One of the three core Tea Party principles is in support of "limited government," and here we have yet another imminent intrusion of the federal government into state business. This Action Alert is already on several Ohio liberty group
lists. It’s all about The Feds' attempted overreach into the Ohio Board of Education and school systems, and it appears
to undo the provisions passed in 2014 in Ohio HB 487, as summarized here on Rep. Brenner’s webpage and which include the following language:
No official or board shall enter
into any agreement or memorandum of understanding with a federal or private
entity that requires the state to cede any control of development, adoption or
revision of academic content standards. (3301.07, page 12)
I am forwarding the Alert:
Oppose HB
Ohio State Board of Education, Sarah Fowler, alerted us to something that
needs our immediate attention.
On February 14th, State Representative Bill Reineke (R – 88th
District) introduced HB 512. This legislation would combine the Ohio Department
of Education, the Ohio Department of Higher Education, and the Ohio Department
of Workforce Transformation into a single department called the Department of
Learning and Achievement. It would be organized under the governor. Not surprisingly, Governor Kasich and House
Speaker Cliff Rosenberger have voiced their support for the bill.
What this legislation would mean is that our elected State Board of
Education would no longer have any say in state education policy, including
things like state report cards, educational standards in all subjects, public
school operating standards, and home school regulations. All of these currently
go through a public hearing process. This legislation would eliminate the
public hearings and eliminate any transparency in the process. Further, it
would concentrate more power and control in the Executive branch, giving it
legislative authority.
If there is one thing that we do not need is to concentrate more power with
the governor’s office, especially when it comes to the future of our children.
Call your state legislator this week
HB 512 is moving rapidly through the House, with its first hearing
scheduled today. To stop this bill in its tracks, we need to move even more
quickly. Start by calling your state representative and let your voice be
heard. Tell your representative that you want them to vote NO on this
legislation and that support of it will tell us that they are more interested
in representing the governor and the House leadership than they are in
representing their constituents.
Find your state representative here.
Call the committee members this week
Call every member of the Government Accountability and Oversight Committee
and ask them to oppose HB 512.
Chairman Louis Blessing III (Co-sponsor of HB 512), (614) 466-9091
Vice-Chairman Bill Reineke (Sponsor of HB 512), (614) 466-1374
Kathleen Clyde, (614) 466-2004
Keith Faber, (614) 466-6344
Timothy Ginter, (614) 466-8022
Dave Greenspan, (614) 466-0961
Brigid Kelly, (614) 466-5786
Bernadine Kennedy Kent, (614) 466-5343
P. Scott Lipps, (614) 466-6023
Dorothy Pelanda (Co-sponsor of HB 512), (614) 466-8147
Bill Sietz, (614) 466-8258
Ryan Smith, (614) 466-1366
13) Martin J. Sweeney, (614) 466-3350
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