Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Senator Hatch introduces "Defending America's Affordable Energy and Jobs Act"

In attempts to further stem the out-of-control EPA, the rogue regulatory agency hell-bent on imposing Cap & Trade regulations through the Clean Air Act, Senator Orrin Hatch introduced the Defending America's Affordable Energy and Jobs Act....

From Senator Orrin Hatch --
WASHINGTON – Sens. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) have introduced legislation that would pre-empt federal agencies from restricting human carbon-dioxide emissions without authorization from Congress.

The Defending America’s Affordable Energy and Jobs Act also would prevent any legal action from being taken against greenhouse gas emitters for their contribution to climate change.

"With this bill, we are reclaiming Americans’ right to have their elected officials have a say in the laws and regulations that effect them,” Hatch said. “Last time I checked, Congress makes the laws and the Administration implements the people's laws.

“We have put a lot of focus on the EPA for attempting to regulate carbon emissions without the express consent of Congress,” Hatch added. “In truth, though, the President is attempting to implement these controls throughout the entire federal government, and we don't intend to stand idly by and watch as the U.S. Constitution is circumvented in this way."

The bill would define the government's ability to implement the Clean Air Act only for pollutants which harm humans as a result of direct exposure, but not based on the theory that a greenhouse gas may contribute to general warming of the planet.

The bill would also move the existing oversight of greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles away from the EPA, and place the effort under the jurisdiction of the Department of Transportation.
Combined with Senator Rand Pauls REINS Act, in which Hatch is a co-sponsor, the "Defending America’s Affordable Energy and Jobs Act" will serve as a useful tool in combating the EPA's -- Integrated Urban Air Toxics Strategy

The Integrated Urban Air Toxics Strategy is the battering ram of the Clean Air Act.  This, along with court ordered consent decrees, the EPA is trying to impose Cap & Trade regulations on small businesses such as dry cleaners, gas stations, restaurants and 28 other industries. 

Senator Rand Paul introduces REINS Act; Regulations from the Executive In Need of Scrutiny

Senator Rand Paul is taking the steps to stop the over-reaching federal agencies from imposing regulatory edicts & arbitrary mandates without the consent of Congress.

A perfect example of this would be how the EPA is using the Clean Air Act & Clean Water Act as their Hammer & Sickle to impose Cap & Trade restrictions on people and business through regulation over legislation.

From Senator Rand Paul --
Senator Rand Paul (Ky.) today introduced the REINS Act, or Regulations From the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act of 2011, on the Senate floor.

Designed to “increase accountability for and transparency in the Federal regulatory process,” the REINS Act will result in better drafted and detailed legislation, an improved regulatory process, and will ultimately create a Legislative Branch accountable to the American people.

“I am proud to offer this legislation today alongside my fellow Kentuckian, Congressman Geoff Davis, in the House,” Sen. Paul said Monday. “If Congress is to impose regulations and laws on U.S. citizens, it is important that those citizens are made aware of how they come to be. Cutting red tape and opening the regulatory process to scrutiny is an important step in holding government accountable to all Americans.”

Joining Sen. Paul as co-sponsors are Republican Senators Jim DeMint (S.C.), John Ensign (Nev.), Chuck Grassley (Iowa), Tom Coburn (Okla.), Roy Blunt (Mo.), John Thune (S.D.), Mike Enzi (Wyo.), John Cornyn (Texas), Orrin Hatch (Utah),  Saxby Chambliss (Ga.), Ron Johnson (Wis.), Johnny Isakson (Ga.), John Barrasso (Wyo.), Roger Wicker (Miss.), Kelly Ayotte (N.H.), Jeff Sessions (Ala.), Rob Portman (Ohio), Mike Johanns (Neb.), John Boozman (Ark.), David Vitter (La.), Mike Lee (Utah), James Inhofe (Okla.), Kay Bailey Hutchison (Texas), and Marco Rubio (Fla.).

"When liberals can't pass legislation, they enact regulations. As we have seen at the EPA and FCC, unelected bureaucrats can advance a radical, liberal agenda when it loses legislatively or in the courts. The accountability provided by the REINS Act is necessary to ensure federal agencies cannot unilaterally destroy jobs and harm our economy with unnecessary regulations,” Sen. DeMint said. “Businesses should be focused on how best to invest and grow to create jobs, not on fending off burdensome micromanagement through regulation from Washington.”

