Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween

photo credit via Conservative Treehouse

Happy Halloween 
from Cleveland Tea Party

Watch some of the 27 minute video ("President Trump and The First Lady Participate in Halloween at the White House") on YouTube here. Good fun.
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Monday, October 30, 2017

The Manafort indictment

art credit: thecontrarianmedia.com

What’s the deal with the Manafort and Gates indictments? Is this the beginning of the end of Trump’s Presidency? Has Mueller found all those colluding Russians, Russians, Russians?

Even from Paul Manafort’s perspective, there may be less to this indictment than meets the eye — it’s not so much a serious allegation of “conspiracy against the United States” as a dubious case of disclosure violations and money movement that would never have been brought had he not drawn attention to himself by temporarily joining the Trump campaign.

From President Trump’s perspective, the indictment is a boon from which he can claim that the special counsel has no actionable collusion case. It appears to reaffirm former FBI director James Comey’s multiple assurances that Trump is not a suspect. And, to the extent it looks like an attempt to play prosecutorial hardball with Manafort, the president can continue to portray himself as the victim of a witch hunt.

McCarthy’s article at National Review is here.
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Sunday, October 29, 2017

Gov. Kasich: do you mean legal or illegal immigration?

art credit: beforeitsnews.com

Breitbart reports on Gov. Kasich’s appearance on Fox News Sunday (warning: GOPe Weasel Words Alert):

. . . Gov. John Kasich (R-OH) said the “bulk” of the Republican party was pro-immigration and not moving towards nationalism.
Kasich said, “I think the bulk of the Republican Party — and I’ve been in the party since I was a college student — it’s one that believes in the fact that America has a place in the world, Reagan talked about it, it advances humanity. I agree. I think the bulk of the Republican Party does believe that immigration provides energy to our country.”
He continued, “I think the bulk of the Republican party believes that America is special and has a place in the world to advance freedom and free enterprise and all those things. I think that this move towards nationalism where we are looking inward, has a lot of loud voices but I don’t think it’s the bulk.”
Speak for yourself, Gov. Kasich. You are not speaking for Americans who support LEGAL immigration, not ILLEGAL immigration or amnesty.

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Thursday, October 26, 2017

IRS “apologizes” for targeting Tea Party and liberty groups

cartoon credit: Christopher Weyant [The Hill] via Pinterest
The media is reporting that the lawsuits filed against the IRS by various Tea Party and liberty organizations have been settled. This extract is from the report in The Washington Post: 

The Justice Department has reached settlement agreements with groups that alleged their constitutional rights were violated when their applications for tax-exempt status received extra scrutiny because their names contained words such as “tea party” or “patriots,” court filings show.
In one agreement, which still must be approved by a judge, the Internal Revenue Service admitted that its treatment of the organizations was “wrong” and expressed a “sincere apology” for what happened.
. . .
The targeting of tea party organizations that applied for tax-exempt status was a major controversy of the Obama administration, as hundreds of conservative-leaning groups received scrutiny. In some cases, it delayed the processing of applications for years.
Many felt the conduct was an example of the president punishing his political enemies.
. . .
The Justice Department, too, conducted a criminal investigation but ultimately decided not to bring charges, including against Lois Lerner, the IRS official who oversaw tax-exempt groups.
“Our investigation uncovered substantial evidence of mismanagement, poor judgment and institutional inertia, leading to the belief by many tax-exempt applicants that the IRS targeted them based on their political viewpoints,” Assistant Attorney General for Legislative Affairs Peter J. Kadzik wrote in 2015.
“But poor management is not a crime,” Kadzik wrote. “We found no evidence that any IRS official acted on political, discriminatory, corrupt, or other inappropriate motives that would support a criminal prosecution.”

"Poor management"? Weaponizing the IRS is “poor management”? And of course, nobody is going to jail, losing their job, or losing their pension. Read the rest of the WaPo story here. There’s also a report at cleveland.com.

UPDATE at 6:21pm from Rick Moran at American Thinker blog:

The settlement, as unsatisfactory to many as it is, at least closes the book on this sordid chapter in the history of the IRS.  Will it curtail the IRS from using politics to enforce tax law again?  Since no one was punished after this blatant example of political use of the tax agency, I doubt it.

Full blog post is here.

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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Double rainbow over Cleveland

Taken late this afternoon during the shower
Photo credit: Pat Dooley Photography

Is Pastor Darrell Scott running for Congress?

L to R: Steve Loomis, Cleveland Police Patrolman’s Assoc.; Pastor Darrell Scott, New Spirit Revival Center; and Ralph King, Cleveland Tea Party / Main Street Patriot.
Photo taken at The Spirit of America Rally in Cleveland last March by CTP's roving photographer, Pat J Dooley.

Pro-Trump pastor Darrell Scott may challenge

U.S. Rep. Dave Joyce in 2018 Republican primary

Cleveland.com's report is here.
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Sunday, October 22, 2017

Football fans disguised as empty seats

Another Sunday with plenty of empty seats at NFL games. Here's a photo from today's Browns game (I hear they lost again):

photo credit: Gateway Pundit