Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Trump announcement at 9pm this evening


From Right Side Broadcasting Network RSBN:

President Trump is expected to give remarks at Mar-a-Lago Tuesday, Nov. 15 at 9:00 p.m. ET. Tune in on RSBN for LIVE coverage starting at 7:30 p.m. ET.

"Remarks" or an announcement?  Gentlemen, place your bets. 

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Monday, November 14, 2022

A Mass Extinction Event?



[This post was published two days ago, but a technical glitch blocked it.  Apologies if somehow it got published twice.]

A Mass Extinction Event?  Yes, that is what the globalists at the World Economic Forum have been planning – just for you.  Do you recognize the name Yuval Noah Harari?  Ethan Huff introduces this devil incarnate in his column at NOQ Report here.

Klaus Schwab’s Right-Hand Man Calls for
“Mass Extinction Event” to Usher in Great Reset

Another leaked video has emerged to show that the World Economic Forum (WEF), led by the infamous globalist kingpin Klaus Schwab, is planning to unleash mass genocide as the catalyst for its promised “Great Reset.”

Yuval Noah Harari, who is described as Schwab’s “right-hand man,” is on a promotional tour right now shilling a new book he allegedly wrote. That manuscript asks questions like: What do we need so many humans for?

Now that the globalists have attained near-total control over pretty much everything, they appear ready to cull the herd of human slaves. It began in this latest installment with the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic, followed by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

There is also skyrocketing inflation, supply chain failures, food shortages, crop destruction and other economic instability – all things that are swirling into a perfect storm of global shock and awe.

Referring to non-globalists as “common people” who are fully disposable, Harari’s latest leaked statements reveal a profound attitude of self-perceived superiority and globalist supremacy.

Harari says the common folk below him are right to be fearful about the future because their lives could end at any moment. And it would not be any great loss, he says, because non-globalists are “redundant.”

. . .

“We just don’t need the vast majority of you,” Harari stated out loud without shame, believing himself to be invincible.

Mr. Huff wraps up:

The now-destroyed Georgia Guidestones revealed that the globalist plan for their envisioned “New World Order” involves reducing the current population of the world from roughly eight billion, the current number, to just 500 million.

Former President Bill Clinton, unbeknownst to many, signed a so-called “biodiversity” treaty during his tenure that contains an explicitly stated goal of reducing the world’s population to one billion, at least as a start.

At the “grassroots” level, the globalists have done an exceptional job programming millions of Westerners into supporting mass genocide through abortion and even infanticide, the latter constituting the murder of a child after he or she has already left the womb.

“George Orwell warned us about these times,” writes Baxter Dmitry for Newspunch. “He said they would convince us that war is peace. How right he was.”

Mr. Huff’s full report is here.  There’s evidence and testimony on video, on the record, in print, and in recent history.   Otherwise, you’d think all this was a wild conspiracy theory.  This blog referenced the World Economic Forum a couple of days ago (click here), linking to Dr Robert Malone’s website.  All of the same piece.  

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Election fraud update 2022


One day you think you have a handle on how widespread the corruption is.  Next day,you read that it’s overwhelming and so much worse than you thought.  Elizabeth Nickson at Substack explains some of what we are seeing and have seen with respect to election fraud:

What's happening in Nevada? Arizona? Upstate NY?  This:

A Big Store, Pig in a Poke, with a Pidgeon Drop and a Kansas City Shuffle

. . .

Instead, for the past 12 years, we have been undergoing something called a Parallel Election. This happens everywhere, up and down ticket, but most particularly in swing states which determine the direction of the country, and drilling down, in the Pivot Counties within those states that decide the direction of the state.

 During the 2016 election, the old tricks which could move an election between 6% and 10% failed, given the surge for Trump. Therefore, a new more organized and fiendish scheme was devised[1].  Hitherto, the thieves had moved the country by increments into “equally divided”, bouncing back and forth between one side and another, making sure that, whatever happened, the Uniparty stayed in power.

Trump destroyed that.

The country is not evenly divided between right and left. It is easily 60-65% populist (right and left) now. Easily. This is probably true in every Western democracy. Every Western democracy is stolen. Every single one.

