” writes James Meigs in City Journal “With energy prices soaring, food production and distribution will suffer.”
  • Global skunks are promoting bugs as an alternative to the foods we enjoy, which is an implicit way of saying “you can eat insects, as unpalatable as they are, or you can go hungry – it’s almost time to choose.”
  • The White House has added agricultural land to the federal Conservation Reserve Program, encouraging farmers to leave their land fallow. It’s part, says essayist John Mac Ghlionn, writing in the Washington Times, “of a broader, government-wide push to halve greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. Interestingly, the Biden administration’s goal is very similar to the Dutch government’s goal.”
  • Canadian boy Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has proposed rules that will “decimate Canadian farming.” 
  • “Even as food shortages intensify, governments, including the Biden administration, are cracking down harder on agricultural production,” the Epoch Times reports. “While the attacks on agriculture and related industries look different in different nations, many experts say it’s a coordinated global policy being promoted by the U.N., the World Economic Forum (WEF), the European Union, and other international forces determined to transform civilization.”
  • “The Biden administration has engaged in an omni-directional assault on our food production system,” says the Heartland Institute.

As it turns out, all this is happening at the same time “the number of people affected by hunger has more than doubled in the past three years”, according to the United Nations, as “almost a million people are living in famine conditions, with starvation and death a daily reality.”

. . .

If only the WEF [World Economic Forum] were some fringe group that had no influence. But it’s not – it’s a well-funded syndicate with an axis of powerful followers.

Read the full editorial here. 

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Friday, December 2, 2022

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Here’s one way to commit election fraud


Jay Valentine at American Thinker describes how to steal votes:

Database latency -- a geeky term, but that’s how they did it!

[DEFINITION via SnowPlow: Data latency is the time it takes for your data to become available in your database or data warehouse after an event occurs.]

A policeman pulls over a speeder.  The police computer reports that three hours ago a similar vehicle and person held up a liquor store -- so the police are on alert. 

No database latency.

County election managers change the zip code of 31,000 voters on September 3. Ballots go out that week.  Those 31,000 are undeliverable.  Someone collects those valid ballots.  On September 15th, those addresses are quietly changed back. 

National Change of Address Database (NCOA) will not pick up those address changes.  They didn’t happen because there is no history.

The 31,000 citizens were getting their mail just fine -- except for ballots.  Ballot addresses were driven by the county mail-in ballot database -- the one that was changed, then changed back.

Welcome to database latency. 

Our bad guy pals know they can change voter rolls, take an action, then change them back.  Who would know? 

A thousand voters are changed from inactive, voted, then changed back, and how would you ever know?  With lots of complex footwork, you could eventually tell from their voter history file -- months after the election.

. . .

To Republicans, election engineering is civics.  To Democrats, it’s business -- and they are great at it!

They know the Republicans have hundreds of diligent election sleuths working in basements and dining room tables checking voter rolls for the dead and the fakes.

They know those people rely on NCOA and Melissa and other highly latent services as their baseline.  If someone moved, it shows up in NCOA -- two months later.

A real voter moved.  They want to keep getting their St. Jude’s donation cards.  They fill in their NCOA form to get mail forwarded to their new address.  Our fraud detectives find this person -- and maybe someone voted for them. Cross out one phantom!

Our bad guys are happy to give up a few retail-level ballots to hide the wholesale-level ballot-gathering apparatus.  They count on it. . . .

And this tactic is but one of many used to steal elections.  Read Mr. Valentine’s full report here.

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Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Defining "The Great Reset" a/k/a "New World Order"


Hillsdale College is one of the few educational institutions that does not accept state or federal tax dollars.  Consequently, it is free to offer a genuine classical liberal arts education.

Imprimis is a publication of Hillsdale College, and contributors adapt their various campus lectures to the print edition.  Last year, Michael Rectenwald, Chief Academic Officer for American Scholars, published “What Is the Great Reset? (Dec 2021)  

The Great Reset a/k/a Agenda 21 a/k/a Agenda 2030 a/k/a New World Order has been the subject of many linked reports on this blog.  The terms still prompt questions and skepticism, so I am linking to the online version of Mr Rectenwald’s essay; here’s the opening:

Is the Great Reset a conspiracy theory imagining a vast left-wing plot to establish a totalitarian one-world government? No. Despite the fact that some people may have spun conspiracy theories based on it—with some reason, as we will see—the Great Reset is real.

Indeed, just last year, Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF)—a famous organization made up of the world’s political, economic, and cultural elites that meets annually in Davos, Switzerland—and Thierry Malleret, co-founder and main author of the Monthly Barometer, published a book called COVID-19: The Great Reset. In the book, they define the Great Reset as a means of addressing the “weaknesses of capitalism” that were purportedly exposed by the COVID pandemic.

