Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Patriots to Congress: Vote NO on funding illegal aliens

Art credit: nonsensibleshoes.com

From Tea Party Patriots @ 4pm Tues.

Congress is about to vote on a bill to give Barack Obama nearly $4 billion to care for all the illegal aliens pouring across our southern border.
. . .
This massive spending bill will help Obama resettle these illegal immigrants in America. It will use YOUR tax money to pay for immigration lawyers for these trespassers. It will provide food, clothing, and transportation for thousands and thousands of illegals. This is an insane proposal that undermines American sovereignty and will ruin our economy.
Barack Obama has no intention at all of ever sending these illegal immigrants back home. That's why he's lobbying hard for this $4 billion.
Liberal Republican Lindsey Graham is already campaigning to give Obama this money. He recently declared, "I think we need to go ahead and allocate the resources because this is not a good situation."
This measure will pass unless ordinary Americans fight back - NOW.
Traditionally conservative politicians are terrified of voting against this proposal. They don't want to seem mean by voting against "children."
That's why these petitions are so incredibly important. We have to overcome the liberal media, pro-illegal alien big businesses and the open-borders lobby.
. . .
Obama's plan is to use this giant slush fund to pay for immigration lawyers and to find local "sponsors" for all these illegals.
Many of these people have contagious diseases. Others are gang members. Still others are children whose parents sent them to America because of Obama's "DREAM Act" executive order.
This is a disaster. And giving Obama $4 billion to play with will certainly make it even worse!!
America's taxpayers can't afford to reward this bad behavior a moment longer. The only thing left to give these people is a one-way ticket back to their home countries.
That's what we need to tell Congress: Stand firm. Vote NO on this $4 billion slush fund. And send these illegals home.
. . . Obama truly believes he can run right over the Republicans in Congress. He believes he can shame them into giving him this money.
Ordinary Americans must take a stand against this insanity. NOW.
. . .
We must swamp Congress with petitions!
Thank you in advance for all your help.

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Saturday, July 12, 2014

Mississippi: Tell RNC Chairman Reince Priebus to Censure Henry Barbour

With Ed Martin, Chairman of the Missouri Republican Party, and Senator Ted Cruz speaking out, pressure is continuing to build on the Republican National Committee (RNC) to look into the tactics used by the Cochran campaign in the MS Senate run-off race last month.

As more evidence shows that, Henry Barbour, nephew of former MS Governor Haley Barbour, hired high-priced democrat operatives to place robo-calls accusing McDaniel and the Tea Party of being racist and having ties to the Ku Klux Klan, Chairman Ed Martin has asked RNC Chairman Reince Priebus to appoint a task force to investigate Barbour's involvement.

And in exerting pressure from the grassroots end, Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund is currently circulating a petition requesting that RNC Chairman Reince Priebus censure Henry Barbour for his alleged involvement and for violating Rule 11(b) of the Rules of the Republican National Committee.  

For a timeline and a review of the tactics used in Mississippi by Henry Barbour and the GOP please click here.

It’s starting to hit closer to home. A prominent member of the Republican National Committee (RNC) is now calling for an investigation into some of the ads that were used during the Mississippi Senate run-off race last month.

RNC member Ed Martin, who also happens to chair the Missouri Republican Party, sent a letter to RNC chairman Reince Priebus requesting that he appoint a special committee to investigate “if one of our own members helped finance ads or robocalls that tarred tea partiers as a group of racists…”

Earlier this week, Texas Senator Ted Cruz led the charge by calling for an investigation into possible fraud in Mississippi. “What happened in Mississippi was appalling,” said Cruz. “Primaries are always rough and tumble. But the conduct of the Washington D.C. machine in the Mississippi runoff was incredible disappointing.”

We agree with Martin and Cruz. The bedrock of democracy and a free society is the assurance of fair elections. It’s not entirely clear yet what went on during those last few weeks of campaigning in Mississippi. But what we do know is that there is enough evidence to indicate the election was anything but fair.

We believe the RNC should take accusations of misconduct seriously, for the sake of the conservative movement and more broadly, for the sake of democracy. No one is asking for the RNC to take sides or throw stones, but in a society that claims to value truth and honesty, any kind of election wrongdoing cannot go ignored. We applaud Martin and Cruz for speaking out already, and hope others will join them. Fair and free elections after all, are at stake.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Flying illegals home would be 99.5 percent cheaper than Obama’s plan

From Ernest Istook via Washington Times --

We taxpayers are expected to house, feed, clothe and care for almost 30,000 illegal aliens for a full year, according to the White House’s official request. That’s a small city.

