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Showing posts with label Czech Republic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Czech Republic. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Britain, Czech Republic, Israel: no vaccine mandates!


Debra Heine at American Greatness reports:

Great Britain, the Czech Republic, and Israel are backing away from COVID vaccine mandates amid increasing evidence that the leaky vaccines are making the pandemic worse.

It is becoming harder to deny the glaringly obvious facts that COVID infection rates are increasing worldwide in proportion with the rate of vaccination, and that the injections have dreadful adverse side effects which may be contributing to a marked increase in all cause deaths.

In light of growing awareness that the vaccines are failing, it should not be a surprise that Moderna and BioNTech stocks are down 8-10 percent this week, 60 percent since August.

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It’s a start. Read the full report here

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