Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.
Showing posts with label Palm Beach. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Palm Beach. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Trump flies the flag; Trump fan flies a sign

One of the fun stories I read about Trump during the 2016 election cycle was about his run-in with the city fathers in Palm Beach over his flagpole at Mar-A-Lago.  I don’t remember the exact details, but there was a zoning ordinance restricting flagpole heights to, say, 30 feet.  Trump’s flagpole flying the American flag was maybe 20 feet over the zoning maximum.  City council kept levying fines for the violation, he kept flying the flag, and eventually, he proposed that he pay the accumulated fines, but only if the city council contributed the money to a veteran’s organization.  They agreed, he paid the fine, and the money went to his designated organizational recipient.  Then he had his staff bring in 20 feet high worth of dirt, shoved the dirt under the flagpole, remounted the same flagpole, so it was still 50 feet high.  There was nothing the city council could do, since the height of the flagpole met their regulations, and he merely out-foxed them with the 20-foot high pitcher’s mound.  My recollection of the details may be a bit off, but the gist of the story is correct.  He got his high-flying American flag while outwitting the Palm Beach Council. 

And in the spirit of that story, here’s a photo from social media showing a Trump fan tearing a page from the same playbook:

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