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polls show Trump the winner, others Hillary. Similarly, the pundits are mostly
declaring their preferred candidate the winner. David P. Goldman (a/k/a/ “Spengler”)
published his take on PJ Media and here are a few short extracts:
The referee should have stopped
it in the tenth. Punching at will, Donald Trump said, "Hillary used the
power of her office to make $250 million. Why not put some money in? You
made a lot of it while you were secretary of State? Why aren't you putting money
into your own campaign? Just curious." Reeling and against the ropes, Clinton gasped
that she supported . . . the Second Amendment. It was a brilliant rhetorical
device: under the rubric of campaign financing, Trump slipped in an allegation
that Clinton corruptly enriched herself by using the power of her office for
personal gain--and Clinton didn't even respond. That's a win by a knockout.
That's the decisive issue of
the campaign: the corrupt machinations of a ruling elite that considers itself
above the law, and the rage of the American people against the oligarchical
ruling class that has pulled the ladder up behind it. Trump's bombshell below
Clinton's waterline came at the end of the debate, well prepared by jabs at
Clinton's erased emails and Bill's rapes. Trump used the "J"
word--that is, jail. That was perhaps the evening's most important moment. This
is not an election fought over competing policies but a struggle for
legitimacy. A very large portion of the electorate (how large a portion we will
discover next month) believes that its government is no longer legitimate, and
that it has become the instrument of an entrenched rent-seeking oligarchy.
. . .
The Republican voters chose a
reckless, independently wealthy, vulgar, rough-edged outsider precisely because
they believe that the system is corrupt.
the rest here. If you missed the debate (or could not bear to watch), you can see the whole thing here.
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