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Showing posts with label medical profession. Show all posts
Showing posts with label medical profession. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Do you trust your physician?


At American Mind, Steven Goldsmith laments the decline of the medical profession:

The Profession Formerly Known As Medicine

. . . To estrange themselves further from their calling, doctors bow as never before to the state and the corporation. They grovel before the altar of the “electronic health record,” or EHR, a corporate creation that widgetizes and dehumanizes doctor and patient. In 2016, MDs spent almost 40% of their patient care time (now surely higher) pecking on computers. No wonder they retire or leap from ledges.

With the advent of EHRs, weekly meetings of the clinical staff where I once worked no longer included discussions of actual patients. Instead we war-gamed how to enter EHR data so as to satisfy insurers, the government, and our corporate overseers. Such trends are as congenial to good medicine as spike proteins are to coronary arteries. . . .

. . . Events of the past three years highlighted an even more ominous problem. Physicians jettisoned their souls and became felons as they shilled for their new gods. They hacked off body parts of confused minors. They foisted dangerous drugs—remdesivir and gene shots—upon us without informed consent, that is, the transmission of truthful information about risks, benefits, and alternatives. Some practitioners even refused treatment to those unwilling to acquiesce.

. . .

The profession to which I have devoted five decades is sinking fast. I hesitate these days to seek a medical appointment for myself, so dissolute has medicine become. Doctors, in order to save yourselves, you must decentralize your work away from large groups with their soul-sucking cultures and toward small, intimate groups and solo practices. True, you will earn less—perhaps a lot less—and in the process you will need to decide your purpose in life, why you are here. Stop being Big Pharma’s bitches, and learn about natural treatments. Be healers, not ideologues. Develop parallel systems of medical training and care that emphasize prevention and the treatment of the whole person.  . . .

The complete article is here.

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Saturday, January 14, 2023

mRNA injections: Why aren't more doctors speaking out?


H.P. Smith at American Thinker brings the subject of COVID mRNA injections up to date. He’s asking the right questions of the medical profession (and implicitly the pharmaceutical corporations).  This is an anecdotal report but it will probably resonate with many readers:

. . . Very early on, I was skeptical of these new treatments.  I graduated college with a B.S. in Biology more than 25 years ago, but my career is in finance (long story)…so I understood enough about the scientific process that I was doubtful of their proclaimed “safety.”  Long term safety at that point (and still now) literally could not have been known.  It was far too early.

I researched them and quickly found people like Dr. Simone Gold (America’s Frontline Doctors) and Dr. Peter McCullough…individuals who were willing to risk their careers and reputations to get the message out that maybe we needed to slow down and learn more about the new vaccines.  To me, that was powerful, and rang very true.

. . .

That leads to the real issue here:  With what we are learning now and the rapidly accumulating evidence, how are more doctors not speaking out about this?  And why are so many still recommending the mRNA shots to their patients?  Boosters, boosters, boosters.  

I changed to a new doctor as my primary care physician recently and had my first appointment.  The doctor mentioned that he doesn’t prescribe new medications that have not been around for at least five years, so I asked him how he reconciles that philosophy with the mRNA shots.  He dodged the question three times until it was clear I wouldn’t let it go.  I finally asked him, “Is it your policy to recommend them or the hospitals?”  He said nothing, but stared straight into my eyes for a solid five seconds.  It felt very much like an admission.

He went on to say that if he doesn’t recommend the shots, he will lose his job and possibly his license.  My appointment was the first week of December 2022, and my exit paperwork is three pages…two of which are almost entirely dedicated to pushing the COVID shots.  

The first line under What You Need to Know is “COVID-19 Vaccines are safe and effective.”  They are still saying this!  This is extraordinary.  They still cannot know the long-term effects of the shots; still too soon.  Not to mention that (especially young) otherwise healthy people are dropping left and right (often of heart attacks and strokes), none more publicly than Damar Hamlin of the Buffalo Bills last week.  Myocarditis rates, which used to be roughly 4 in 1,000,000 are now 25,000 in 1,000,000.  . . . .

