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Showing posts with label cheating. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cheating. Show all posts

Friday, November 4, 2022

After the Elections

E.M. Cadwaladr published “After the Elections” at American Thinker last month, and I bookmarked it for sharing closer to next week’s election.  The author may sound cynical, but he/she strikes me as realistic – and with some glimmers of hope.  Here are a few extracts:

The people who are currently in charge will cheat in the upcoming election.  There can be no reasonable doubt about this.  The question isn't one of if — it's only how.  It is a question of whether or not they'll be successful, or whether or not enough people of our side will show they have the functional remnants of a backbone.  Whatever shakes out after the circus of mail-in ballots, ballot-harvesting, and all the other tricks we've come to expect — we must remember that the leadership of the Democrat party does not believe in elections even in principle.  They will not consider any manipulation of the electoral process to be cheating.  In their view, they're entitled to win.  If I eat a piece of steak, I do not moralize at all about the unfair slaughter of the beast that it was taken out of.  Our political rights, in the eyes of most of the political class, are something on the order of civil rights of cattle.  This is to say — they are rights they don't believe exist.

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We owe our enemies no consideration whatsoever.  None.  They are not merely the misguided members of our less than perfect national family anymore.  They are as alien to us as anybody could be.  Just consider some of the policies the Democrats have shown themselves quite willing to defend.  Which party was it that brought us degenerate young men on women's athletic teams, or genital removal surgery for toddlers?  What nation in the history of Earth has concluded that the elimination of its own borders was a swell idea, or that subordinating our laws to the whims of unelected foreigners was the height of postmodern chic?  Do you like the wholesale dismantling of your culture as seen every night on television — both in the programming and in the commercials?  How about the war on the economy?  Is that a price you are willing or even able to pay — so that the idiotic "thought leaders" can feel good about themselves?  Did you vote to give up your individual freedom to the WEF [World Economic Forum]?  Do you think Klaus Schwab and Co. consider you anything more than a laboratory animal to be disposed of at the end of their experiment?  It is no longer even tenable to hold onto the least hope that they might somehow, miraculously learn to care.  They have declared themselves our enemies in innumerable polices and in quite explicit language.  It is time we take them at their word.

I am tired of "let's tone down the language" and "let's turn the other cheek."  We have turned the other cheek and gotten it bloodied and bloodied again.  It is good to pray for even the most evil if you can find it in your heart to do so — but there is no virtue whatsoever in entrusting them with anybody's children.  It does little good for the livestock to appeal to the conscience of the butcher.  The butcher does not have one.

I hope the election goes well — but we need to be prepared, as a people born into freedom, to rise in civil disobedience whenever our rights are overthrown.  We need to be prepared to follow the example of the French Yellow Vests, the Canadian Truckers, and the Dutch Farmers.  We need to have the guts to make an ugly, resolute, and inconvenient nuisance of ourselves.  We are Americans.  We have the constitutional rights to assemble and to protest — whether those rights are currently acknowledged by the authorities or not.  We need to accept that we will never restore our freedom sitting in our chairs and waiting for next time.  At the very least, if you can do nothing else, you can still rattle your congressional representative's phone.  If you have feet to stand on, you should be ready and willing to stand in the way of those who despise you and stop the madness they're fomenting.  If we do not stand together now, we'll be divided and eliminated individually, one by one.

Read the entire column here.  

RELATED:  "Through Twitter, Democrats telegraph their last-ditch plan to save their midterms" by Monica Showalter at American Thinker.

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Thursday, February 27, 2020

What's happening to the Democratic Party

Lifezette has a perceptive analysis by the Political Insider Staff on the crisis in the Democratic party.  Here are the opening paragraphs of “Democrats never thought letting ‘comrade Bernie’ in their camp would destroy their party”:

I really do have faith in the American people to make the right choice in 2020, but let me make this point: If Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is the nominee for the Democrats, it won’t be super easy for President Donald Trump.

The popularity of these leftists is pretty much all propaganda. They are all running on abortion, giving free stuff to people who are illegally here, and constantly telling white folks that you’re the problem with America. If anyone of these Democrats wins the presidency, it will be because of cheating.

The situation before us: we noticed how the Democratic leadership has put up with the commie crazies because they pulled in some votes with so many elections being very close; it made the difference between victory and loss. What the heads of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) never considered is that these idiots would take over that party. This is a perfect fulfillment of the old proverb about letting the camel stick its nose inside the tent.

Let me make this one point clear: If Bernie wins the presidency, he will attempt to burn down the United States.
. . .

Read the rest here.  Also, I‘m reading more about potential cheating, voter fraud, and efforts to minimize opportunities to tamper with votes, and I hope to post some of the reports over the weekend.
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