Instead, we could fly all of them home for one-half of 1 percent of the $3.8 billion that President Obama proposes we spend. That’s a savings of 99.5 percent!

Most of his proposal is to pay living expenses. At the unofficial reported cost of $250 per person per day, President Barack Obama is proposing we spend $1.8 billion “to provide appropriate care for unaccompanied children.” That works out to 19,726 minors for a year. (The official term for them, written into federal statute, is “undocumented alien children.” Not undocumented immigrants, migrants or refugees. Those other terms are efforts at propaganda.)

In addition, Obama wants another $879 million “for detention and removal of apprehended undocumented adults traveling with children,” and “alternatives to detention programs” for these adults. He blends “removal” with “detention” to make it impossible to determine how many removals are planned.

If the money is all for detention, then the $250 per person reveals the plan is to house 9,632 adults for a year at taxpayers’ expense.

Combine 19,726 minors with 9,632 adults and you have 29,358 people. But it gets worse. The request is for a “supplemental appropriation.” In budget lingo, that typically means it’s for the current fiscal year, which ends Sept. 30. If these funds don’t cover a full year, either the cost per person is much higher or the number of people is much higher.

If the daily cost per person is less than $250, then the small city of illegal aliens we’re supporting will be larger than 29,358.

Although Obama asks for lots of money to take care of people permanently, he gives zero details about a timeframe for deporting or repatriating any of the persons involved.

The $250 a day figure compares with the $667 one-way cost of an airline ticket from McAllen, Texas, to Guatemala City, Guatemala, according to both Orbitz and Priceline. The combined airfare for 29,358 passengers would be $19.6 million. That is one-half of 1 percent of President Obama’s overall $3.8 billion request. Volume discounts and government rates would yield even lower fares. But even without discounts, sending everyone home right away saves taxpayers 99.5 percent!

It’s also closer to fly them from McAllen to Guatemala City than to Murietta, California. Only 1,297 miles compared to 1,549 miles. And no protesters.

But what about the red-tape processing that Obama says gets in ther way? We know the president skirts inconvenient laws when he wants to do so. And although there is some red tape for the minors, there is no federal law that requires officials to drag their feet on deporting the thousands of adults newly arrived from Central America. And no red tape on the accompanied minors. All of them can be placed on planes pronto, arriving home far more quickly than it took them to journey to Texas. And arriving there more quickly than flying to California.

Regarding the unaccompanied juveniles, officials such as Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson don’t seem to have read the law. Johnson told NBC’s “Meet the Press” that the top priority is “doing right by the children.” Actually, the law states the top priority is to repatriate those children to their country of origin.

Before the lanague of that controversial 2008 statute outlines the red-tape processing, it explicitly states the goal of that process, namely that “the Secretary of Homeland Security, in conjunction with the Secretary of State, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of Health and Human Services, shall develop policies and procedures to ensure that unaccompanied alien children in the United States are safely repatriated to their country of nationality or of last habitual residence.”

That bears repeating: The statute says the goal is that the unaccompanied alien children “are safely repatriated to their country of nationality or of last habitual residence.”

Interestingly, that law foresees a problem if minors are released in the U.S. to custody of fellow illegal aliens. The statute requires officials to make sure that a potential custodian is someone who is trained to recognize his “responsibility to attempt to ensure the child’s appearance at all immigration proceedings.” Obviously, that disqualifies anyone who himself is in the country illegally.

We don’t have to borrow and spend another $3.8 billion to fix the problems created by President Obama’s irresponsible promotion of amnesty. It’s far cheaper to follow the law and to send people home. That also is the best way to discourage other people from following in their footsteps. 

