Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.
Showing posts with label Mark Wauck. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mark Wauck. Show all posts

Friday, June 9, 2023

US Enters Banana Republic Territory


Mark Wauck at Meaning in History has as succinct a take on the Trump indictment as any of the commentary I’ve read:

. . . For now I’ll simply state that Trump is correct. He IS an innocent man, innocent of any charges stemming from his possession of documents relating to his presidency. Make no mistake about this. It’s a joint, bipartisan, project of the Uniparty. The Republican participants—key among them Bluto Barr—retain the right to criticize Zhou, whom they helped put in the White House, but they will support the attempted lynching of Trump. The DC political establishment has closed ranks with the Deep State to assert its right—as against We The People—to select the POTUS and to punish anyone who transgresses against their Will to Power. This is a day that will live in infamy.

Mr. Wauck’s posting is here.

Moving to Substack: this blog now also appears here.

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Friday, January 27, 2023

Mark Wauck: “settled science” and "misinformation"


Whether it’s challenges to the claims about “man-made climate change,” the COVID vaxx, or other examples of “misinformation,” a judge in California has issued an injunction against that state’s attempt to muzzle and penalize any doctors who disagree with the CDC’s and other government mandates on COVID (vaxx, masks, etc.). Mark Wauck at Meaning in History reports:

This tactic cleverly relies upon the common misconception that “science” consists of a body of settled knowledge that is above challenge, rather than being a process of continuing inquiry that relies to a great degree precisely upon challenges to previous consensus (I simplify, of course). This notion of a settled body of knowledge—identified as such by Leftist ideologues without regard to evidence as such—is then used to shut down debate on whatever happens to be the latest Leftist pseudo scientific cause—”settled science” so just shut up! You’re an ignoramus if you dare object, or if you demand evidence to back up the Left’s latest campaign.

We’ve seen this tactic employed repeatedly, first in “social science” fields and now even in the “hard” sciences. Most recently, with the use of the charge of “misinformation—it has evolved into a full assault of the First Amendment and an instrument of social control. The Covid Regime, with its numerous scientifically unjustified mandates—masks, distancing, plexiglass screens, and so forth—has offered fertile ground for the extension of draconian anti-freedom controls over the populace. All in the name of an invented and often contradictory “scientific consensus” which usually boils down to an uninformed and arbitrary bureaucratic consensus.

. . . Specifically, [Judge William] Shubb attacks the definition of “misinformation” as something that is contradicted by a supposed “scientific consensus”—a highly problematic concept.

In an order Wednesday, Shubb criticized the law’s definition of “misinformation,” which is “false information contradicted by contemporary scientific consensus contrary to the standard of care.”

Shubb, who called the definition “nonsense” at a court hearing Monday, said in Wednesday’s order that it was “grammatically incoherent.”

Beyond that, Shubb’s order also criticized the phrase “contemporary scientific consensus,” saying that it doesn’t have an established meaning in the medical field.

“The statute provides no clarity on the term’s meaning, leaving open multiple important questions,” the order said. “For instance, who determines whether a consensus exists to begin with? If a consensus does exist, among whom must the consensus exist (for example practicing physicians, or professional organizations, or medical researchers, or public health officials, or perhaps a combination)?”

That lack of clarity, the judge added, makes it impossible to determine what the new law prohibits.

“I think he correctly analyzed the facts and the law and understood that the concept of a ‘contemporary scientific consensus’ is highly problematic,” said Richard Jaffe, an attorney representing one of the challenges to the rule.

Mr. Wauck concludes:

Given that the federal judiciary—right up to the SCOTUS—has largely been missing in action while the Left has been running roughshod over our constitutionally protected freedoms, it’s refreshing to see a judge directly challenging these tactics. Hopefully this case will establish a precedent for dismantling this Leftist assault on freedom.

Source links are here and here.

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Friday, June 24, 2022

Pushback Against COVID Jabs for Babies


Yves Smith at Naked Capitalism has encouraging news from the medical profession (h/t Meaning in History):

Growing Revolt Among Medical Practitioners 
Against Vaccinating Toddlers for Covid

From IM Doc via e-mail:

I had a moment today where I realized that it may very well be the nursing and the pharmacy professions that begin the long slow pushback against the over-prescription of Covid vaccines.

Two things in two different parts of the country happened.

Today in our county, which recall is over 80% vaccinated and hence has been very receptive of Covid vaccines for adults, I was called to an urgent meeting because it may be that hospital staff would need to be pulled to the Health Dept. Why? – Because the inoculation of the less than 5 [year olds] is beginning – and all 3 of the Health Department nurses resigned in protest. They are simply not going to give these kids these inoculations. When a nurse on my staff was approached with filling in the deficit – her response (in my presence and that of the supervisor) – “Not only no – but F*** no.”

