Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Who Regulates Whom? An Overview of U.S. Financial Supervision

The Congressional Research Service (CRS) has released a report giving an overview on -- "the current U.S. financial regulations

and which agencies are responsible for which institutions, activities, and markets, and what kinds of authority they have." 

Repealing Obama Care; Tea Party Patriot Style

Acting on a promise many of them made during their election campaigns, the House Republicans are vowing to repeal the new healthcare bill. According to Reuters, a vote to repeal the bill is scheduled for January 12th.

While the measure will pass the House, it will face an uphill battle in the Senate since Democrats still hold the majority. Even if the “repeal vote” does not pass the Senate, there is still a chance to “kill the bill” by defunding it, which Republicans in the House plan to do. (To view the proposed repeal bill, visit: http://rules-republicans.house.gov/Media/PDF/HR__-Repeal.pdf.) 

The repeal vote is only the first step in a multi-pronged approach to reverse the government takeover of our healthcare system. Many groups within Tea Party Patriots (TPP) (www.teapartypatriots.org) organization have been diligently working on various efforts to attack this bureaucratic beast – one of those efforts is the Health Care Compact.

Since November, TPP coordinators have been working with Eric O’Keefe of the Sam Adams Alliance to make these compacts become a reality. Once the language is finalized, we will be calling on you to help us urge our state legislature to join the compact. (See the Weekly Standard article for more information on the Compacts: http://www.weeklystandard.com/articles/nullifying-obamacare_524862.html.)

TPP Coordinators from across the U.S. will be meeting in TX next week for a detailed training seminar on the Compacts.  We will then have local conference calls and training sessions here sp we can get started on passing the Health Care Compact in OH. The CTPP Compact Committee will be chaired by member Dan Brass.  Please keep an eye out for email updates and more info on the Health Care Compacts.

States have $1 Trillion Debt

The Census Bureau said state government revenues declined 30.8% in 2009, from $1.9 trillion to $1.1 trillion. Although they took in less money, the states spent a total of $1.8 trillion and, at year's end, were collectively holding a $1.0 trillion debt.

The 2009 Annual Survey of State Government Finances provides key financial statistics for each of the 50 states.  Click here for Ohio.

The Federal Government is broke and the State's are in hock -- isn't it just grand our country wants to spend money we don't have on helping other countries?

Make a Public Comment on the NEORSD Sewer Rate Increase


The next step for the imposing of the proposed sewer rate increase in 63 communities in Cuyahoga and parts of Summit, Lorain & Lake County is the filing or formalizing of the proposed Consent Decree recently approved by the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District

The proposed Consent Decree between the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District (NEORSD) and the EPA has been filed in the United States District Court for the Northern District of OH.  This Consent Decree is for the $3 billion in upgrades to reduce Combined Sewer Overflow's (CSO's) as mandated by the EPA under the Project Clean Lake initiative and the Clean Water Act.  (United States and the State of Ohio v. Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District, Civil Action No. 10-cv-02895).

The Notice of Lodging of a Consent Decree Under the Clean Water Act can be read by clicking here.
With the filing of this Consent Decree the Justice Dept has a 30 day period for public comment on the the proposed rate increases and mandated repairs.  Please take the time to make a public comment by email, U.S. Mail, fax and phone. 

Comments should be addressed to;

Assistant Attorney General  (Please note below RE: on envelope if mailing)
Environment and Natural Resources Division
P.O. Box 7611
U.S. Department of Justice
Washington, DC 20044-7611

Fax: (202)514-0097 


Tonia Fleetwood / Legal Information Specialist
PH: (202)514-1547
FX: (202)514-0097

PLEASE NOTE: For all correspondence & comments to be considered you must reference; 
United States v. Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District, D.J. Ref. 90-5-1-1-08177/1

You can also approach the elected officials in your community and request that they pass a resolution against these arbitrary increases mandated by the EPA on an already economically distressed area.  Ask your elected official to forward the Resolution to the above contact information.

The Consent Decree and the $3 Billion EPA mandate to reduce CSO"s are the only sewer/infrastructure addressed in this proposed agreement. The combined sewer overflow is not the same and is seperate from a Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) and storm water management.  In the near future we can expect the EPA will also mandate upgrades for SSO's due to the failing sanitary infrastructure throught this region/watershed.

What is a CSO? (Click here for map)
What is a SSO?

All three of the above fall under the Clean Water Act and are regulated by the EPA. To sum this up, the sewer rate increase for the $3 billion in repairs will only address the issues with CSO's and NOT SSO's or Storm Water Management issues. That means -- after the rate increase for the CSO' problem, they will soon be asking for MORE of your money to make EPA mandated upgrades on the SSO's and Storm Water issues.

