Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Sunday, October 2, 2022

October : Halloween preview

Seen around the blogosphere:

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Saturday, October 1, 2022

Trump Rally Today 7pm : livestream links


President Donald J Trump’s Save America Rally takes place today in Warren MI:

  • 4:00PM – Special Guest Speakers Deliver Remarks
  • 7:00PM – 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks

Right Side Broadcasting Network and Rumble livestream links here.

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Is anti-globalism winning?


Here’s part of the update from Brandon Smith atAlt-Market.us:

If the goal of the pandemic fear factory was simply to get the population injected with the mRNA vaccines, here they also failed. With many states in the US 40% unvaxxed (according to official numbers) and many parts of the world with large unvaxxed populations, there is a massive control group for the covid vaccines. If there are going to be constantly developing health problems associated the mRNA vax (like Myocarditis) then the public is going to know what caused them because of this control group. The globalists needed near-100% vaccination and they did not get it. Not even close.

There is no escape for them – They greatly overestimated the public’s apathy when it comes to authoritarianism. The rebellion is too large and they will eventually be held accountable for their trespasses.

. . .

The fear among them is palpable. Anti-globalism is now going mainstream, and as it does people are going to start looking for answers. Why have our economic conditions been so degraded? Why are we facing stagflationary crisis? Why are prices on everything continuing to climb? Why did we almost lose all of our civil liberties in the name of fighting a virus with a tiny 0.23% official median Infection Fatality Rate? Why are pointless carbon controls being instituted in the middle of a supply chain crisis? Why are politicians and banks making everything so much worse?

The public outcry for a reckoning is growing and it’s the heads of globalists that will end up on the chopping block. All roads to destruction lead back to them and the policies they have forced upon the populace.

Of course, when criminals feel like they are being cornered they will sometimes set fires and take hostages in a last ditch effort to stay alive and slip through the net. I believe we are closing in on that stage of this terrible drama. It’s important to accept the conditions of the battlefield as they are and not underestimate the enemy. The truth is, globalists have extensive means at their disposal to wreak havoc and they have already set some of these disasters in motion.

. . .

the evidence shows that the globalists WANT a crash and are engineering conditions of instability. They set up the dominoes in advance and now they have decided to knock them down. I think this is a fail-safe; a panic trigger in the event that they did not get the control they wanted from the COVID pandemic.

They will blame Russia, they will blame China, they will blame conservatives, they will blame anything and anyone besides themselves in an attempt to divert public attention away from the international banking actions that created the crash conditions in the first place. We can’t let them. Whatever happens next, it is vital that people remember who really did this to us and who needs to be punished.  . . .

Read the whole thing here.  And I sure hope Mr Smith has got it right.

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Friday, September 30, 2022

The Thinnest Veneer of Civilization


The great historian Victor Davis Hanson has another must-read:

. . . Civilization alone permits humans to pursue sophisticated scientific research, the arts, and the finer aspects of culture. 

So, the great achievement of Western civilization—consensual government, individual freedom, rationalism in partnership with religious belief, free market economics, and constant self-critique and audit—was to liberate people from daily worry over state violence, random crime, famine, and an often-unforgiving nature. 

But so often the resulting leisure and affluence instead deluded arrogant Western societies into thinking that modern man no longer needed to worry about the fruits of civilization he took to be his elemental birthright. 

As a result, the once prosperous Greek city-state, Roman Empire, Renaissance republics, and European democracies of the 1930s imploded—as civilization went headlong in reverse.  

We in the modern Western world are now facing just such a crisis. 

. . .

He concludes:

As we suffer self-inflicted mass looting, random street violence, hyperinflation, a nonexistent border, unaffordable fuel, and a collapsing military, Americans will come to appreciate just how thin is the veneer of their civilization. 

When stripped away, we are relearning that what lies just beneath is utterly terrifying.

Read the rest here at American Greatness. A Must Read.

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Thursday, September 29, 2022

Another reason to oppose EVs


As we watch the footage of the damage in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian, Thomas Lifson (American Thinker founder and editor) explains in detail why converting to all-electric vehicles is such a bad – and dangerous –idea:

. . . It is fortunate that as of the current moment, electric vehicles constitute only about 100,000, out of nearly 8 million vehicles registered to drive on Florida’s roads. What if they all were electric, the (impractical) dream of greenies?

