Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Friday, October 28, 2022

USS Cooperstown docked at the Port of Cleveland


Photo by CTP roving photographer Pat Dooley shows
the USS Cooperstown docked just west of the football stadium
in downtown Cleveland

CLEVELAND (Tribune News Service) — A warship made its way into the Port of Cleveland on Wednesday, but it came in peace and paying homage to some of baseball’s all-time greats.

The USS Cooperstown, built in Marinette, Wis., for the U.S. Navy, was christened earlier this year and is now on its way to Naval Station Mayport near Jacksonville, Fla., where it will be commissioned.

Its first port of call is Cleveland, where the ship can take on fuel, replace stores and give the crew a little shore leave, said Lt. Brandon Carnes, the ship’s electronic materials officer.

The USS Cooperstown is a littoral combat ship, and the Cooperstown is very fast and agile. Its low draft allows it to operate in shallow water, Carnes said. It’s the 23rd of its kind built by the Navy. The ships are primarily being used for drug interdiction in the Caribbean.

. . .

But the USS Cooperstown also is a floating museum. It was named for the town in New York where the National Baseball Hall of Fame is located. And that has led to some interesting décor inside the ship.

Seventy members of the National Baseball Hall of Fame who also served in the military are honored with copies of their induction plaques on display, Carnes said.

The plaques are found in the stateroom and berthing areas, Carnes said, although the plaque for Cleveland Indians great Bob Feller, who served as a Navy chief petty officer in the Pacific during World War II, is on the door of the chief petty officers’ mess.

During the USS Cooperstown’s stay in Cleveland — Carnes declined to say exactly when the ship plans to shove off but that it won’t be around next week — the crew will have the chance to see the town.

Stripes source is here.  It’s likely the ship will be in port today and tomorrow.

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Central Bank Digital Currency: bad idea

At Big League Politics (Oct 26), Jose Nino reported:

During an interview on CoinDesk TV, Connecticut Congressman Jim Himes said that the United States government should create a central bank digital currency (CBDC). He believes the US must do so in order to not be “left behind.” 

Countries such as Australia, China, Japan, and Russia have rolled out pilot projects to test run CBDCs.

Himes stated that the US should get the ball rolling on developing a CBDC so that “we’ve got the option to move forward” when it comes to competing wit’s other great powers using similar currencies.

. . . [BUT, as Mr Nino comments]

CBDCs are just another way globalists want to take control of people’s economic livelihood. While technology can enhance people’s lives, it can also be used as a way to exert control over them.

. . .

Instead there should be the promotion of a separation of central banking and state through legislation that allows for competing currencies to operate freely in the marketplace. 

The solution to these economic issues ultimately lies with mechanisms that promote more economic freedom as opposed to economic control. 

Read the full report here. Another wrecking ball if this plan succeeds.

RELATED headline: "New British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is World Economic Forum Globalist, Pushing Banker-Controlled Digital Currency"


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Thursday, October 27, 2022

Kamala's word salads

 Just to lighten things up for a moment (with apologies to Paul Newman) . . .

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The 2016 “Flight 93” essay: Michael Anton vindicated


Yesterday’s blog linked to William A Jacobson’s “pep talk” for conservatives.  Today, the executive editor of The Federalist, Joy Pullmann, looks back on what Michael Anton was predicting in 2016, and why we all need those pep talks.  Here’s an extract – towards the end of her column:

Biden’s Destruction Of America Vindicates
Mike Anton’s 2016 ‘Flight 93’ Essay

. . Anton was also right that Trump’s top issues — border security, international trade, and endless foreign wars — were broadly popular and could form the basis of a national renewal. The Biden administration’s gross and dangerous mismanagement of all these issues has vindicated this analysis as well. We’re just two years into Biden’s divisive, lawless, scorched-earth reign, and one already wonders if there will be anything left of our country after two more.

On the flip side, Trump’s platform and four years in office transformed and united the Republican Party. The only people who haven’t figured that out are the people who misread the nation and their own constituents and refused to man up and admit it, forfeiting their credibility to lead. Their cowardice and softness have revealed themselves as more dangerous than Trump’s rudeness and intimidation, and voters are over it.

Riding the center of the maelstrom, Trump’s presidency did change the political winds, in ways Anton couldn’t predict. For one, Trump cracked the right’s tolerance for political correctness, a major victory. We are now free to say, yes, we do want our border secured, and to call that racist is simply unserious and callous to all the women and children trafficked and raped by the cartels. We can say that anti-white racism is also racism, and it’s the right that maintains the strictest zero-tolerance policy on racism.

