Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Voter fraud update

image credit:thedailysheeple.com

It's better than stuffing the ballot box. Investors Business Daily picked up the report:

Voter Fraud: When President Donald Trump brought up the idea that non-citizens were casting ballots in elections, the reaction was fast and furious. Such a thing, if it exists at all, is exceedingly rare, we were told. But when one state decided to take a close look, it found something quite different.

After a yearlong voter-fraud probe, Texas discovered that, lo and behold, 95,000 people identified as non-citizens had voter registrations. What's more, 58,000 of them voted in one or more Texas elections.

When Attorney General Ken Paxton led the state's investigation, he noted that Texas had already found 165 non-citizens in four counties who had cast 100 illegal votes in two years.

But wait. Isn't all this stuff about non-citizens voting a load of bull? When Trump appointed a voter-fraud commission in 2017, Democrats and the press howled in protest.

Sure, Trump almost certainly exaggerated the number of non-citizen voters. But in response, Time magazine declared that we "know that ineligible non-citizens do not vote in American elections." Vox.com, the "explanatory" news site, derided Trump as "indulging the long-standing myth of the non-citizen voter." Harvard researchers said that there is "no evidence" that non-citizens vote.

Less than a year after he put it together, Trump disbanded his commission, not because it didn't find anything, but because it faced a fusillade of lawsuits and stonewalling from state election officials.

More hereWhat about Ohio? Eric Eggers at Breitbart reported on the most recent election cycles:

Republican Troy Balderson clings to a narrow margin in last night’s special election for Ohio’s 12th Congressional district, underscoring the impact voter fraud can have in key elections around the country.

The separation of 1700 votes, or less than one percent, highlights the recent attempt by Democratic activists to fight efforts to prevent voter fraud from occurring.

For the past four years, George Soros has spent millions of dollars trying to weaken Ohio’s election security by funding efforts to both block its implementation of Voter ID and prevent the state from removing inaccurate registrations.

Soros pledged $5 million to fund Clinton campaign attorney Marc Elias’s efforts to fight voter ID laws in Ohio and two other states ahead of the 2016 election. 
. . .
Consider that 170 registered voters listed as being over 116 years old still existed on the rolls of Ohio’s 12th Congressional when GAI accessed the data last August. That’s 10 percent of Balderson’s current margin of victory, pending provisional ballots. And 72 voters over the age of 116 who “live” in Balderson’s district cast ballots in the 2016 election.

But the Left hasn’t given up trying to create conditions favorable for voter fraud in Ohio. As former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell has pointed out, “hyper-partisan liberals…have their eyes on Ohio.” Electing a Democrat as the state’s top elections official would undoubtedly roll back the hard-won safeguards Ohio has implemented. And as Blackwell points out, as goes Ohio, so goes the Presidency.

And it does not look good. Just two days ago, Peter Skurkiss at American Thinker reported:

Ben Stein, a once on-again, off-again conservative, now associates himself with a left-wing advocacy group called Policy Matters Ohio as a "staff associate."  Stein's affiliation with this non-profit came to light when he recently authored an opinion piece in the Akron Beacon Journal titled "Make it automatic for the people." 
Make what automatic?
Why, make voter registration automatic.  As if voting laws and policies haven't been weakened enough, there is now a drive across the country to make voter registration automatic.  It goes under the name Automatic Voter Registration (AVR), and 15 states have already enacted it in one form or another.
AVR works basically like this.  When a person has an interaction with a state government agency (say, Department of Motor Vehicle or a welfare agency), the data he gives will automatically be transferred to the Election Board.  And – presto – that person is registered to vote, unless choosing to opt out.  
Stein is disingenuous when he says AVR would screen out those ineligible to vote, such as non-citizens.  The fact is, there's no reliable way to ensure that all registrants are citizens.  
Read the rest here.
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Sunday, January 27, 2019

Speaking of Fake News

Here's chuckle from Powerline's The Week In Pictures: Epidemic Fakery Edition:

And in case you couldn't embiggen the image to read the caption:

"We're getting an unconfirmed report from anonymous sources making unverified claims in an out-of-context video, which -- if true, is huge news, and if not -- utter horse hockey."