Depending on how heavily loaded they were, even assuming everyone had a full battery charge, cars from southern Florida would start running out of juice after 100 – 250 miles. They would then have to spend hours at recharging stations, which would rapidly be clogged with other cars and trucks waiting their turn, since an electricity “fill up” can easily take an hour or more, as compared to a couple of minutes for gasoline.  Cars waiting to be charged would spill onto the highways, potentially blocking traffic.

Those cars that ran out of juice on the highway would block traffic. Even assuming that emergency service vehicles could get to them (unlikely if the entire fleet were electric cars), towing a portable generator (powered by fossil fuels, of course) and recharging the stalled vehicles would take plenty of time, as well, further blocking traffic.  The stranded cars would, of course, have no air conditioning, no wipers, no GPS.

In all likelihood, the highways would become vast parking lots, trapping their passengers wherever they happened to be stalled, waiting for the storm and flood waters to reach them, unable to get to safety. . . .

More here.

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'Commitment to America' Is a Loser


It’s been difficult to find commentary critical of House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s useless “Commitment to America” policy / platform announcement – and most commentaries are behind a paywall.  Sadly, even Newt G is singing its praises.

At the Spectator, Jed Babbin commented that

McCarthy’s ‘Commitment to America’ Is a Loser

He should reread Gingrich’s “Contract with America” —
and take notes this time instead of just ripping off the title.

Good point.  But Babbin’s full article is behind a paywall. 

As far as I can tell, “Commitment to America” is your typical RINO/Uniparty babblefest before upcoming midterms.  Daniel Horowitz at The Blaze said as much:

The recent “Commitment to America” document released by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is beautifully written … to achieve the GOP’s interminable goal. Republicans seek to indulge the broad talking points of their base in a general, shallow, and superficial manner – just enough to appear as if they are on their side without, of course, actually committing to anything transformational that offends their donors and puppet masters. On that score, the document was a home run. Otherwise, not so much.

. . . However, when you consider what is omitted from the document, it quickly becomes clear that even what is in the text is a vacuous platitude that will never be followed through on with ironclad commitments to see the outcomes of those policies to fruition.

. . .

There is no recognition whatsoever that this is the Fourth Reich, the economic collapse is not by accident, and that we have suffered through the greatest tyranny and civilization destruction of all time. That is to say, the biggest omission from this document is COVID fascism. It’s as if the past two and a half years never occurred. . . .

Read Mr. Horowitz’s analysis here. Screenshot of the document is at the end of the column.  Discouraging, to say the least.

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Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Ditch Google and Gmail Before It’s Too Late


At FreedomFirstNetwork, Dr Joseph Mercola offers good advice to anyone still using Google searches or using Gmail:

Google isn't just censoring information via its search engine - while about 50% of our subscribers are using Gmail accounts, the delivery rate is HALF of email providers like this one.


  • Many understand that Google is filtering and massively censoring information through its search engine, but it also has the power to censor in other areas, including your personal email if you’re using Gmail
  • The technocratic cabal is pushing the world toward global tyranny, and Google is one of the primary supporters, aiders and abettors, of this scheme
  • Google catches every single move you make online if you’re using a Google-based product. All Google products are interconnected, and the data from all their different products and services are collected to build your personality profile, which is both used to manipulate you, and sold to third parties to be used in whatever way they like
  • Google poses several unique threats to society. It’s a surveillance agency with military connections and covert surveillance powers, it’s a censoring agency with the ability to restrict or block access to websites across the internet, and it has the power to manipulate public opinion
  • Without Google, the technocrats’ dream of a One World Government would likely never happen, as it relies on social engineering and artificial intelligence. Google is a frontrunner and expert in both, and has the ability to control entire populations

The fact that half of all people in the U.S. and around the world are still using Gmail as their primary email service is a testament to the fact that many still do not understand just how dangerous Google actually is, not just to their immediate privacy but also to their future freedom.

Many understand that Google is filtering and massively censoring information through its search engine. As you may recall, in June 2019, Google buried Mercola.com in its search engine update (see video above). They changed the algorithm such that whenever you entered a health-related search word into Google, our articles were filtered out.

But Google also has the power to censor in other areas, including your personal email if you’re using Gmail. As previously reported by Gawker, “Every word of every email sent through Gmail and every click made on a Chrome browser is permanently recorded by the company.”

Read the rest here.  If you are still on Gmail, or if you use Google to search the web, Dr Mercola provides good reasons to consider switching services.

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