Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Constitution Requires Obama to Accept Congress' Decision on Syria

WASHINGTON, September 4, 2013 – By asking Congress to approve military action in Syria, President Obama is doing the right thing. But for the wrong reason, in the wrong way and based on a wrong understanding of our Constitution.

Obama mocks Congress and the nation by saying he will strike Syria even if Congress does not approve.

The President won’t admit it, but his transparent motive for seeking the vote is naked politics. Obama wants others to take the heat for his decision and he wants them to share the blame if anything goes wrong. In his usual way, even if things go as he plans, he wants to shift blame to others for the consequences and the expense. Guesstimates range from $100-million to a few billion dollars as the minimum cost.
But the entire debate rests on a false understanding about who should make the decision on striking Syria and how the decision should be made. 

From the White House and even on Capitol Hill, the debate ignores the plain language of how our Constitution allocates military authority between the executive and legislative branches. Usually the only two clauses mentioned are those making the President the commander-in-chief and giving Congress the power to declare war.

But in Article 1, Section 8, immediately before granting Congress that power to declare war, the Constitution also grants Congress the power “to define and punish … offenses against the law of nations.” This all-important provision routinely is ignored by Congress, by Presidents and by our media.

Not since World War II has a formal declaration of war been approved by Congress. Yet we’ve fought wars in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and the Middle East. Because formal declarations of war have become archaic — rightly or wrongly— we need to discuss and follow the Constitution’s provision that says Congress, not Presidents, should decide what offenses justify military force without formally declaring war (and when the President is not defending us from actual or imminent attacks).

There is no grant of power to the President to decide what international offenses justify punishment by the United States.

The President’s entire defense role is confined to Article 2, Section 2:
The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States.
But Article I, Section 8, enumerates six powers of Congress pertaining to national defense. These include raising and supporting armies and a navy, making the rules that govern the armed forces, and organizing, arming, and disciplining state-level militia as well as the army and navy.

And Congress is granted the authority to “define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offences against the Law of Nations.”

What are “offences against the law of nations?”

The term is vague, which is why our Founding Fathers also granted Congress the exclusive power to define the term. This can include passing laws and also crafting a response to a specific international situation such as Syria. America’s sovereignty is not surrendered to some overseas tribunal to dictate to us in the name of international law.

Nor does our Constitution let the President decide. Congress is to make this decision; Congress is given the power to define international offenses as well as to punish them.

Making tough decisions like this runs counter to the political skittishness of many Senators and Congressmen. It also would reverse the dangerous trends of Congress’ abdicating its authority and of giving too much power to the executive branch and bureaucrats. The Constitution’s standard is tough but is healthy for America.

If Syrian President Assad used chemical weapons against the United States or made some other direct attack upon us, President Obama properly could launch an immediate military response as commander-in-chief.

But if Assad’s offense is that he offended international requirements—the “law of nations”—then our Constitution says Congress must decide the punishment, which might include authorizing military actions. President Obama’s constitutional duty is to abide by what Congress might decide.

By turning to Congress, President Obama did the right thing. But unless he accepts Congress’ decision on Syria, Obama has done the right thing for the wrong reason and in the wrong way.

Reluctant to defund Obamacare or stop amnesty, but a strike on Syria gets support????

Reluctant to defund Obamacare or stop amnesty, 
but a strike on Syria gets support????

If you are outraged by Speaker John Boehner and GOP Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s support of the administration’s proposed strike on Syria, call them and tell them that Americans should not be on the same side with Al Quaeda. The Senate committee vote was close. From The Hill:

A Senate panel voted 10-7 Wednesday in favor of a resolution authorizing military force against Syria, setting up a final Senate vote as early as next week.

Seven Democrats and three Republicans backed the measure, while five Republicans and two Democrats on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee opposed it.

Chairman Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) said the measure would be sent to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Monday.

Approval by the panel was expected, but the tight vote suggests a final vote in the Senate could be close. 
We all deplore the use of chemical weapons, but this is a no-win situation. On one side is the dictator Assad, head of the Syrian Ba'ath Party (same party as Saddam Hussein). On the other side are rebels comprised in large measure of Al Qaeda jihadists. The enemy of my enemy is, in this case, my enemy. And a strike that the Obama administration has already telegraphed in advance, and a "limited" one that is not intended to advance any specific goal, certainly not any American security interests, will only increase the risks of unintended consequences. 
Opposed to RINO politicians who support a military strike on Syria but won’t defund Obamacare?
Opposed to RINO politicians who support a military strike on Syria but won’t pledge to defeat any House bill on Immigration “reform”?
Opposed to RINO politicians who are voicing their support of an administration that is planning to strike Syria even if Congress votes not to authorize
All good reasons to call the RINO GOP “leadership.”
Patriots can email or call Sen. Portman to press him to oppose a strike. At present he seems to be sitting on the fence and calling for a broad international coalition, which does not appear to be forthcoming.
Contact info for Senator Portman:
448 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-3353

