Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.
Showing posts with label Colin Kaepernick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Colin Kaepernick. Show all posts

Saturday, August 3, 2019

The brainwashed generations

image credit: theguardian.com

About ten years ago, Lloyd Marcus stood up as one of the original Tea Party Patriots. These days, he is a frequent contributor to the American Thinker blog. His most recent column will be of interest to anyone who is trying to find ways to communicate with younger generations of Americans who have essentially come through an educational system corrupted with anti-American propaganda. He starts off:

Here is an excerpt from an email from a misinformed white millennial:

Mr Marcus, as a black man, if you don't agree in part with Mr. Kaepernick, I feel bad for you. I am white, and feel that the issues facing the black community in the US from the police, legal elements, property, education are skewed, and need to be rectified. I am concerned that someone with your pulpit isn't out there helping out.

I usually receive emails from progressives who call me an Uncle Tom stupid n***** for loving my country and not viewing myself as a victim. This well-intentioned young emailer is infected with anti-Americanism via public education and casual contact with Democrats, Hollywood, social media, and fake news media. He is a prime candidate for recruitment into a terrorist hate group like Antifa.

Everything he thinks he knows is wrong. For example: Blacks are not persecuted by police. Research data confirms that police are the greatest defenders of black lives. A Harvard study said there is zero evidence of police racial bias. The greatest threat to black lives are black criminals.

My young emailer believes education is skewed against blacks. The opposite is true. K-8 white students are outrageously taught they were born racist and should feel guilty for their “white privilege.” The fact that blacks drop out of school in epidemic numbers has nothing to do with white America. It has everything to do with fatherless households and an abandonment of biblical morality.

Because millennials have a different news feed than us older folks, my young emailer is probably clueless about numerous important cultural and political issues. I suspect he does not know San Francisco is so overrun with homeless people leaving piles of human excrement on the streets that maps are provided to help tourists avoid them. Dangerous diseases are resurfacing.

Marcus covers a lot more ground. You can read the rest here.
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Thursday, September 22, 2016

Excellent reminder of why we stand for the National Anthem

photo credit: sportsleader.org

Well, this was refreshing to read. From Legal Insurrection:

Kneeling during the national anthem has taken the sports by storm since San Francisco quarterback Colin Kaepernick began it during preseason to protest police treatment of black people. Other NFL players have done it along with high school football players.

But Virginia Tech basketball coach Buzz Williams will not have that behavior in his house. Instead, he chose to show his players why we stand for the national anthem. We do it to honor the men and women who sacrificed so much so we can enjoy our freedom at home.

There’s a 4½ minute video of coach Williams on the website. Various versions have been up on YouTube for over a year, but the recent disrespect exhibited by the SF quarterback makes it timely. The video on the LI website shows over 34 million views! It's inspiring.

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