​Hear Ernest’s daily radio show, noon to 3 p.m. Eastern, online daily at www.kzlsam.com. Get Ernest’s free email newsletter. Sign up here.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

ObamaCare: Death by paperwork

Art credit: amsimaging.com

Betsy McCaughey is a former Lt. Gov. of New York, author, and frequent columnist and TV news guest. In the months preceding the passage of Obamacare in Congress, McCaughey was one of the critical resources for patriots across the country, who relied on her analyses to prepare for visits to their Representatives and Senators, calls to the congressional switchboard, etc. She published another analysis the other day in the New York Post about the latest document dump of ... over 1,200 pages of NEW regulations on Obamacare. Here is her complete article

ObamaCare: Death by paperwork 

On July 3, with Americans preparing to celebrate freedom, the Obama administration reduced freedom by adding 1,296 pages of new regulations to ObamaCare.
It was a classic pre-holiday document dump, publishing the mind-numbing rules in the Federal Register on the eve of Independence Day, when few were likely to be watching. So much for transparency.
ObamaCare regulations compel doctors and their office staff, business owners, local officials and virtually everyone else subject to the law to spend hours filling out paperwork with no pay for their labor. It’s a colossal theft.
Now four years old, ObamaCare imposes 159 million hours of paperwork a year on the public. That’s the administration’s own estimate, undoubtedly a lowball.
Even so, it’s up by 48 million hours over last year, when fewer regulations had been rolled out. And there’s more to come.
Among the July 3 rules is one that compels doctors who take Medicare to report 18 different clinical measurements on their patients, such as whether they are overweight and have been counseled about weight control.
Doctors who fail to do it will get whacked with lower payments starting in 2015.
The regulators estimate that this single report could take as long as 108 minutes per patient and consume 5.4 million hours a year nationwide. That’s time that could be spent treating patients or calling them to remind them to take their meds.
Instead, the federal bureaucracy is confiscating those hours to serve its own ends.
Small-business owners get hit hard, too. Notably, restaurateurs face 622,000 hours of work to comply with ObamaCare’s menu-labeling rules.
The American Action Forum, a public-policy organization, notes that ObamaCare is in a class by itself, imposing almost three times as much paperwork as the notoriously complex Dodd-Frank financial regulations, and more than 10 times as much as under the Sarbanes-Oxley financial-reform law.
The Department of Health and Human Services, or HHS, is the biggest culprit, responsible for 90 million hours a year of ObamaCare paperwork chores. Most are foisted on hospitals, doctors, insurers and local governments.
Because it includes the IRS, Treasury is the No. 2 culprit, with paperwork requirements up 23 percent this year. The IRS is ObamaCare’s chief enforcer; paperwork misery will continue to soar, especially if and when the employer mandate goes into effect.
ObamaCare gives the IRS 46 new functions, including collecting new taxes and exchanging information about you, your family and your income with HHS and state insurance exchanges.
For example, the IRS requires employers to report the value of insurance you get through work in a new box on your W-2, even though it’s not taxable (yet).
And dealing with the IRS is no longer a once-a-year affair. Have a baby, change jobs or get a divorce, and the IRS will be recalculating your insurance compliance and eligibility for premium subsidies.
“It’s unprecedented in recent history, the amount of responsibility the IRS is being given in an area that most people don’t think of as an IRS function,” J. Russell George, a tax official, told Congress last March.
The administration plainly doesn’t want to tell the truth about these burdens.
For example, it claims that people who are uninsured or lose coverage will spend 12.6 minutes a year to comply with the individual mandate. Preposterous: Even when the Web sites work, it takes far longer to shop for insurance and report to the IRS that you’re compliant.
On July 4, 1776, when American patriots signed their Declaration of Independence from Great Britain, they recounted the crimes of the tyrannical British king: “He has erected a multitude of new offices and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance.”
Nearly 2½ centuries later, our own government is eating out our substance with mandatory paperwork.
Not to mention the drag on our economy.
According to the Heritage Foundation’s 2014 Index of Economic Freedom, America is the only country to have lost economic freedom for seven straight years, now ranking 12th behind Hong Kong,
Singapore, Australia, Canada and seven other nations.
“Burdensome and redundant regulations are the most common barriers to the free conduct of entrepreneurial activity,” Heritage cautions.
But some benefit from this out-of-control regulatory state.
“Government bureaucracies like complexity because it keeps them busy and funded,” warns Carly Fiorina, former CEO of Hewlett Packard. She laments that “as a result of these regulations on steroids, innovation, business creation and job growth are being stifled.”
Government bureaucrats are stealing our time, our economic growth and our liberty. Don’t count on Washington to fix the problem.
In the end, only an outraged public can put a stop to this regulatory oppression.
Betsy McCaughey is the author of “Beating ObamaCare 2014.”

