Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

President Biden’s Words of Division


Heather Mac Donald watched President Biden’s inaugural speech so you didn’t have to.  Her commentary at City Journal begins:

It’s an odd way to seek national unity: call a significant portion of the American public white supremacists, racists, and nativists. Welcome to the Biden presidency.

Joe Biden’s inaugural speech as 46th president is predictably being hailed for its “unifying” message. And just as predictably, his invocations of the divisive bromides of the identitarian Left are being swept under the rug.

According to Biden, we are a “great nation” and a “good people.” But we also oppress minorities with an ever-rising fervor. “Growing inequity” is among the greatest challenges facing the country, according to Biden, along with the “sting of systemic racism” and encroaching “white supremacy.” Only now are we confronting “a cry for racial justice, some four hundred years in the making.”

One might have thought that more than 50 years of civil rights legislation; the banishing of Jim Crow segregation; the ubiquity of racial preferences throughout corporate America, higher education, and government; trillions of dollars of tax dollars attempting to close the academic achievement gap; and the election of black politicians by white voting districts would have reduced inequity, not increased it. But to Biden’s speechwriters, steeped in academic victimology, racial inequity is always with us, requiring constant remediation from government.

Ms. Mac Donald’s full commentary is here. 

Note:  When this blog makes reference to President Biden’s speech, or decision, or agenda, or whatever, I assume he is delivering whatever his masters require.

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Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Thoughts for January 20


For conservative Americans, the past couple of months have been devastating. George Parry blogs at Knowledgeisgood, and his posting from January 1 struck a chord.  He begins:

Beware of the Thing That Is Coming

A number of you have kindly inquired as to why I have recently been absent from these pages. The reason is that, since early November, the only matter worth discussing has been the outright theft of the 2020 presidential election, and, as will be explained below, I have been emotionally and intellectually  unable to rationally address the topic.

President Trump won re-election by an historic landslide. He has been denied his rightful victory by means of corrupted voting machines and the massive use of unverified and unverifiable mail in ballots. I won’t go into the details since I would just be repeating all the depressing and alarming facts with which I am sure you are already familiar. But, watching events unfold, it has become apparent that there was nothing subtle about the theft. It has been the electoral equivalent of an in-your-face smash and grab robbery – as in, yeah, we stole the election and there’s nothing you can do about it.

On the emotional side, I have been too angry to write coherently about the theft and what it will mean for the future of this country. The consequences of the theft extend far beyond the fate of President Trump. Those who conspired to steal the election now have in place the tools to oppress the majority. Think of the massive demonstrations in Venezuela by the majority who oppose the Maduro dictatorship. The masses may demonstrate and protest, but so what?  Maduro and his thugs remain in control and will continue to “win” elections into perpetuity using the same voting machines and software now being used (in conjunction with fake mail in ballots) to deprive Trump of victory.

Will the majority in America suffer the same fate as its counterpart in Venezuela? If Trump, who won a huge landslide, can be cheated out of victory, what chance will lesser candidates have in the future?

Read the rest here.

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Today is the “inauguration”

 In observance of today’s “Inauguration,” here’s Tom Stiglich’s cartoon via Townhall:

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Tuesday, January 19, 2021

The Cruelest Hoax Of All: COVID-19

Mark Wauck at MeaningInHistory nominates COVID-19 as:

The Cruelest Hoax Of All

Which hoax? We live in an age of hoaxes, so there's a lot of competition for the honor of being the cruelest hoax of all. My vote still goes to the Covid hoax. I base that on the sheer unprecedented amount of damage done by this hoax: business failures, unemployment, lockdowns, depression and its attendant ills, education stoppages that hurt the poorest students most, mass fear bordering on--and not infrequently exceeding--hysteria, widespread paranoia and the breakdown of social solidarity. And last but not least--perversely mistaken withholding of effective treatments (the HCQ regime and Ivermectin) in favor of dangerous and often fatal "treatments", such as mechanical ventilation, leading to far too many unnecessary deaths. Most of this damage was inflicted in knowing violation of all scientific and medical norms regarding viruses in general and coronaviruses in particular. Now we're witnessing the rush to lift many of the absurd measures that were taken--simply because Trump has been ousted by our ruling oligarchy. Which leads to the very reasonable supposition that this was an essentially political hoax that took advantage of unscientific hysteria that was propagated with a purpose.

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there has been an appalling lack of transparency throughout this whole hoax, which has facilitated its political weaponization.

Read the rest here (includes links to reports and videos).

RELATED:  Steven W. Mosher: The doctor who denied COVID-19 was leaked from a lab had this major bias at the NY Post here.

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Monday, January 18, 2021

Accomplishments of President Trump


This past weekend was filled with relentlessly discouraging headlines.  But Toni Williams at VictoryGirlsblog had an upbeat column about “The Greatest Accomplishment of Donald Trump.” She begins:

President Donald J. Trump will leave the White House early on the morning of January 20, 2021. He is not sticking around to watch the Cheater-in-Chief be inaugurated. Quite frankly, I am glad. If Trump attended the Inauguration, it would give a legitimacy to Joe Biden that was never afforded to Trump. As we say goodbye to his Presidency, it is right that we should look at his accomplishments and ask which one was the greatest?

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Trump was unabashed in his love of this Country. “Make America Great Again”, “Keep America Great” and “America First” all have one thing in common: America. Every Trump rally, every truck rally, every boat rally and every motorcycle rally was filled with happy patriots waving the American flag. Admit it, it felt so good to be proud of your country in public again.

Those are just the morale accomplishments. The actual accomplishments listed by the White House are breathtaking. Read them here.

Other columnists have suggested that President Trump’s greatest accomplishment was pulling the masks off the corrupt Deep State and swamp-dwellers.  Anyway, the rest of Ms. Williams’s column is here.

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Sunday, January 17, 2021

For all you Browns fans

 Seen on social media:

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