1240 East 9th Street
Room 3061
Cleveland, OH 44199
Phone: 216-522-7095

312 Walnut St.
Suite 3075
Cincinnati, OH 45202
Phone: 513-684-3265

And here are Speaker John Boehner’s details. Again.
Butler County Office  PH (513) 779-5400
Miami County Office PH (937) 339-1524
Clark County Office   PH (937) 322-1120

D.C. Office
PH  (202) 225-6205
FAX (202) 225-0704

And his mailbox (send postcards):
Speaker John Boehner
7969 Cincinnati-Dayton Road, Suite B
West Chester, OH 45069

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor
763 Madison Road #207
Culpeper, VA 22701
Phone: (540) 825-8960
Fax: (540) 825-8964

4201 Dominion Blvd. #110
Glen Allen, VA 23060
Phone: (804) 747-4073

Fax: (804) 747-5308

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Over 1,000,000 signatures

27 Days to Obamacare : If you have not yet signed the online petition Don’tFundIt, go here. You will receive an email to confirm that you intended to sign the petition. As of 5 pm on Tues., Sept. 3, there were over 1,048,000 signatures, and counting. We’re on our way to two million.

From an earlier post about both the initiative to defund Obamacare and another to kill the immigration “reform” bill in the House: 
Today, health care has returned to the forefront as Tea Party Patriots urge lawmakers to strip funds needed to implement the new health law, while also protesting a proposed overhaul of the immigration system.
The immigration / amnesty bill is arguably the more urgent of the two, but responding to Sen. Ted Cruz’s call for a grassroots “tsunami” at the Don’t Fund It website, and at TownHalls and on the phones, can affect both the delay of Obamacare AND stopping Immigration “Reform.” 
Be a part of Ted Cruz’s grassroots tsunami! Make some calls to senators who need some persuasion. Scroll down the Don’t Fund It webpage and take your pick. Or get on Speaker John Boehner's case again:

The Speaker's D.C. Office:
PH  (202) 225-6205
FAX (202) 225-0704

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Monday, September 2, 2013

Happy Labor Day 2013

We hope everyone enjoys their day today by celebrating the labor movement and contributions American workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.

To read about the history of Labor Day, click here.

Sunday, September 1, 2013


29 Days to Obamacare : If you have not yet signed the online petition Don’tFundIt, go here. You will receive an email to confirm that you intended to sign the petition. As of 4 pm on Sun., Sept. 1, there were over 993,200 signatures, and counting. Let’s get that number over a million and then start on the next million.


While on a phone call with Jenny Beth Martin (Co-founder of Tea Party Patriots) discussing the upcoming rally, she shared with Marianne Gasiecki (Ohio Co-cordinator) some of what she's being told on Capitol Hill. Marianne reports:

According to the insiders that she spoke with last week, our calls, emails and town hall attendance are working.  Congressmen that are normally silent are pushing back against Boehner, telling him that they cannot support a continuing resolution that does not
defund Obamacare.

Because of our efforts here in Ohio and across the country, these Congressmen are saying that if they do support Boehner's position, they will not be able to run for re-election.

Job well done everyone!
Now let's turn up the heat!  

Our message is this:  
Defund Obamacare, period.  
No More Excuses.
Just Get it Done!

And if they do try to give you excuses, this is what you can tell them:

The RNC adopted a resolution this past summer to defund Obamacare.  If the "Party" wants it, and the majority of Americans want it, why aren't you getting it done? Click here to see the resolution.

If they try to tell you they can't affect mandatory spending, The National Federation of Republican women have this to say:

Can ObamaCare be defunded through an appropriations bill? Yes.

By refusing to appropriate funds to implement and enforce ObamaCare, the law would remain intact but the processes required to implement the bill's provisions, like the exchange marketplace, could not continue being implemented and the various mandates the law created could not be enforced.

What about the difference between mandatory and discretionary spending?

A defunding measure in an appropriations bill can stop discretionary spending and some mandatory spending, and there are two good examples of this being done recently: one, the Hyde Amendment bans federal funding for abortion by amending the Medicaid entitlement program and has been attached to appropriation bills since 1976; second, Congress already defunded the co-op health insurance program which was part of ObamaCare in section 1857 of the Continuing Resolution passed in April 2011. The Heritage Foundation states that, "Congress routinely enacts changes to mandatory spending as part of its annual appropriations process....the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) recognizes these changes when analyzing spending bills and scores them as CHiMPS--changes in mandatory program spending."