Much more at the link here.  The take-away:  Is your physician willing to prescribe hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin?

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Sunday, November 13, 2022

Censorship, the “vaccine”, and the New World Order


Dr Vernon Coleman explains why things keep getting worse.  His presentation is unvarnished and consistent with previous reports linked on this blog to Dr Robert Malone, Dr Peter McCullough, and many others – all of whom have been ostracized and censored.  Here’s an extract from Dr Coleman's video lecture, transcribed at AmeriaFirstReport:

. . . All this, of course, links in with the global warming fraud, the constant drive towards a cashless, digital economy, the loss of free speech, the disappearance of freedom, the abolition of health care, the end of travel, the destruction of education and the economy and the remorseless, step by step introduction of social credit. You will own nothing – not even your own body – and you will be happy. Together it’s the Great Reset.

No one in health care gives a damn about evidence any more. The only thing that talks is money. I warned about the side effects associated with the covid-19 jab two years ago. Two years ago. Everything I warned about was accurate. But the media still pretends there are no side effects. Teenagers are suddenly having heart attacks. Fit professional sports stars are collapsing. People are dropping dead for no reason. They call it Sudden Adult Death syndrome and blame everything but the real cause.

. . .

The vast majority of illnesses and deaths caused by vaccines go unreported. And yet we are still seeing thousands of deaths and tens of thousands of adverse events with covid-19 vaccines. The authorities in the USA admit that somewhere between one in ten and one in a hundred incidents of vaccine damage is reported.

Researchers keep producing evidence to show that unvaccinated Americans are healthier than vaccinated Americans and that scheduled vaccines cause much chronic illness. A large number of illnesses, including infections, allergies and behavioural issues are commoner among children who’d received a number of vaccinations. Doctors who speak or write about this in public lose their license to practice. That is now standard practice and it is one of the reasons few doctors dare speak out. . . .

Read the complete transcript here.  I keep looking for positive developments to link to, but I keep finding reports like this one. 

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Friday, August 26, 2022

Steve Kirsch: Silencing the medical profession


Another day.  Another report on COVID and the vaccines.  Steve Kirsch “created a form to ask healthcare workers to speak anonymously about what they are seeing.” He published some of the results at his page on Substack:

  1. They are afraid to come out publicly due to intimidation tactics such as loss of job and/or license to practice medicine.
  2. Unvaccinated healthcare workers are extremely upset with the medical community. They feel they have been treated unfairly.
  3. It is the vaccinated workers who are getting sick with COVID, but it is the unvaccinated who are punished with constant testing, restrictions, and threats of losing their jobs.
  4. The COVID shots are a disaster. Even for the elderly which is supposed to be the most compelling use case, death rates in elderly homes went up by a factor of 5 after the shots rolled out. Each time the shots are given, the deaths spike. Nobody is talking publicly about this. It’s not allowed.
  5. Doctors are seeing rates of injury and death increase dramatically in all ages of people. The injuries are only happening to the vaccinated. There is no doubt that this is happening but many doctors have so much cognitive dissonance that they don’t see it.
  6. One nurse with 23 years of experience says she’s never heard of anyone under 20 dying from cardiac issues until the vaccines rolled out. Now she knows of around 30 deaths.

There are a total of 14 summary points;  click here for the rest.

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Friday, June 24, 2022

Pushback Against COVID Jabs for Babies


Yves Smith at Naked Capitalism has encouraging news from the medical profession (h/t Meaning in History):

Growing Revolt Among Medical Practitioners 
Against Vaccinating Toddlers for Covid

From IM Doc via e-mail:

I had a moment today where I realized that it may very well be the nursing and the pharmacy professions that begin the long slow pushback against the over-prescription of Covid vaccines.

Two things in two different parts of the country happened.