“Members of Congress like to talk a good game about protecting their constitutional rights.  Yet, in reality, we delegate an enormous amount of authority to federal agencies. The REINS Act will help Congress retake the rule-making authority it has ceded to the executive branch and bring the regulatory process under control,” Sen. Coburn said.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Action Alert: Senate Expected to vote on Healthcare Repeal TODAY!

Action Alert

It looks as though Senator McConnell has found a way to force Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to call for a “healthcare repeal” vote in the Senate. The vote is expected today!

The GOP is going to try to use the Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorization, S. 223, as a vehicle for repealing the 1099 provision of Obamacare. The Senate Republicans will add an amendment to S. 223, and the amendment will be to repeal Obamacare.  Reid has agreed to allow the vote, but is expected to raise a budget point-of-order objection in attempts to thwart passage.  (Read More Here)

We need to support Senator MCConnell’s efforts. We encourage you to contact Ohio’s two senators and the following targeted senators, and urge them to vote “YES” for the repeal of Obamacare.

Ohio Senators

Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH) / DC: (202)224-3353 / Cleveland: (216)522-7095
** Senator Portman will be supporting Repeal of the Health Care Reform Law **

Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) / DC: (202)224-2315 / Cleveland: (216)522-7272

Targeted Senators

Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) / DC: (202)224-5521
Sen. Robert Casey (D-PA) / DC: (202)224-6324
Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) / DC: (202)224-3954
Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) / DC: (202)224-6154
Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL) / DC: (202)224-5274
Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE) / DC: (202)224-6551
Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) / DC: (202)224-2644
Sen. James Webb (D-VA) / DC: (202)224-4024

H/T to Amy & Jeff with the Medina TPP for putting together the above info.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Republican Study Committee members introduce a Bill to prevent Default on the Debt

It looks like Congressman Jim Jordan is on a mission in D.C.! 

From The Republican Study Committee --
Led by Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA), Republican Study Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH), Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC), and Rep. Scott Garrett (R-NJ), RSC members have introduced H.R. 421, the Full Faith and Credit Act.  In the event the statutory debt ceiling is reached, this legislation would direct the United States Treasury to prevent a default by paying principal and interest due on debt held by the public before making any other payments.  The bill has also been introduced in the Senate by Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA).

“The ‘full faith and credit’ of the United States should not hang in the balance on every adjustment to the national debt limit,” said Rep. McClintock.  “States protect their credit by pledging first call on revenues to their debts and so should the federal government.  After all, before you can ‘provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty,’ you have to be able to finance them.”

“A pitiful scare tactic already being used by the Treasury Secretary in the debt ceiling debate is the threat of allowing the federal government to default on its obligations,” said Chairman Jordan.  “This is government mismanagement at its worst.  Secretary Geithner knows full well that he has the authority to prioritize federal spending so that default is not an option.  This bill will take Secretary Geithner’s disastrous scenario completely off the table.”

“America's sterling credit rating is vital to our future prosperity,” said Rep. Foxx.  “This bill offers a simple safeguard to protect our credit and prevent a sovereign debt crisis.  It's the sort of common sense solution that we can easily put in place without wading into the debate over raising the debt ceiling.”

“This important piece of legislation ensures America’s debt rating and the threat of default on our debt cannot be used as political weapons.  This bill will remind the markets and the world that America will never default on its debt while giving Congress time to have a meaningful, reasonable discussion about how to rein in out-of-control spending and prevent our country from sliding further into debt,” remarked Rep. Garrett.

# # #
Keep up the good work Congressman Jordan!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Senate Tea Party Caucus

In July 2010, in response & in support of the Tea Party movement, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann formed the House Tea Party Caucus.  Bachmann stated the House Tea Party Caucus was created not to be the voice of the Tea Party movement but more of an outlet for Tea Party groups to voice their concerns at the House level. 

At the time, while Bachmann has been a great supporter of the movement, many Tea Party coordinators & members had mixed feelings and many concerns on having an 'official' House Tea Party Caucus and the effects - good & bad - it may have on the movement. (Read here & here).

This past Thursday Senator Rand Paul & Senator Jim DeMint held the first Senate Tea Party Caucus...
Only four U.S. senators attended the Senate Tea Party Caucus' first meeting, with at least three new senators who won under the populist banner staying away.