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Saturday, August 31, 2013

Rubio Heckled at "Defending American Dream Summit" & Business Leaders Counting on GOP for Immigration Reform

Thinking he was in a safe environment in speaking at the Americans For Prosperity "Defending the American Dream Summit," when taking the stage, Senator Marco Rubio was heckled and booed for his support of weak immigration reform..... 
A small but loud group booed and heckled Florida Sen. Marco Rubio while he tried to give a speech at a conservative conference here Friday, a sign that his support for a bipartisan immigration bill has hurt him within some elements of the Republican Party.

“No Amnesty!” several people shouted when Rubio walked to the lectern at the Defending the American Dream Summit, an annual gathering of Republicans and conservatives organized by the advocacy group Americans for Prosperity. (More.....)
Besides Rubio rightly being booed for undermining the very voters that elected him, one has to wonder why this Koch Brothers event was named "Defending the American Dream Summit." 

With the Koch Brothers hosting pro-amnesty forums and having the Koch Brothers funded Cato Institute hypocritically claiming that an influx of illegal immigrants will help the economywhen in fact an influx of illegal immigrants will drive down current wages and will actually take jobs from Americans workers -- the AFP "Defending the American Dream Summit" could / should have been called "Undermining the American Dream Summit."

So while Rubio is being heckled and booed over his signature immigration reform bill (S. 744), business leaders are now counting on GOP Leadership in the House to deliver low wage workers that will take American jobs.... (emphasis added)
"We believe strongly that fixing the immigration system makes for a healthier American economy and must attract individuals from around the world," said Matt Sonnesyn, director of research for the Business Roundtable.

"We are making sure we have the labor force needed, especially in the service industries, so as the economy gets cooking, we're better able to maintain productivity."

He also is encouraged to see House lawmakers, especially those in leadership, consistently talking about need for a careful process. 

"They are talking about how to move it forward, not about how to kill it," he said. 
With a current unemployment rate of 7.4% and unemployment rates increasing in 28 states we do not need to import workers from around the world, there are plenty of unemployed and under employed Americans that can fill the labor force needed!

Make no mistake on the push for immigration reform -- the Democrats want it for votes and the establishment elite in the GOP are trying to deliver for their corporate donors that wish to drive down wages even further by undercutting American workers in exchange for illegal immigrants willing to take low paying jobs.

Contact Speaker Boehner, (202)225-0600, and tell him we do NOT support Rubio's Senate Comprehensive Immigration Bill (S744) and we do not want it in conference committee with any weak immigration bills crafted by the House!

And make sure to join grassroots groups from across Ohio as the stand together against Illegal Immigration in Speaker Boehner's District on Saturday Sept. 7th at the "Rally For America".

It is time to put the United States and American Citizen's first!  

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Be part of the Ted Cruz's conservative tsunami

32 Days to Obamacare : If you have not yet signed the online petition Don’tFundIt, go here. You will receive an email to confirm that you intended to sign the petition. As of 7 pm on Thurs., Aug. 29, there were over 886,100 signatures, and counting. Let’s get that number over a million.

Be part of the Ted Cruz tsunami

Tea Party Patriots were in the news yesterday. The Wall Street Journal ran a front page story "Anger at IRS Powers Tea-Party Comeback," featuring Jenny Beth Martin: 

With clipboard in hand and "don't tread on me" rattlesnake earrings dangling, Jenny Beth Martin, the woman sometimes described as the tea party's den mother, stood guard over the microphone at a Capitol Hill protest of the Internal Revenue Service's targeting of conservative groups. 
. . .
The uproar has revived media attention and renewed the intensity of many tea-party supporters. Just last week, Mrs. Martin says, the Patriots received a new letter from the IRS asking for additional information about the group's activities, including copies of all direct-mail solicitations and telemarketing scripts before the 2012 election and any advertising materials in 2013. "This is beyond anger and frustration," she says.
  . .
Today, health care has returned to the forefront as activists urge lawmakers to strip funds needed to implement the new health law, while also protesting a proposed overhaul of the immigration system. [emphasis added]
The immigration / amnesty bill is arguably the more urgent of the two, but responding to Sen. Ted Cruz’s call for a grassroots “tsunami” at the Don’tFundIt website to Defund Obamacare, and at TownHalls and on the phones, can delay Obamacare AND stop Immigration “Reform.” A  giant wave of grassroots action can influence legislators, especially those up for re-election in 2014, on both issues.
Be a part of Ted Cruz’s conservative grassroots tsunami! Make some calls to senators who need persuasion or can't seem to find their backbones. Scroll down the Don’t Fund It webpage and take your pick.