“In 2016, President Trump won 2,652 of 3,139 counties in the US, leaving Hillary with 487 counties. He didn't just win the majority in those counties, but took them by margins of 68% to 96%, in a total blow out.” And the counties he didn’t win, the swing counties, were stolen.

. . .

A few weeks ago, I described the magic glitch programmed into Dominion voting machines, discovered on machines in Colorado:

“This is how it worked. A few thousand votes into the process, the machine was programmed to create a new database and it moved most already cast votes into that database, after which it began to change votes using the 2010 census. Prior, the operators had identified people whose records showed on said 2010 census, had never voted. They registered them to vote and they voted for them. The packet traffic into every single precinct from China (mostly) during the night of November 3rd was massive, hundreds of thousands of trackers into every precinct, checking totals, altering votes thousands of times in every single county.”

A parallel election. Effected on machines invented, made and sold by literal communists. The software of which we are not allowed to view because it is “proprietary”.

. . .

All the little local precincts that used to count votes were decommissioned. All votes were brought in and counted in the Big Store, a warehouse out of the public eye, with few windows.’

120,000 fake votes were manufactured and brought into the Big Store by Post Office contractors. (We all saw the photographs.)

They were held back until they found out how many votes Biden required.

The "Pidgeon Drop" in most basic terms, is substituting one item, or container, for another item, or container.

The “Kansas Shuffle”. Stenstrom observed pallets of ballots moving up and down the three elevator banks, over and over again. . . .

So much more detail at the link here.   

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Sunday, November 13, 2022

Censorship, the “vaccine”, and the New World Order


Dr Vernon Coleman explains why things keep getting worse.  His presentation is unvarnished and consistent with previous reports linked on this blog to Dr Robert Malone, Dr Peter McCullough, and many others – all of whom have been ostracized and censored.  Here’s an extract from Dr Coleman's video lecture, transcribed at AmeriaFirstReport:

. . . All this, of course, links in with the global warming fraud, the constant drive towards a cashless, digital economy, the loss of free speech, the disappearance of freedom, the abolition of health care, the end of travel, the destruction of education and the economy and the remorseless, step by step introduction of social credit. You will own nothing – not even your own body – and you will be happy. Together it’s the Great Reset.

No one in health care gives a damn about evidence any more. The only thing that talks is money. I warned about the side effects associated with the covid-19 jab two years ago. Two years ago. Everything I warned about was accurate. But the media still pretends there are no side effects. Teenagers are suddenly having heart attacks. Fit professional sports stars are collapsing. People are dropping dead for no reason. They call it Sudden Adult Death syndrome and blame everything but the real cause.

. . .

The vast majority of illnesses and deaths caused by vaccines go unreported. And yet we are still seeing thousands of deaths and tens of thousands of adverse events with covid-19 vaccines. The authorities in the USA admit that somewhere between one in ten and one in a hundred incidents of vaccine damage is reported.

Researchers keep producing evidence to show that unvaccinated Americans are healthier than vaccinated Americans and that scheduled vaccines cause much chronic illness. A large number of illnesses, including infections, allergies and behavioural issues are commoner among children who’d received a number of vaccinations. Doctors who speak or write about this in public lose their license to practice. That is now standard practice and it is one of the reasons few doctors dare speak out. . . .

Read the complete transcript here.  I keep looking for positive developments to link to, but I keep finding reports like this one. 

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Saturday, November 12, 2022

The Big Ugly

Defining terms:  Sundance at Conservative Treehouse (CTH) has been calling this battle ‘The Big Ugly‘ for around a decade: The Big Ugly battle is essentially the fight between the grassroots working class base of MAGA voters and the professional political snobs in control of the Republican Club boardroom.

And now, Sundance has nailed it again.  He figured out that the mid-term election Red Wave might still materialize, but it's likely that as of now, conservative voters are already demoralized, because the media and GOPe did -- and still are -- gaslighting the public:

We’ve seen this exact playbook before.

The delayed “official results” from Colorado, Arizona and Nevada are all part of the organized narrative engineering from SoS [Secretary of State] offices, party officials (local and state) and corporate media. 