Trump’s moderate appeal and bull-in-the-China-shop bashing of the racist stigma barrier set the GOP toward becoming a truly multiracial working-class and middle-class coalition party. The amplified media propaganda machine and woke incest between big business and government has prompted a deep and wide backlash, alienating normies from the Democrat Party. In this, Trump’s presidency helped people awaken to their true political foes and allies, clarifying what time we are in and who is a talk-only grifter and who’s a legit freedom fighter.

Anton also couldn’t account for Covid opening so many people’s eyes — except many among self-appointed conservative “leadership,” who acquiesced instead of fighting for actual constitutional rights such as freedom of assembly, free speech, and not being “deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law”! They left resisting the communists to ordinary citizens, such as the few Democrat lawyers who still believe in civil rights, apolitical doctors who formed impressive new messaging and policy coalitions, and mom bloggers with kids banned from school.

We don’t need the right’s Monday morning armchair quarterbacks to do anything but get out of the way as Ben Sasse did. . . .

Read Ms. Pullman’s full column here.  It’s one to bookmark.

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Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Prof Jacobson's pep talk


William A Jacobson teaches law at Cornell U and is the proprietor of Legal Insurrection.  He was the point person reporting on the David vs Goliath lawsuit by Gibson’s Bakery against Oberlin College.  And he posted an article yesterday that will resonate with readers at this blog:

Periodically I’m called upon to give a Pep Talk. Too often, because that has been the reality of our political system in the over 14 years since Legal Insurrection was founded.

It’s not easy. I feel what readers feel. While I play therapist, I’m also the patient. It weighs heavily on me. No more so than now.

I received this message from a reader who was unsubscribing from the Morning Insurrection newsletter, explaining why she was leaving:

“I need to step away for a bit. It is so overwhelming, I am getting too depressed about where our country is heading.”

That’s a feeling I have almost daily. It’s a feeling others have expressed to me apart from that reader.

The swiftness and efficiency with which the Biden administration has damaged the country is something to behold, and it’s built on a generation of institutional capture. I could run a list, but you know already. The current trajectory cannot be sustained, something has to give.

I wish I had an easy answer. But I don’t.

I do know that there is no choice but to keep fighting back. It’s our nature.

. . .

There’s more here.  Same message as Dr Robert Malone’s:  you are not alone.

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Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Erasing the borders


This blog has been posting some of the more disturbing examples of America's self-inflicted wounds, the result of a government-gone-rogue engaged in deliberate destruction.  Yesterday, the subject was homelessness - by design.  Today, Frank Miele at Real Clear Politics has another example:

North America Goes South: The Plan To Dismantle USA

People are starting to realize that the collapse of the American border is not an accident. It can’t be. When the vice president of the United States says the border is “secure” at the same time that illegal border crossings have surged to more than a million a year, then one of two things must be true.

Either the vice president and the rest of the Biden administration have to be delusional, or they are lying. And while there is plenty of evidence that President Biden is cognitively challenged, there is no reason to believe that he or his handlers are out of touch with reality.

So they must be lying. But why? A lie is usually told to cover up some kind of bad behavior, some unacknowledged guilt or secretive misdeeds. Yet if there were an ulterior motive behind the Democratic policy of importing millions of unvetted immigrants into the interior of the country, what could it possibly be?

Unfortunately, there was no way to determine what the Biden administration was up to – until now. Two weeks ago, we learned that Biden’s Secretary of State Antony Blinken is actively engaged in a campaign to break down all barriers between the United States and Mexico. In other words, the huge influx of Mexicans and other foreigners across the U.S. border is just the first stage in a globalist effort to blur the lines between not just the United States and Mexico, but also Canada.

It’s called the North American Union, and the idea has been around for three decades. I wrote about it extensively between 2006 and 2008 when President George W. Bush was pushing it. . . .

It goes back further than that.  The rest of Mr Miele’s report is here and it cites chapter and verse.

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Monday, October 24, 2022

Update: the corrupt and manipulative political justice system


It’s just 15 days before the mid-term elections, and the DOJ is switching its story. Sundance reports:

FBI and DOJ Switch Tactics,
Now Claim 2022 Election is Vulnerable to Manipulation

With the majority of American voters now positioned to rebuke the political efforts of Joe Biden and federal Democrats, the narrative from the DOJ and FBI does a 180° reverse course.  The transparency of a corrupt and manipulative political justice system is beyond obvious.

  • Old Message to support the 2020 Democrat vote initiatives (ballot harvesting, mail-in voting, precinct manipulation): The 2020 election was the most secure election in American history.
  • New Message to support the Democrat 2022 vote initiatives: The 2022 election is not secure, subject to manipulation by disinformation and misinformation, and likely to encounter interference by domestic and foreign adversaries.

. . .

Read the full report at Conservative Treehouse here.

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