Cartoon by Rick McKee  
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Saturday, January 26, 2019

Long term: getting along

photo credit (raid on Michael Cohen's office): freespeechden.com

Everyone has watched the media manipulate the Covington students harassed by the faux Vietnam vet beating his drum. Everyone watched the CNN footage of the FBI storming Roger Stone’s home at 6am. The corruption of the FBI, the DOJ, & the media is blatant. It's every day. But half the people I know don’t see it. Those who do see it are swimming against the current. And it is difficult to imagine that things will end well. John Hawkins at PJ Media pondered the problem in a thoughtful piece which concludes that

the basic response came down to, “He’s a smiling white kid wearing a MAGA hat, therefore he deserves everything he gets.”

It would be nice to make it into a joke by calling it what it really is, a “hat crime,” but it’s not funny. If you’re willing to falsely brand a kid as a racist, a Nazi, and a horrible person because he stood there and smiled while some weirdo beat a drum in his face, where do we go from there? . . . If Joe Biden wins the Democratic nomination in 2020, is it acceptable to try to destroy the lives of random liberal teenagers for wearing “I’m With Joe” shirts?

This is the world liberals are dragging us into with their myopic vision, unquenchable hatred for people who disagree with them, and their raging intolerance. Is this good for the country? No way. Will it produce a better America? No. Is it entirely possible that this sort of thinking could lead to increasing amounts of political violence? Absolutely, because you can’t live in harmony with people who think there’s no punishment too great for people who wear hats designed to support their political opponents. 

Then again, maybe those Covington students represent hope for the next generations.
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Wednesday, January 23, 2019

NewsGuard's Media Blacklist

art credit: inforrm.wordpress.com

Without consulting with its users, Microsoft has installed an establishment media browser extension, purportedly designed to rate the accuracy of news websites, as a default setting on mobile versions of its Edge browser. In practice, it creates a news blacklist by warning users away from sites including Breitbart News, The Drudge Report, and the Daily Mail.

The browser extension, called “Newsguard,” presents users with a red warning label if they navigate to a website that it judges to be unreliable. A “green” rating is given to websites that NewsGuard considers trustworthy.

A number of pro-Trump websites, including Breitbart News, are given a “red” rating by the extension.

NewsGuard itself is not new, but its installation by Microsoft is. In a related Breitbart story titled “Bill Kristol Correctly Describes NewsGuard: ‘Establishment People’ Like ‘Establishment Websites’”:

In a March 2018 interview with NewsGuard Executive Editor James Warren, establishment conservative Bill Kristol correctly noted that NewsGuard, an app and browser plug-in which allows users to avoid what it considers “fake news” websites, would face skepticism since “establishment people” like “establishment websites.” NewsGuard has added Breitbart News, the Drudge Report, and the Daily Mail to its “fake news” blacklist.
. . .
NewsGuard lists Breitbart News, the Daily Mail, and the Drudge Report as fake news websites, but gives the all-clear to CNN, Buzzfeed, the Guardian, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and Vice News, despite recent high profile fake news stories from a variety of these approved sites.

CNN? Buzzfeed? New York Times? Good grief. Who is making the decisions about what is and is not Fake News. Yet more media and social malpractice.

UPDATE 8:35pm on 1/23: A reader posted this as Reply #3 at the Lucianne aggregator:

While I think this is terrible, it is only on the phone version of [Mircrosoft's] Edge. Since the three users of that browser work for Microsoft I am not sure that anyone will notice. 

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Monday, January 21, 2019

What is a Xanatos Gambit?

Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/XanatosGambit

The reactions to Trump’s White House speech offering a compromise to get the Wall funded and stop the partial government shutdown were in many ways predictable. Ann Coulter was apoplectic, the mainstream media called President Trump more names, and Democrat leadership Schumer and Pelosi rejected his proposal out-of-hand. Some conservative commentators were of the opinion that Trump knew full well his proposal would be rejected by the Democrats, putting them in the intransigence column in order to pacify their hard-to-the-left base, while not seriously advancing any real concessions to Dreamers. Maybe.

But one of the more interesting takes was at Chicago Boyz and linked via American Thinker:

For those who are unfamiliar with the term, a ‘Xanatos Gambit’ is a plan for which all foreseeable outcomes benefit the creator — including ones that superficially appear to be failure.  

And here’s the theoretical application to the Wall stand-off:

President Trump’s “Big  Macs served at the White House” and grounding Speaker Pelosi’s Congressional Junkets on military transports during a government shut down over funding “The Wall” are both very much in that “Xanatos Gambit” frame work.  President Trump is staying on the offensive so House Democrats and the media cannot “get off a shot” over the Government shut down. 

More at all the links.
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Sunday, January 20, 2019

Eclipse tonight – no visibility in NE Ohio

blood moon photo by Doug Murray 

APnews has the thumbnail report on this evening’s lunar eclipse:

The celestial curtain will be rising soon on a lunar extravaganza.
Sunday night, the Earth will slide directly between the moon and the sun, creating a total lunar eclipse. There won’t be another until 2021.

It will also be the year’s first supermoon, when a full moon appears a little bigger and brighter thanks to its slightly closer position.

The entire eclipse will exceed three hours. Totality — when the moon’s completely bathed in Earth’s shadow — will last an hour. Expect the eclipsed, or blood moon, to turn red from sunlight scattering off Earth’s atmosphere.

Everyone everywhere can catch the supermoon, weather permitting. But the entire eclipse will be visible only in North and South America, and across the Atlantic to western and northern Europe.

Another report from ALNews [Alabama News] is here, and it shows the cloud cover map. Cleveland is in the middle of a winter storm with total cloud cover. So if you want to watch the supermoon and the eclipse, here’s the link to the eclipse livestream on YouTube (start checking the link around 10:30pm).
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Friday, January 18, 2019

Election ‘reform’ encourages voter fraud

image credit: zazzle.com

A couple of days ago, I posted “How To Steal An Election,” highlighting analyses by J. Christian Adams at PJ Media. Today at Fox News, John Fund is sounding the alarm as well:

Pelosi's election ‘reform’ encourages voter fraud to benefit Dems

When Democrats reclaimed majority control of the House of Representatives under Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California this month, they had many choices on what to make their top legislative priority.

It says a lot that the new majority made a bill to upend federal election law House Resolution 1. The measure would give Democrats a partisan advantage over Republicans in everything from campaign finance to regulating online political ads.

Democrats would even go after the right of states to set “the time, manner and place” of elections that is guaranteed to them by the Constitution. States would be required to automatically register everyone in government databases as a voter unless individuals explicitly opted out.

In 2012, the Pew Research Center found that more than 3 million people were registered to vote in more than one state. In addition, 1.8 million dead people were on the voter registration rolls.

Requiring automatic voter registration would inject even more errors and potential for fraud into our already dubious voter rolls.

Under the Democratic bill, states would be required to offer voter registration online. They would also be required to offer at least 15 days of early voting and unlimited absentee balloting.

All of these so-called “reforms” trample on the rights of local election officials and raise the risk of fraud. And there is no crying need for such federal big-footing.
. . .

Please read the rest here. The group “MassFiscal” attempted to identify election and voter irregularities in Massachusetts and encountered considerable resistance. The report concludes that

other Democrats may not be concerned about evidence of possible voter fraud, but MassFiscal is hoping the local U.S. Attorney’s Office and the FBI may be. The group has sent its findings to the federal officials and is hoping someone in government will listen.
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