It turns out the county Health Department found no nurses willing to do this. So our entire vaccine program for everyone not just kids was on hold.

After more panicked efforts, they found one nurse to give the shots. That nurse too refuses to give it to the babies. She will be there only to do the shots for 18 and up. She will not even give to teens. I am sure they will eventually find people to do it, but it is profoundly admirable of these nurses. I will be doing all I can to help them get other employment.

. . .

Read the full story here. 

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Thursday, May 26, 2022

News out of the Davos conference


Mark Wauck of Meaning In History has a very good, if depressing, overview of the relentless bad news coming out of Davos. This blog has already posted a report by Dr Joseph Mercola on the globalists’ threat to our food supply; click here.  Mr. Wauck starts off:

The Elites Are Plotting Against Us In Plain View

Yes, it’s that time of year, and the Neo-Malthusian global elites are meeting in Davos, plotting in plain view, scheming to get us normals under their thumbs—and make it hurt. Not kidding—they’re talking a lot about pain.

Zhou [Biden!] let the cat out of the bag the other day, when he said that high gas prices were part of the “incredible transition”. Incredible transition? Great Reset? Sounds the same to me—and it is. I was struck by this article—no I didn’t read it. I just saw enough at FR to get the gist:

Democrats Quietly Search for an Alternative to Biden in 2024
NY Magazine ^ | 5/24/2022 | By Gabriel Debenedetti

As they look toward 2024, Democrats are unified in their conception of doom: the restoration of Trump, joined down-ballot by anti-democratic Republicans who will end fair elections and any hope of combating climate change.

Climate change.  [This blog recently posted links on that one also; click here.] That’s what caught my eye. The whole point of the electoral coup against Trump was to seize the moment to jam the Green agenda, the Great Neo-Malthusian Reset, down our throats. Problem is, they’ve screwed up so badly that they can see approaching doom, in spite of the rigging.

Don Surber sees what they’re trying to do. I think Zhou’s “incredible transition” moment was an epiphany for Don. Read it all. 

Click here for the rest of Mr. Wauck’s report, including extracts from Don Surber’s blog.

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Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Exposing Pfizer vaccine: under-reported adverse reactions


Mark Wauck (at Meaning in History) has shocking Pfizer “vaccine” updates from the NZ Daily Telegraph:

This article appeared in the NZ Daily Telegraph. It’s addressing the recent FOIA induced revelations from Pfizer, which revelations give just a glimpse of how bad the adverse event data is. I say ‘just a glimpse,’ because Pfizer acknowledges that “the magnitude of [adverse event] underreporting is unknown”. Read that as many times as is necessary for the implications to sink in—

governments around the world are coercing millions upon millions of perfectly healthy and not-at-risk people to get injected with an experimental gene therapy that has produced unprecedentedly horrific side effects—and Pfizer acknowledges that, bad as that is, “the magnitude of [adverse event] underreporting is [as yet] unknown”.

And governments, knowing this, are pushing ahead with new, draconian mandates, regardless. This is the final breach of faith, now in plain sight whereas previous such breaches of faith were kept hidden.

We know all this already, but I’ll be quoting extensively from the NZ article because the author, Guy Hatcherd, puts it all in a brilliant perspective. Read it and share it widely. The pushback in the US appears to be getting stronger by the day, and this type of articulate, informed perspective is what’s needed to keep things going in the right direction. This is Guy Hatcherd:

Guy Hatchard PhD is a statistician and former senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory.

And this is an excerpted version of his article—severely pruned to simply follow the main lines of the argument:


    • Document released by Pfizer apparently as a result of a Freedom Of Information court order in the USA reveals a vast array of previously unknown vaccine adverse effects compiled from official sources around the world.
    • Pfizer concedes this is ‘a large increase’ in adverse event reports and that even this huge volume is under reported.
    • Over 100+ diseases are listed, many very serious.
    • This document was compiled by Pfizer in the very early days of the vaccine rollout in NZ but was possibly not supplied to our government.
    • We examine the implications for government.

. . .

The sheer density of the technical medical terms and disease names are nevertheless broken down into recognisable and serious categories of illness—kidney failure, stroke, cardiac events, pregnancy complications, inflammation, neurological disease, autoimmune failure, paralysis, liver failure, blood disorders, skin disease, musculoskeletal problems, arthritis, respiratory disease, DVT, blood clots, vascular disease, haemorrhage, loss of sight, Bell’s palsy, and epilepsy.

