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At PJ Media, Robert Spencer published an excellent comparison in
historical terms of Biden’s ideology and that of the former Soviet Union. Mr Spencer begins:
In Marxist theory, the final stage
of socialism is true communism, when everyone shares of his or her resources
equally, the state withers away, and true justice finally dawns upon the earth.
We never have seen that stage and never will, because Marxism is rancid
pseudo-religious hogwash that runs directly contrary to human nature. The real
final stage of socialism is what we saw in the last ten years of the Soviet
Union: an entrenched, all-encompassing, corrupt and inefficient state
bureaucracy nominally presided over by a succession of senescent, barely-there
incompetents. With his disgraceful descent into open authoritarianism Thursday
evening, Old Joe Biden and the Democrats signaled their intention to skip right
to that final stage: they’ve already got the doddering figurehead and the
ravenous bureaucracy firmly in place.
. . .
And now that Joe Biden is out in
the open about criminalizing his opposition and brooking no dissent, we can
skip here in the United States right to the final stage of socialism. We have
the entrenched deep-state bureaucracy, and we have the dementia-ridden
septuagenarian puppet in charge, so we’re all set. . . .
Read the full column here.
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The 2022 Cleveland National Air Show takes place over the Labor Day weekend, opening on Saturday, September 3 (today). And this year, it’s the Blue Angels.
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Image via Conservative Treehouse: Albert Speer would have been proud.
"Biden's malodorous speech on Thursday, bathed in communist red light, was bloodcurdling in its ramifications. His contempt for at least seventy-five million Americans was disgraceful. The man is suffering from cognitive decline and is striking out at his political opponents in furious anger. All of his accusations about "MAGA Republicans" are true of his party, of himself; the speech was a grand exercise in projection and gaslighting." -- Patricia McCarthy at American Thinker
For President Trump’s reaction, click here.
For Sundance on the optics: click here.
For Issues & Insights Board editorial: click here
Most networks didn’t broadcast his speech.
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So pResident Biden will be delivering his “Soul of the Nation” speech Thursday, Sept 1 in primetime - 8pm. I found J. Robert Smith’s preview of this evening’s speech at American Thinker here. But I have not yet found the speech itself scheduled in the TV listings.
I would put
this speech in my Must Miss category, but if I find that Mr Vodkapundit is
going to Drunkblog it live, I’ll add a link later today. Otherwise, I’ll look for commentary online to share after the speech.
UPDATE: It’s being broadcast on C-Span. As of 7:40pm, no sign of Drunkblogging at PJ
Media. ... As of 8pm, still no
UPDATE 2 as of 7:45pm: Sundance has posted livestream links here.
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Democrats Are Lying and Everyone Knows It
Well, not everyone. Here’s
part of Stephen Kruiser’s column from yesterday at PJ Media:
. . . Let us begin with a point of
clarification. I am well aware that we live in a representative republic and
not a democracy, but I’ll be using the latter description because that’s what
is being employed in the false narrative I’d like to pick apart.
. . .
The assault on democracy that the
Democrats and their flying monkeys in the mainstream media are carrying on
about is very much in progress, but it’s coming from them. They are waging a
full-scale ideological war on anyone who doesn’t agree with their increasingly
commie policies. Make no mistake about this: their endgame is one-party rule in
the United States of America.
. . .
The laundry list of things they lie
about grows every day and has done so at a greater pace since Donald Trump won
the 2016 election. Russia collusion. J6 was an insurrection. The 2020
presidential election was one of the cleanest ever. Republican efforts to shore
up election integrity are racist.
On it goes.
Of course, Democrats’ false
narratives don’t become narratives without the corrupt corporate mainstream
media aiding and abetting them.
. . .
Read the full column here.
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