But the idea of the Great Reset goes back much further. It can be traced at least as far back as the inception of the WEF, originally founded as the European Management Forum, in 1971. In that same year, Schwab, an engineer and economist by training, published his first book, Modern Enterprise Management in Mechanical Engineering. It was in this book that Schwab first introduced the concept he would later call “stakeholder capitalism,” arguing “that the management of a modern enterprise must serve not only shareholders but all stakeholders to achieve long-term growth and prosperity.” Schwab and the WEF have promoted the idea of stakeholder capitalism ever since. They can take credit for the stakeholder and public-private partnership rhetoric and policies embraced by governments, corporations, non-governmental organizations, and international governance bodies worldwide.

. . .

Another way of describing the goal of the Great Reset is “capitalism with Chinese characteristics”—a two-tiered economy, with profitable monopolies and the state on top and socialism for the majority below. 

. . .

Other developments that advance the Great Reset agenda have included unfettered immigration, travel restrictions for otherwise legal border crossing, the Federal Reserve’s unrestrained printing of money and the subsequent inflation, increased taxation, increased dependence on the state, broken supply chains, the restrictions and job losses due to vaccine mandates, and the prospect of personal carbon allowances. . . .

Mr Rectenwald concludes:

Just as Schwab and the WEF predicted, the COVID crisis has accelerated the Great Reset. Monopolistic corporations have consolidated their grip on the economy from above, while socialism continues to advance for the rest of us below. In partnership with Big Digital, Big Pharma, the mainstream media, national and international health agencies, and compliant populations, hitherto democratic Western states—think especially of Australia, New Zealand, and Austria—are being transformed into totalitarian regimes modeled after China.

But let me end on a note of hope. Because the goals of the Great Reset depend on the obliteration not only of free markets, but of individual liberty and free will, it is, perhaps ironically, unsustainable. Like earlier attempts at totalitarianism, the Great Reset is doomed to ultimate failure. That doesn’t mean, however, that it won’t, again like those earlier attempts, leave a lot of destruction in its wake­—which is all the more reason to oppose it now and with all our might. 

The rest of this article is here. Mr Rectenwald has defined what the globalists want. 

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Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Neil Oliver: what can we do


A F Branco cartoon

How to fight the New World Order? Over the past weekend, Neil Oliver released his latest monologue, and it is a doozy.  Here’s part of the transcript:

. . . What should we do? How can we fight back?

I think about the answers to those questions all the time. Right now, I wonder what would happen if those who are cold in their homes – millions of people – just turned on their heating and turned off their direct debits and standing orders. What would happen if, when the bills came, we all just agreed to toss them on the fire? All of us together? What would happen, if millions of us, peacefully acting as one just stood together in quiet defiance? I could be wrong, but I don’t think there’s enough cells in the prisons, enough judges to hear the cases. If the system wasn’t already broken – by them – such actions would break it.

What would happen if we all withdrew our money from the banks on the same day? What would happen if we all asked, as we are entitled to, for the cash? The banks don’t have the money to meet all those demands and so presumably they would close their doors. Then what? Would their inability to pay out all that cash be evidence of the fraud that is fiat money? I wonder.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: the social contract – that notion by which we surrender power to the state in return for services and safety – is broken beyond repair. They broke it, not us. Successive governments – not just the present bunch of cardboard cut-outs … have, over decades, knowingly and deliberately betrayed every aspect of that contract. It is null and void and we, the blameless party, are no longer bound by its conditions.

We the people – the sovereign people of this country – don’t just hold the power: we ARE the power. We loan some of it – a short-term loan – to governments. And those governments are supposed to serve us, do our bidding. NEVER the other way round. We tell them what to do.

Hundreds of years’ worth of governments has quietly and secretively presided over a financial system that is no more than state-sanctioned fraud. Power to create money out of thin air was put in the hands of an entirely private, unelected, unaccountable business and this power has been abused to make a tiny group unimaginably rich by enslaving all of US with debt. That system is now on the point of collapse. The West is bankrupt, and governments and bankers are scrambling to solve a problem: how to subtract every last shekel from the people while still having a handful of wealthy bankers, and their enablers, left over.

. . .

But history tells us we should never underestimate the power of the many.

Them’s fightin’ words.  Could the strategy work?  Possiby, even probably.  My concern is, of course, with the iron-fisted and ruthless tactics now employed by the Deep State and the New World Order corruptocrats. 

Read the full transcript here.

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