In the big picture, the goal was to undermine and deflate the MAGA base represented by President Donald Trump.  2022 midterm MAGA wins downplayed and or delayed. 2022 MAGA losses overemphasized, highlighted and promoted as part of the script.  That’s what we are seeing now.  That’s all we are seeing now.  

And this blog bought into the Red Ripple reports.  As Mark Twain said, it’s easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they have been fooled.  Count me as un-fooled.  At least yesterday, we blogged on Trump’s success rate with endorsing candidate:  95% of Trump-endorsed candidates won.  So far.  (And I hope the conservative blogosphere re-thinks the decisions to throw Trump under the bus.)

On Thursday, Sundance fleshed out the bigger picture. You may find encouragement not only in his analysis but also in the reader comments.  He starts off:

The Democrats and professional Republican class both want to see the populist movement destroyed for the same reason Mitch McConnell wanted the Tea Party destroyed in 2010.  The assembly of the united middle-class and blue-collar base inside the Republican Party, essentially the broad MAGA movement, represents a Main Street threat to Wall Street control of the GOPe.

There are trillions at stake.

As Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ megadonor and Citadel hedge fund billionaire, Ken Griffin, openly admitted recently the Wall Street goals are (1) stop the populist movement and (2) get the Republican Party back in alignment with the multinational “corporate world.”  These are the same goals of the Republican leadership in Washington DC and the same goals as the corporate media who serve as the public relations firms for Wall Street.

The collaborative group, which includes the entirety of the funding mechanism and management behind Ron DeSantis, viewed the 2022 midterm election as an opportunity to reset the Republican Party away from the populist MAGA influence.  The strategy was to roll out of the August DOJ Mar-a-Lago targeting, directly into a nationally rebranded DeSantis operation and then lead up to the 2022 midterm election.

Anything that can cast Donald Trump as a negative would be enhanced, and anything that would cast the MAGA movement as a positive would be diminished.  In part, this is the intent behind the delayed positive election results from key MAGA races in CO, WA, NV and AZ, combined with emphasis on the negative - albeit controlled - election ballot outcomes from Michigan and Pennsylvania.

At the 30,000-foot level the attacks against President Trump are, quite frankly, attacks against the MAGA populist movement represented by President Trump.

Read the entire posting here.  The posting concludes with President Trump’s Statement re: Ron DeSantis.  I recommend reading Sundance’s posts a couple of times;  there's a lot to absorb. 

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Friday, November 11, 2022

Paxlovid: another prescription to avoid


At AmericaFirstReport, Dr Joseph Mercola reports:


    • Paxlovid, which was granted emergency use authorization to treat mild to moderate COVID-19 in December 2021, has become widely associated with rebound infection
    • While the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Pfizer have tried to suggest that COVID rebound is spontaneous and not necessarily linked to Paxlovid, recent research found no rebound cases among COVID-19 patients who did not take Paxlovid
    • People who take Paxlovid can also still transmit COVID-19 to others, even if they’re asymptomatic
    • A number of high-profile individuals have experienced COVID rebound after using Paxlovid, including “The Late Show” host Stephen Colbert, comedian Jimmy Dore, Dr. Anthony Fauci, President Joe Biden, First Lady Jill Biden and CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky. Most were double-jabbed and double-boosted. Walensky actually had three boosters
    • Emerging evidence also suggests SARS-CoV-2 can develop resistance to Paxlovid. Two separate studies cultured SARS-CoV-2 and exposed it to low levels of nirmatrelvir — the active antiviral ingredient in Paxlovid — which would kill some, but not all, of the virus. As a result, the virus became 20 times and 80 times 

So far, all of the drugs developed against COVID-19 have been disastrous in one way or another. Remdesivir, for example, which to this day is the primary COVID drug approved for use in U.S. hospitals, routinely causes severe organ damage and, often, death.

Full report is here (including endnotes).

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Veteran's Day: Thank you for your service


From the U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs:

Veterans Day continues to be observed on November 11, regardless of what day of the week on which it falls. The restoration of the observance of Veterans Day to November 11 not only preserves the historical significance of the date, but helps focus attention on the important purpose of Veterans Day: A celebration to honor America's veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good.

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