Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.
Showing posts with label Time Machine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Time Machine. Show all posts

Friday, August 2, 2019

Intergenerational welfare

image credit: buildabear.com

Several years ago, I read Diana West’s The Death of the Grown-up – a sober and somewhat frightening exploration into why America is full of adults who do not grow out of adolescence. The other day, I came across Mark Steyn’s words on the subject:

Almost every structural defect of western societies arises from the contemporary phenomenon of prolonged childhood - later family formation, leading to collapsed birth rates, providing an "urgent need" for remorseless, mass unskilled immigration, setting in motion profound, destabilizing cultural transformation. Indeed, one reason why the existential threat of that transformation is so hard to recognize is because, among its other effects, protracted adolescence so infantilizes the populace (as Wells saw in The Time Machine) that it utterly enervates even a basic survival instinct.

Why be surprised by that? A society in which it becomes the norm for 40-year-olds to climb the stairs every night to their childhood bedroom, the same one that once had the teddy-bear wallpaper and the Thomas the Tank Engine coverlet, will not be a world that makes men, or women, in any meaningful sense of those terms.

The rest of Mr. Steyn's blog post is here. This may not be, technically speaking, a Tea Party subject, but since perpetual adolescence carries its own micro- version of “fiscal responsibility" – or should I say “fiscal irresponsibility” - I thought it worth posting.
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