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

RNC Picks Cleveland for 2016 National Convention

For Immediate Release

Date: Jul-09-14

Contact: Ralph King

2016 GOP National Convention in Democrat Stronghold of Cleveland, Ohio

Cleveland --  Far from a bastion of conservatism, and in the Democrat's stronghold in Ohio, the RNC has chosen to host their 2016 GOP National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio.

The announcement of Cleveland, Ohio being the host city may come as a surprise to many living outside the Cleveland area. But thanks to the hard work, dedication and outstanding presentation of the Cleveland Host Committee, the RNC Site Selection Committee could not have made a better choice.

In stepping outside their comfort zone, the RNC’s bold decision to host the 2016 GOP National Convention in Cleveland, the Democrats backyard in Ohio, shows not only the importance of Ohio in the Presidential election, but also the importance of the vastly outnumbered grassroots conservatives in the northeast Ohio region.

"We are thrilled the RNC has chosen to host the 2016 GOP National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio. We welcome them with open arms and look forward to helping make this the best GOP convention ever," stated Ralph King, Co-Founder of the Cleveland Tea Party Patriots.

“In view of the recent primary in Mississippi and the ongoing battle to restore core conservative values in the GOP," continued King,  "this will be a great opportunity for the RNC & Chairman Priebus to show to conservative grassroots activists that they understand that without our support and involvement, victory in 2016 will not be possible."

Currently in formal negotiations with the RNC, the official announcement of Cleveland as the host city is expected to be made at the RNC's meeting in August.

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The 2016 GOP Convention in Cleveland

Photo credit: cleveland.com

Links of the Day: 
More on the 2016 GOP Convention in Cleveland at The Q

From Five Thirty Eight: Republicans' Choice to Hold 2016 Convention in Cleveland Probably Won't Help Them in Ohio.

FTA: “the mere fact that the Republicans chose Cleveland probably doesn’t say very much about how the Buckeye State is going vote in 2016.

From Cleveland.com: Congrats on the convention. Here's what you're in for, Cleveland. [Security. Housing. Blocked traffic. And Clevelanders as ambassadors.]

From Cleveland.comSuburban Cleveland leaders applaud Republican National Convention, hope it spills into surrounding towns
FTA: Suburban Cleveland leaders are welcoming the chance to show off the region during the Republican National Convention in 2016 – and maybe reap some tourism dollars, too.
Said Bay Village Mayor Debbie Sutherland, one of few Republican leaders in Democratic-heavy Cuyahoga County: "All the action is not going to be downtown in Cleveland. This is going to be good for everyone."

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Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Do we have any borders anymore?

President Obama on Tuesday requested an additional $3.7 billion for the fiscal year that ends in September, arguing that additional resources are necessary to discourage the recent surge of adults and children seeking illegal and often unsafe pathways into the United States.
This surge of illegal immigrants was planned by the administration. From Free Republic, which reproduces the document calling for bids to escort illegal “alien children”:
On January 29, 2014, the Federal Government posted an ad on their BizOpps website seeking escorts for unaccompanied illegal alien children. If this doesn't prove that the entire mess with all the illegals flooding our country was planned by this administration, nothing ever will. Here is the entire document that lays out the "requirements" to become such an escort: . . .

Procurement Type: Request for Information (RFI)/Sources Sought
Title: Escort Services for Unaccompanied Alien Children 
Classification Code: V- Transportation/Travel/Relocation

You can read the entire document here.
NumbersUSA has an interactive map of the US, showing relocations, relocations blocked, and relocation areas under consideration. They also provide phone numbers for each state’s officials who would oversee such relocations, so citizens can let the state know their support of, or opposition to relocation in their backyard. Here are the three for Ohio:
·         State Refugee Coordinator: Jennifer R. Johnson 614.644.1174
·         State Refugee Health Coordinator: Sandra Hollingsworth 614.752.2953
·         ORR State Analyst: Goran Debelnogich 202.260.7143
If you are opposed to providing emergency funds to the administration – which will inevitably extend the crisis – or if you are opposed to providing more funding to an administration that deliberately caused the crisis in the first place, or if you are alarmed about the health crisis involved in the flood of immigrants not properly screened and carrying infection to who-knows-where, let Speaker Boehner and your US Representative hear from you.
The Directory for House Representatives is hereJust click on “O” to see all the Ohio reps.
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