Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Climate change prison


Here’s Andrea Widburg on the most recent climate change insanity:

. . . in accordance with UN and WEF climate recommendations, the city of Oxford (home to the famed university) approved plans mandating that citizens may not drive more than 15 minutes distance from their homes without permission. It’s called the “15 Minute City” and is intended to reduce auto emissions. Mostly, though, it will reduce liberty, which is what climate change madness has always been about.

. . .

Making choices based on lifestyle preferences is a perfectly sound, market-based way to go through life.

But the marketplace is not what globalists want. They want control. Certainly, that’s the case in and around Oxford, England. Word is trickling into America that both the leftist Oxfordshire County Council and the Oxford City Council have plans. Big plans.

. . .

And the conclusion:

. . . Socialism is totalitarianism, which exists under many names (theocracy, military junta, fascism, communism) but, no matter the name, the goal is always the same: Completely control a population for the benefit of a small, well-defined group of elites. In Oxford, England, with its new plan to trap people near their homes and spy on them wherever they go, we’re seeing the latest phase in the socialist crackdown that Rush [Limbaugh] identified 30 years ago.

Coming soon to a neighborhood near you.  Read Ms. Widburg’s column at American Thinker here.

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Wednesday, December 28, 2022

The Decline of Higher Education


The great Victor Davis Hanson goes through all sorts of “woke” reasons that colleges and universities are failing.  The full article (“Are Universities Doomed”) is at The Daily Signal here, but here’s his conclusion:

How ironic that universities are rushing to erode meritocratic standards—history’s answer to the age-old, pre-civilizational bane of tribal, racial, class, elite, and insider prejudices and bias that eventually ensure poverty and ruin for all.

VDH could as well be describing the decline of western civilization itself.

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Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Biggest Lies of 2022

It’s almost the end of 2022 and time for all those year-end round-ups.  Here’s a good start from Gabriel Keane at Valiant News:

Tucker Carlson recounted some of what he believes to be the biggest lies told by the Democrat Party and the federal government over the course of 2022 in one of the last editions of his show this year.

“So here, ladies and gentlemen, are our favorite lies of 2022,” Carlson announced. “We had an awful lot to choose from in making tonight’s list from Paul Pelosi’s late night crime scene to the endless propaganda about the Ukraine war, to the million non-existent Americans who actually didn’t get new jobs in the third quarter of the year.”

. . .

“People are dying of COVID, Joe Biden told us, because you have questions about an experimental mRNA shot that doesn’t really work and whose long-term effects we can’t know,” Carlson said. “You are the criminal here, not the Chinese government, because you’re ‘unvaccinated.’ You must be punished. That was the message from the White House picked up and eagerly disseminated by Biden’s equally soulless stooges in the media.”

The Fox News host claimed that vaccinated people are four times as likely hospitalized for Covid as unvaccinated people, a statement corroborated by the CDC.

More here.

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Monday, December 26, 2022

Congress: a Confederacy of Traitors


Sad to wrap up the Christmas weekend with more bad news from Washington.  You will already be aware that Congress just passed another 4,000+ page Omnibus spending bill that does nothing for conservative Americans. Actually, it’s worse than nothing, as so much of your tax dollars will be funding progressive projects and agendas that will make your blood boil. 

So it is no surprise that Julie Kelly is beyond disgusted with Congress.  She’s furious at both (D) and (R) members of the Uniparty.  She closes her recent American Greatness column with outrage:

. . . No group of politicians has licked the boots of President Zelenskyy more than Republican senators. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is among Zelenskyy’s biggest supporters, insisting this week that “providing assistance for Ukrainians to defeat the Russians is the number one priority for the United States right now according to most Republicans. That’s how we see the challenges confronting the country at the moment.”

And there you have it. One of the most powerful—albeit most unpopular—leaders in Washington thinks lining Zelenskyy’s army-green pockets with more U.S. tax dollars is a greater need than tackling any number of ongoing crises roiling the country right now.

In a last bit of symbolism Wednesday night, Zelenskyy exited the House chambers carrying the case holding the folded American flag. A two-bit actor and international con man walked out with billions of American dollars and a cherished token of America’s sacrifice and in the real fight for freedom, justice, and security.

And the fiends in the hall systematically destroying that legacy for the people they are elected to represent cheered again.


She’s right.  Read her column here.   

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Sunday, December 25, 2022

A Christmas inspiration


Neil Oliver’s Christmas monologue is inspiring to any of us who struggle with the decline of the West. Here’s his closing:

. . . Just because the help and leadership we need is not yet clearly in view … the seeds of it are there among us already, nonetheless. We must come to our own rescue in the year and years ahead because there’s no one else.

The Christmas story tells us that 2000 and more years ago, a baby boy was born into poverty and into obscurity. During the 33 years of the life of the man he became, he was recognized for what he really was, his true value, by relatively few. He died as he had lived, in obscurity. He was executed for standing up to, and challenging, the establishment, but by his actions the world was changed forever, for the better.

Sometimes the most obvious people change the world. At other times, it’s the people the world does not notice, that the world thinks nothing of and so ignores, who end up making all the difference.

I hope and also trust that this is one of those times. I have no faith in the obvious, loud people with their hands on the levers of power. We will be saved by our own actions in defiance of those who care for us not a jot and who prioritize only those they serve – which is to say the already rich and the already powerful, the banks, the markets and the global corporations. I say we should ignore the whole lot of them.

Here’s the thing: together, right now, we already have everything we will ever need, which is to say each other. We can share food and warmth and light.

We are free people. It’s Christmas and the Christmas message is that hope is here. Light in the dark.

Merry Christmas.  Read the full transcript or watch the video here.

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Santa refueling

Seen on Power Line :

Santa refueling (undoubtedly to the tune of 
“Try A Little Tenderness” from the Dr Strangelove soundtrack)

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