Read the rest here. 

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Sunday, November 21, 2021

Scott Adams: Are Things Really That Bad?


This past year has been overwhelming to patriots everywhere – and not in a good sense.  Is it as bad as we think?  Dilbert creator Scott Adams apparently thinks so;  he recorded a podcast, and since I rarely listen to podcasts, I was grateful to see that Mark Wauck at Meaning in History transcribed some of it.  Here’s what Mr. Wauck posted:

A reader sent me a link to the Scott Adams podcast from yesterday. It’s nearly an hour long, but I’ve transcribed a brief portion of it. Adams is talking about the feeling he has that people have had enough, that there’s a growing sentiment of: We’ve had enough. He goes on a mild rant about the way he—and we—used to think just a few years ago, compared to where we’re at now. Of course it’s subjective, but I think it can be supported by a wide range of events that speak to public sentiment:

I think a lot of people have hit a wall.


We used to think that official data from government and big companies was probably mostly honest and sufficiently accurate, even if it had some problems. Do you believe that anymore?

I think now we believe that all data is fake. Because it mostly is. Maybe not intentionally, but there's always some context left out or something. I think we're now more likely to think that all data is fake as the default assumption. Whereas, it used to be the opposite. Just a few years ago.

Just a year ago a lot of people--smart people!--would have said the Second Amendment doesn't protect you from your government, because the government has better guns. Do you believe that now? Today, does anyone believe that guns are NOT the only thing keeping us from being Australia? I think Australia gave you all the learning you needed on that. The lockdown that Australia is experiencing, that can't happen here in America--because of the Second Amendment.

And then, of course, the Russian Collusion Hoax taught us that there's no limit to government corruption. I honestly thought there was a limit. ... When the people on the Right were first talking about the Russian Collusion Hoax being a Hillary Clinton paid operation with the Deep State behind it, CIA was part of it, and all that--do you know what I thought? I thought, well, there's certainly something sketchy going on here, but it's not THAT bad. It's not like collusion between Intel agencies and Democrats. It's not THAT. But it was. It was every bit of that. The worst thing you can imagine that anyone could do to this country? They were doing it. It's the worst thing your government could have done to you--and they were doing it HARD.

So my understanding of how far my government would go to retain power and screw the citizens is way different than it was a few years ago. Now I know they'll do ANYTHING. I didn't think that before. And they'll tell any lie because they can get away with it. I didn't think THAT. I didn't think anybody would lie in public if it was easy to fact check them. Wrong. WRONG. You can lie all you want in public, cuz you've got your own fact checkers. ...

I have to say, that’s about where I’m at now. Not that I was gullible before, or slow to catch on to the various hoaxes that have been perpetrated by the Power Elite, but I guess—a bit like Adams—I resisted the notion that it could be THAT bad.

Source link is here.  Most of us can add to Adams's list:  election fraud; foot-dragging on election audits (thanks, GOPe); “infrastructure” spending (thanks, GOPe); “vaccine” mandates; an occupant of the White House who has some brand of dementia;  the dangerous pull-out from Afghanistan, esp. leaving behind billions of dollars in equipment for our enemies;  opening the borders;  illegal immigration;  and now, all-too-predictable inflation.  All of it THAT BAD.

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Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Looking at the 2021 election results: Mark Wauck


image credit: FreeVector

Mark Wauck at Meaning in History has some insights into the results of yesterday's mid-terms:

The 2021 elections pretty much marked the completion of the ongoing crash-and-burn of the Zhou regime’s agenda. The number one priority for Dems—especially, but not only, those in swing districts—will be how to distance themselves from the hard Left that has set their party’s policy stances. That won’t be easy, and increasing numbers of Dems will probably end up deciding to throw in the towel—resign, not run in 2022, rather than go through the meat grinder of a losing election. Recruiting quality replacement candidates willing to fight an uphill campaign won’t be easy. This attempt to pivot will prove to be somewhat akin to dancing with shoelaces untied, in part because the hard Left has become the center of gravity for the Dem party and they’re not interested in changing the brand to anything approaching normality.

In the meantime, life goes on across the fruited plain. In what the Zhou regime hopes will become the new normal, large corporations are plotting ways to coerce decent, hard working employees into participating in a dangerous medical experiment—or firing their asses if they decline. Nice place America has become. The regime tells corporations to jump, and they say: Who do we fire?