Today in our county, which recall is over 80% vaccinated and hence has been very receptive of Covid vaccines for adults, I was called to an urgent meeting because it may be that hospital staff would need to be pulled to the Health Dept. Why? – Because the inoculation of the less than 5 [year olds] is beginning – and all 3 of the Health Department nurses resigned in protest. They are simply not going to give these kids these inoculations. When a nurse on my staff was approached with filling in the deficit – her response (in my presence and that of the supervisor) – “Not only no – but F*** no.”

It turns out the county Health Department found no nurses willing to do this. So our entire vaccine program for everyone not just kids was on hold.

After more panicked efforts, they found one nurse to give the shots. That nurse too refuses to give it to the babies. She will be there only to do the shots for 18 and up. She will not even give to teens. I am sure they will eventually find people to do it, but it is profoundly admirable of these nurses. I will be doing all I can to help them get other employment.

. . .

Read the full story here. 

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Monday, November 29, 2021

Politics Descends Upon American Medicine


image credit:  mikelweisser.org

Robert Graboyes has a disturbing piece at Discourse Magazine, “A new guidance document for medical professionals emphasizes critical race theory and social justice at the expense of patient care.”  Here are some extracts:

In October, two of the most powerful medical organizations in America—the American Medical Association (AMA) and the American Association of Medical Colleges—released “Advancing Health Equity: A Guide to Language, Narrative and Concepts,” or AHE. Its 54 densely packed pages admonish American physicians to regiment their speech to conform with woke terminology. The document implores doctors to abandon ordinary expressions in favor of politically charged, politically correct circumlocutions.

Medical professionals are now expected to traverse a linguistic minefield, abandoning hundreds of familiar expressions and replacing them with tortured academic cadences. Failure to conform, the document implies, is a severe moral failing.

This is not merely replacing the simple with the sesquipedalian. The doctor’s every utterance must contain an air of accusation. When someone is ill, it is because someone else is to blame. Previously, a caring doctor might have told an African American patient that his lineage makes him especially vulnerable to diabetes. No more. In woke-speak, the word “vulnerable” is verboten. Now, the doctor must refer to the patient as “oppressed,” “made vulnerable” or “disenfranchised.” Someone, or some grotesque societal failing, is to blame for the patient’s higher-than-average risk of diabetes. The explanation for this particular lexical shift is representative of AHE’s tone and worldview. . .

. . .

The entire document reads like final exam essays written by a student who forgot to study—endless strings of half-remembered vocabulary words assembled randomly in hopes that the professor will count the words but not read them. Every med student, every doctor in America must endure hundreds of such homilies and conform or be weighed in the balance and found wanting. Doctors must abandon the notion that a patient bears some individual responsibility for his or her health status. Whatever ails you, somebody out there did it to you. In the search for scapegoats, AHE taps into the fashionable academic catechisms of critical race theory and intersectionality and swears fealty to both.

. . .

In “We Got Here Because of Cowardice. We Get Out With Courage: Say No to the Woke Revolution,” Bari Weiss masterfully describes the wokeness phenomenon. While she does not specifically address AHE, her descriptions provide a valuable lens on the document. Woke ideology “begins by stipulating that the forces of justice and progress are in a war against backwardness and tyranny. . . . [P]ersuasion . . . is replaced with public shaming. Moral complexity is replaced with moral certainty. Facts are replaced with feelings. . . . Ideas are replaced with identity. Forgiveness is replaced with punishment. Debate is replaced with de-platforming. Diversity is replaced with homogeneity of thought. Inclusion, with exclusion.”

. . .

Public health exhibits a recurring pattern: (1) Declare that X is now a public health issue. (2) Declare that X is in crisis. (3) Flout legal and constitutional norms to quell said crisis. During the pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) declared that housing evictions were within the realm of public health and that evictions in high-infection areas constituted a crisis. The CDC therefore assumed authority to ban residential evictions, nullifying state property laws nationwide. (The U.S. Supreme Court eventually curtailed the CDC’s presumed authority.)

Full article is here.

RELATED:  Ted Noel, MD:  "The NIH Is Going Full Gestapo" at TruthBasedMedia

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