Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.
Showing posts with label political class. Show all posts
Showing posts with label political class. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

President Donald J Trump Announces for 2024


The whining RINO headline at Hot Air:

Sununu at RGA: No one cares about
2024 campaign announcements right now

The real deal at Conservative Treehouse:

He’s Back, President Donald J Trump Officially Declares
His Candidacy to Run for President in 2024

I have written and deleted a thousand words, repeatedly, in an effort to encapsulate what this moment means to me, and perhaps to others.  However, when you boil the essence of the thing down to its important part, you are left with a question: Which American politician loves this country more than Donald John Trump?

The honest answer is ‘no one’.

There’s not a force of man or nature as strong in its devotion to a mission, as Donald Trump is to this nation.  That’s the core, the heart, the genuine essence of the thing, that separates President Trump from all others.  Within that love of country, is a strength of determination that is almost uncanny to witness; and from that love of country an authenticity emanates that is impossible to duplicate.

Donald J Trump is, quite simply, unapologetically American – and tens of millions just love him for it.

Tonight, with his family by his side, President Donald Trump announced his intention to seek the GOP nomination in 2024 and run for President of the United States.

Yes, I don’t give a flying flip what any detractor of this nation might try to say, Donald Trump is exactly what we need.

Many people are exhausted from the battle to save this republic.  Many people are frustrated and despondent from the scale of the effort it takes to push back against the metastatic corruption that has infected our entire body politic.  Even more people are sick and tired of having to constantly look behind the duplicitous motives and conniving schemes of the professional political class who falsely claim to represent our interests.  For all of those people Trump kneels and says, ‘get on my back and rest for a moment’.

We don’t have to question his intentions; we do not have to doubt his motives; we do not have to worry about his goal with the America-First agenda.  We know when Trump succeeds, our lives and the lives of our family improves.  Period. 

Read the rest here.  It’s the feel-good read of the day.  Sundance's closing image:

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Wednesday, March 30, 2022

If you thought Washington DC was corrupt . . .


Michael Snyder at Conservative Playlist has some additional perspectives on the now-viral interview with Madison Cawthorn – on the “Corruption in Washington DC.”  As bad as you thought it was, it’s worse:

Most Americans realize that there is corruption in Washington, but very few understand how deep it really goes.  If the general population really did grasp how corrupt our politicians have truly become, there would be endless protests in the streets of Washington starting tomorrow.  Unfortunately, most of us are still convinced that one of the major political parties will ultimately vanquish the other party and restore integrity to our system.  But what if both major political parties are rotten to the core?

From a very early age, we are trained to think in terms of “good guys” and “bad guys”.  Our stories, our movies, our television shows and even our video games feature “heroes” and “villains”, and we are taught to fully embrace those that are fighting for “good” and to passionately hate those that are doing “evil”.

But the real world doesn’t work that way.

Unfortunately, way too often there are no “good guys” in a real world scenario.  I can think of a number of prominent examples that are in the news right now.  Sometimes it is just “the bad guys” vs. “the bad guys”, and that is because evil has become extremely pervasive in our world in modern times.

. . .

Many go to Congress as idealistic young lawmakers, but it isn’t too long before many of them are corrupted.

The elite will just keep probing until they find a weakness.  For some it is sex, for some it is drugs, for some it is gambling, and for some it is extreme wealth.

And once they identify a weakness that they can exploit, it is game over.

. . .

Read the full article here.  Pretty ugly.  Very sad.  Very Uniparty.

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Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Can Politicians Quit the Power Habit?


Richard Fernandez raises a timely question, and one that puts the Western world at a crossroads.  The column is at PJ Media; here are some extracts:

Can Politicians Quit the Power Habit?

… By declaring vaccine petitioners a “small fringe minority of people who are on their way to Ottawa, who are holding unacceptable views,” Trudeau turned a public health issue into political dynamite. It’s a classic case study on how to escalate a problem into a crisis, turning an issue of lifting restrictions on a fading epidemic into a referendum on civil liberty and prime ministerial leadership. By declaring vaccine petitioners a “small fringe minority of people who are on their way to Ottawa, who are holding unacceptable views,” Trudeau turned a public health issue into political dynamite. It’s a classic case study on how to escalate a problem into a crisis, turning an issue of lifting restrictions on a fading epidemic into a referendum on civil liberty and prime ministerial leadership. 

. . .

For some, an end to the pandemic signals the closing of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to remake the world. As the Socialist Equality Party (Canada) writes: “The so-called Freedom Convoy is a far-right rabble… spearheaded by fascist activists who have assaulted homeless people and workers trying to enforce anti-COVID measures and brought guns and other weaponry into downtown Ottawa.”

. . .

When the history of the Covid-19 pandemic is written, the names of many drugs — Paxlovid, fluvoxamine, sotrovimab — will be mentioned. But the account will be incomplete if the distorting effect of the most powerful and addictive drug of all, political power, is omitted. The public, out of fear, gave politicians enormous power. What we’re about to see, the world over, is whether they can take it back.

Mr. Fernandez’s full column is here.

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Monday, October 10, 2016

Legitimacy in government: Spengler’s take on Debate #2

art credit: samuel-warde.com

Some polls show Trump the winner, others Hillary. Similarly, the pundits are mostly declaring their preferred candidate the winner. David P. Goldman (a/k/a/ “Spengler”) published his take on PJ Media and here are a few short extracts:

The referee should have stopped it in the tenth. Punching at will, Donald Trump said, "Hillary used the power of her office to make $250 million. Why not put some money in? You made a lot of it while you were secretary of State? Why aren't you putting money into your own campaign? Just curious."  Reeling and against the ropes, Clinton gasped that she supported . . . the Second Amendment. It was a brilliant rhetorical device: under the rubric of campaign financing, Trump slipped in an allegation that Clinton corruptly enriched herself by using the power of her office for personal gain--and Clinton didn't even respond. That's a win by a knockout.

That's the decisive issue of the campaign: the corrupt machinations of a ruling elite that considers itself above the law, and the rage of the American people against the oligarchical ruling class that has pulled the ladder up behind it. Trump's bombshell below Clinton's waterline came at the end of the debate, well prepared by jabs at Clinton's erased emails and Bill's rapes. Trump used the "J" word--that is, jail. That was perhaps the evening's most important moment. This is not an election fought over competing policies but a struggle for legitimacy. A very large portion of the electorate (how large a portion we will discover next month) believes that its government is no longer legitimate, and that it has become the instrument of an entrenched rent-seeking oligarchy.
. . .
The Republican voters chose a reckless, independently wealthy, vulgar, rough-edged outsider precisely because they believe that the system is corrupt. 

Read the rest here. If you missed the debate (or could not bear to watch), you can see the whole thing here

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