Previous Sewer Rate Increase Posts;

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

The Cleveland Tea Party Patriots wish you and your loved ones a healthy, prosperous and...
Could you imagine where our country would be today had it not been for your hard efforts and dedication over the past year?  What has been accomplished this past year is nothing short of remarkable.  And none of this could have been done without YOU -- the heart & soul of the Tea Party Patriots!

The Cleveland Tea Party Patriots looks forward to working with you as we roll out the new year and continue cleaning up the crap in D.C. and the rest of the political cesspools in this country.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Our Children or Theirs?

Earlier this year, President Barack "help others with our money" Obama gave $400 Million that we don't have to a known terrorist group -- Hamas, and another $124 Million for the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative to combat illegal drug trafficking, strengthen regional defense and provide employment training & educational opportunities for the general public and at-risk youth in Caribbean states. 

As we know the above is only a fraction of the money we give to other countries and only small percentage of overall spending, but we are again opening the checkbook to help Bolivia, Egypt & Jordan...

From United States Dept. of Labor --
The U.S. Department of Labor today announced nearly $20 million in grants awarded to combat exploitive child labor in Bolivia, Egypt and Jordan.

The grants will fund projects that provide children with education and training opportunities, and help improve the livelihoods of families so they no longer need to rely on children's labor. These projects will work with countries that have shown strong political will to address abusive child labor and tackle its root causes. They will collaborate with national partners to scale up and sustain these efforts, and will conduct rigorous evaluations of the impact of project interventions.

"Eradicating child labor is a necessary task that binds us all together and has global benefits for everyone," said Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis. "Our experience shows it is important to forge partnerships with countries to ensure that children are educated and not exploited."

In Bolivia, the department awarded a $6 million grant to Desarrollo y Autogestion for a project that will work closely with indigenous leaders, urban and rural communities, and the government of Bolivia. The project will raise awareness of health and occupational hazards inflicted by the worst forms of child labor. The grant also will combat forced labor, and support Bolivia's new education law by helping to provide children with basic and accelerated education. In addition, it will develop technical secondary school programs, offering economic empowerment to communities and support to small enterprises that raise household incomes.

The department awarded $9.5 million to the World Food Program to address child labor in Egypt's agriculture sector. It will encourage school attendance by offering school meal programs for children and food rations for their families. It will also provide entrepreneurial skills training to improve household livelihoods and access to microfinance opportunities such as village savings and loan programs, with a special focus on women.

Save the Children Federation was awarded $4 million under the department's grant to Jordan. The project will address child labor within identified pockets of poverty. It will reintegrate children into formal or nonformal education systems, and transition older children of legal working age to vocational training programs or ensure their employment under safe and legal working conditions. The project will also provide vulnerable households with linkages to livelihood opportunities, improve vocational training centers, establish community protection committees and work with community leaders to raise awareness of exploitive child labor.

Since 1995, Congress has appropriated approximately $780 million to the Labor Department to support global efforts to combat exploitive child labor. As a result, the department has rescued approximately 1.4 million children from exploitive child labor. More information on the department's efforts to combat exploitive child labor is available at http://www.dol.gov/ilab/highlights/if-20101215.htm.
While nobody should condone exploitation of children in any form anywhere in the world, is it not abusive and exploitive of the children of this country who are being saddled with unsustainable entitlement programs and future debt because of these types of U.S. "do-gooder" dollar give-a-ways?

Should we continue helping the children of other countries at the expense of our own children's future?

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Judicial Watch Praises New "Tea Party Congress" for keeping Office of Congressional Ethics

From Judicial Watch --
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton issued the following statement on the Republican House leadership’s decision to continue the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) in the 112th Congress:

Congratulations to the new Tea Party Congress.

Recently, Judicial Watch joined other public interest groups seeking to protect the House Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE). Our voices were heard. The incoming Republican majority will keep the OCE, the most significant reform to the House ethics process in a generation.

I know the Republican leadership has never liked the idea of the OCE but this was the right thing to do, and the new leadership praise and support. And we appreciate that outgoing Speaker Pelosi listened to us and set up a key reform that will stay into the new Republican-controlled House.

It is the hope of Judicial Watch that the new Republican leadership succeeds in breaking the cycle of cynicism among the American electorate by diligently policing corruption in the House.

Though off to a good start, the work of Republicans has only begun. Draining the swamp of corruption that engulfs Washington will be difficult, uncomfortable work. But those House members — of both parties — who take on the challenge of reform, ethics, and accountability will have the gratitude of the American people.