There have already been plenty of signs that this is not going to go smoothly. This has been particularly evident among municipal employees—police, firefighters, sanitation workers, but also in healthcare, where the mandates are causing severe staffing shortages. Not to mention the resentment and loss of employee good will toward their employers. , , ,

Read his entire posting here

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Monday, September 27, 2021

COVID: 30 Facts You Need To Know


Mark Wauck at MeaningInHistory has a summary via ZeroHedge and The Off Guardian:

Covid: 30 Facts You Need To Know

The piece under the above title appeared at The Off-Guardian and is gaining attention. I’m mostly pasting in the 30 points, but under each point at the original (or at Zerohedge, if you like the formatting better) there is a short exposition. Mostly I don’t include the explanation—with relevant links. In some cases I add content. You can scan the content here, decide whether to read the entire original, or selectively look up certain topics.


1. The survival rate of “Covid” is over 99%. Government medical experts went out of their way to underline, from the beginning of the pandemic, that the vast majority of the population are not in any danger from Covid.

[Yes, he really said that, and it seems he was right—the numbers bear him out. Do you think he was just mouthing off without having a clue what he was talking about? No, he was repeating what scientists all knew when this first started. The[n] The Memo came out that changed the narrative … ]

2. There has been NO unusual excess mortality.

3. “Covid death” counts are artificially inflated. Countries around the globe have been defining a “Covid death” as a “death by any cause within 28/30/60 days of a positive test”.

4. The vast majority of covid deaths have serious comorbidities. In March 2020, the Italian government published statistics showing 99.2% of their “Covid deaths” had at least one serious comorbidity.

These included cancer, heart disease, dementia, Alzheimer’s, kidney failure and diabetes (among others). Over 50% of them had three or more serious pre-existing conditions.

This pattern has held up in all other countries over the course of the “pandemic”. An October 2020 FOIA request to the UK’s ONS revealed less than 10% of the official “Covid death” count at that time had Covid as the sole cause of death.

The other 26 points are here.  It’s a handy and reasonably comprehensive overview - especially good to have at hand when your well-meaning friends and family try to persuade you to get the "vaccine."

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Thursday, September 16, 2021

Medicine Politicized


Following up on yesterday’s blog (see here), Mark Wauck at Meaning in History reports on “Boycotting the Mandates.”  He is looking at the damage done by politicians to the medical profession, and he quotes a physician who is probably risking her license to speak out:

“We are being pressured to vaccinate, and we see the large number of Vaccine complications in our ICU’s and ER’s that are going unreported. Doctors are afraid to report all of these vaccine complications even though we are clearly seeing them,” said Dr. Mollie James, an ICU (Intensive Care Unit) Doctor in New York City.

“The serious risks of complications are coming from those with natural immunity who then receive the vaccine or boosters, and frontline doctors and nurses have natural immunity after a year of fighting COVID and being exposed. These vaccine complication risks coming from an unwise mandate are serious, and include increased risks of stroke, heart attack, and death.”

. . .

“I would estimate 30% of the ICU patients in NYC are from vaccine complications but nobody wants to talk about that. They get coded as something else or they will ignore the fact an otherwise healthy person had a heart attack or stroke within 48 hours of receiving the vaccine,” Dr. James said. “I have seen vaccine complications in the general public, and even among healthcare providers. This is a serious problem and it’s only getting worse, and these mandates will make it much worse, but we won’t have the data to deal with it because of politics.”

. . .

“Never in my lifetime have I seen medicine so politicized, where individual treatments are banned because of who is promoting them. It’s a scary time to be a healthcare professional, and the public needs to know how bad things are getting. Your healthcare is being guided by political demands, not by what will lead to the best individual healthcare outcomes,” Dr. James said.

. . .

“These mandates are not scientific, they are not ethical, and they are not needed. We need Doctors to direct these policies to overcome COVID, not lying politicians like Biden who are going to make this crisis much worse.”

Read the full report here. 

In the last couple of days, I had three opportunities to object to wearing a mask.  One was at the dentist’s office, one was the polling place where I went to vote, and one was on an Uber trip with masks required.  In each case, I was not denied access.  

Anyone can obtain test kits to diagnose COVID at home, anyone can legally obtain prescriptions for treatment, and of course you can get zinc supplements over-the-counter. 

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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Updates: COVID, vaccines, government overreach

Via Conservative Treehouse:

Sundance posted these stats after reporting on the draconian measures being imposed in New Zealand -- on the basis of ONE new delta variant COVID case.  His take: something else is going on.  NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern's extreme protocols in the name of protecting against COVID are not rational.  In the U.S., government overreach at the federal and state levels should be of even more concern, given this additional context.

If you are interested in the latest from Dr. Robert Malone on vaccines and variants, Mark Wauck at Meaning in History has the update;  click here.

