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Showing posts with label Dr Pierre Kory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr Pierre Kory. Show all posts

Monday, April 17, 2023

Doctors who buck the COVID protocols, propaganda


Dr Joseph Mercola and Dr Paul Marik are two physicians who have been vilified, ostracized, etc etc for resisting the COVID protocols as demanded by Fauci, Birx, and the CDC mandates.  Here’s the beginning of the interview transcript at DiscernReport:

Before the COVID pandemic, Dr. Paul Marik became well-known for his development of a highly effective sepsis protocol using intravenous vitamin C, which resulted in a dramatic reduction in mortality rates. Then, in 2020, he cofounded the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) and subsequently published one of the most comprehensive and effective protocols for treating COVID-19.

Despite a stellar career up to that point, the sin of insisting on early treatment for COVID-19, and sharing that information with the public, resulted in him being vilified, discredited and ultimately forced to resign. I’m a veteran of this too, so much so that the first two times I attempted to interview Marik, he turned down the invitation, in part because of how I was being portrayed by the media.

“I was still digesting what was happening and I was unsure,” Marik says. “I didn’t realize how important you are in telling the truth and standing up for the truth. I was a little bit protective. We have subsequently met and, obviously, you’re one of my heroes because you stand up for the truth and you’ve known about the dishonesty, the deceit, the deception for much longer than I have.

I had swallowed the Kool-Aid. I was a tenured professor of medicine. I was the only one tenured in my department, in fact. I believed the medical literature, I believed the narrative. I believed what I taught, and you can understand how disturbing it is to one’s very core when you discover that what you’ve been teaching and promoting is based on lies, falsehood and deception.”

Indeed, it’s a hard pill to swallow for anyone, and I applaud Marik for having the courage and moral fortitude to follow the real evidence and not back down from the truth once it dawned on him. Some can’t handle it and simply stick their head in the sand and pretend they don’t know what they know.

COVID Revealed What the Medical System Is All About

As noted by Marik, COVID changed not only the world but medicine as well. Before COVID, intensive care specialists were relatively insulated against the evils of Big Pharma and they had therapeutic freedom. Their job was to save the patient using whatever means available, and they did so.

That changed when COVID came around. Suddenly, doctors were told to send patients home, without treatment, until or unless they were unable to breathe, at which point they were to put them on mechanical ventilation and follow a strict drug protocol. Together, these treatments proved deadly for most patients.

Marik was among those who refused to accept this and set out to develop treatment protocols, one for use in-hospital and another for early outpatient treatment. . . .

The full interview is here.  It’s long, and some readers may want to skim through some of the details of medical protocols.  However, this blog links to Drs Mercola’s and Marik’s interview, as it exposes the political dynamics resulting in the loss of trust between patient and doctor at many local hospital systems. 

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Monday, April 3, 2023

Lawyers + Doctors = Ready, Set, Sue

Robert Owens at The New American has an encouraging report:

Ready, Set, Sue! Covid Litigation Conference
Unites Lawyers, Doctors in Fight for Liberty

“We are in the battle of our lives,” proclaimed Dr. Robert Malone at the first-of-its-kind Covid Litigation Conference held on a rainy, late-March weekend in Atlanta, Georgia. Sponsored by technology entrepreneur-cum-Covid warrior Steve Kirsch and his organization Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, and Mendenhall Law Group, a firm experienced in Covid-related litigation, and supported by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s group Children’s Health Defense Fund, the purpose of the conference was to bring hundreds of lawyers together from across the country and teach them how to sue the pants off Joe Biden, Pfizer, and others who continue to perpetrate a multiplicity of frauds and heinous crimes associated with Covid.

The two-day conference featured presentations from dozens of lawyers who have successfully saved lives, jobs, and reputations, and featured many doctors who put their reputations on the line to provide expert advice and testimony. The assemblage also heard from FDA whistleblower Dr. David Gortler and Pfizer whistleblower Brook Jackson. Materials were provided to the lawyers in the form of motions, briefs, decisions, medical affidavits, and much more to save time and help increase the speed with which Covid lawsuits can be filed.

Story after story of overt miscarriages of justice, callous indifference to human life, rejection of obvious facts, and clear cowardice of people in positions of authority permeated virtually every discussion at every table. “I am so ashamed of my profession,” said Dr. Pierre Kory, a world-renowned expert in critical-care medicine who saw colleague after colleague shrink into pusillanimity. Dr. Kory racked up 11 complaints against his medical license in rapid succession and was ostracized by people that he had once considered close friends. . . .

The full report is here. And here one of the quotes that affects us all: ““Hospitals are not run by doctors; they are run by evil administrators.  Hmm.

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