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Sunday, July 25, 2021

More on COVID vaccine mandates


JD Rucker at NOQ published an informative analysis on the latest vaccine mandates cropping up worldwide:

The Various Lies About the Delta Variant
Set the Stage for Draconian Vaccine Mandates

The Delta Variant of Covid-19 is a lie. No, I’m not suggesting it doesn’t exist. It’s real, and it’s just as dangerous as the previous variants of Covid-19. That means unless you’re elderly or have major preexisting conditions that make you extremely vulnerable to pulmonary infections of any sort, the Delta Variant has a 99.97% recovery rate. Depending on the study du jour, some will say it’s more transmissible but less deadly than the other variants.

Why, then, is it be propped up as another existential threat to humanity that requires totalitarianism and other radical measures to fight? Our readers likely already know the answer or can extrapolate it from the headline. This is all about the fear necessary to compel the masses to self-suppress their rights, accept whatever “guidance” is given to them by government, and pressure their friends, family, and even strangers to get injected.

. . .

Is the Delta Variant truly much more dangerous than previous ones? The numbers do not back it as cases are going up but deaths are not. This indicates what we stipulated earlier, that the new variant is more transmissible but less deadly. But as the old saying goes, if you torture the numbers long enough you can make them say anything. According to an article from Global Research, mainstream media is torturing the numbers in one of the most egregious scare propaganda campaigns we’ve seen throughout the Covid-19 ordeal, and that’s saying a lot.

There is a lot more about the “science” and the elite politics of these mandates in the complete report here.

For those of you who might be interested in an in-depth interview with Dr. Peter McCullough on the subjects of COVID, vaccines, and therapeutics, here is the link to Mark Wauck’s site, Meaning In History. 

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Thursday, May 13, 2021

Available early treatment protocols?


Mark Wauck at Meaning in History has useful information just in case you are exposed to COVID-19; his post concludes:

The article--What is causing COVID-19 deaths to spike in India?--is highly informative and contains multiple graphs that illustrate the author's points in a useful way. Beyond that, however, the author points out another signal failure of our Covid response: the systemic failure to authorize a treatment regime for Covid. Indeed, we now know that the reason for this failure--this refusal--is closely linked to the push for vaxxing. Here is his conclusion:

This finding reinforces why an early treatment protocol is essential. However, my own doctor confirms there is no early treatment approved to treat COVID-19 in the U.S. (and probably most western countries) except quarantine with instructions to go to the hospital when symptoms worsen. This (perhaps criminal) omission is one more reason deaths got so high.  

A new anti-viral drug called Molupiravir is nearing completion of clinical trials.  It is intended as a five-day outpatient treatment similar to Tamiflu commonly prescribed to combat the effects of influenza. It would lack the unwarranted controversy surrounding the off-label use of HCQ making it ideal for an early treatment protocol.    

Until the CDC authorizes an early treatment protocol, we are on our own. However, there are several inexpensive, safe, common vitamins/drugs proven effective against COVID-19 that are available over the counter.  Examples include vitamin    D3 ZincGlutathioneQuercetin, and even low-dose aspirin. There are others, and with some research you can be your own first responder. 

Full blog post is here.

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Tuesday, January 19, 2021

The Cruelest Hoax Of All: COVID-19

Mark Wauck at MeaningInHistory nominates COVID-19 as:

The Cruelest Hoax Of All

Which hoax? We live in an age of hoaxes, so there's a lot of competition for the honor of being the cruelest hoax of all. My vote still goes to the Covid hoax. I base that on the sheer unprecedented amount of damage done by this hoax: business failures, unemployment, lockdowns, depression and its attendant ills, education stoppages that hurt the poorest students most, mass fear bordering on--and not infrequently exceeding--hysteria, widespread paranoia and the breakdown of social solidarity. And last but not least--perversely mistaken withholding of effective treatments (the HCQ regime and Ivermectin) in favor of dangerous and often fatal "treatments", such as mechanical ventilation, leading to far too many unnecessary deaths. Most of this damage was inflicted in knowing violation of all scientific and medical norms regarding viruses in general and coronaviruses in particular. Now we're witnessing the rush to lift many of the absurd measures that were taken--simply because Trump has been ousted by our ruling oligarchy. Which leads to the very reasonable supposition that this was an essentially political hoax that took advantage of unscientific hysteria that was propagated with a purpose.

. . .

there has been an appalling lack of transparency throughout this whole hoax, which has facilitated its political weaponization.

Read the rest here (includes links to reports and videos).

RELATED:  Steven W. Mosher: The doctor who denied COVID-19 was leaked from a lab had this major bias at the NY Post here.

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