"I sprang from the Tea Party and have great respect for what it represents," Sen. Ronald H. Johnson, R-Wis., one of the movement's stars, said in a statement.

But he will not join the caucus because he fears it could be divisive, he said. Instead, he said he will seek to bring Tea Party ideas under the broader Republican umbrella.

Sens. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and Patrick J. Toomey, R-Pa., also declined to join the caucus, whose Thursday meeting was organized by freshmen Sens. Rand Paul, R-Ky., Mike Lee, R-Utah, and Jim DeMint, R-S.C., as a venue for promoting Tea Party ideals.

They were joined by freshman Sen. Jerry Moran, R-Kan. (UPI)
Defending Senator Marco Rubio's decision not to join the Caucus and, without casting any doubt on Senator Paul or DeMint's intentions or die-hard support of the Tea Party movement, some Tea Party coordinators are concerned about the outside influences behind the Senate Tea Party Caucus...
"Sen. Rubio has been sincere and faithful to the tea party values of fiscal responsibility, constitutional limited government, and free markets," writes Everett Wilkinson, head of the South Florida Tea Party. "Neither Rubio nor any other elected official should feel compelled by the grassroots tea party to join any 'Tea Party Caucus.' The tea party movement is comprised of grassroots, leaderless, bottom up, and decentralized organizations that operate opposite to DC business." More... 
We want to think, and have every reason to believe, Senator Paul & Senator DeMint, can and will resist any agenda-driven forces. If there are two people in D.C. that really appear to understand and respect the power of the Tea Party movement -  it would be Senator Rand Paul & Senator Jim DeMint.

Considering what has been accomplished by the informal "We the People" Caucus built over the last two years by Tea Party, 9.12 & Liberty-minded groups across the U.S., the question moving forward should be -- Do we really need a Tea Party Caucus in the House or Senate? 

Please share your thoughts and concerns below or email them to us at clevelandteaparty@gmail.com. From email's received so far the sentiment has been evenly mixed from strongly support to strongly oppose and the majority of them being cautiously optimistic.  You input is needed and will be greatly appreciated.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Jordan, Garrett and DeMint Unveil the Spending Reduction Act

Jordan, Garrett and DeMint
Unveil the Spending Reduction Act

Outline $2.5 trillion in spending cuts to help resolve growing debt crisis

Washington, DC – Today, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), Chairman of the Republican Study Committee (RSC), Rep. Scott Garrett (R-NJ), Chairman of the RSC Budget and Spending Task Force, and Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC), Chairman of the Senate Steering Committee, unveiled the Spending Reduction Act, which begins to address the rapidly growing national debt by making substantial spending cuts immediately and throughout the next decade.

“The national debt has grown from $8.6 trillion four years ago to more than $14 trillion today,” said Jordan.  “This mountain of debt, nearly the size of our entire economy, threatens to create a whole new financial crisis.  Every day we refuse to change course and instill some fiscal responsibility, the problem grows even larger.  Unless Washington acts soon to cut spending, massive tax hikes, economic stagnation, and national bankruptcy will rob our children of the opportunity to reach for the American Dream.”

“The Spending Reduction Act gives us a $2.5 trillion head start in the race to preserve the fiscal stability of the United States,” said Garrett.  “This bill represents the first step in the process, not the last.  To achieve long-term fiscal stability, we must finish the race by making the tough decisions Congress has put off for far too long.  Only after we tear down barriers to job creation and make reforms to our entitlement programs can we truly resolve our debt crisis.”

“Our nation stands on the edge of a fiscal cliff and we face a stark choice: go over the edge into bankruptcy and declining freedom or choose to make the hard decisions today to save our country for our children and grandchildren," said Senator DeMint. "I'm proud to stand with Congressmen Jordan and Garrett against the wave of wasteful Washington spending. The Spending Reduction Act begins the difficult task of shrinking the federal bureaucracy that threatens our future prosperity. Congress must take the steps now to balance the budget, pay off our debt, and preserve freedom for future generations.”

Compared to current projections, the Spending Reduction Act would save taxpayers $2.5 trillion through 2021.  It starts by keeping House Republicans’ pledge to take current spending back to 2008 levels and repeal unspent funds from the failed “stimulus.”  

At the beginning of the next fiscal year on October 1, 2011, spending is further reduced to 2006 levels and frozen there for the next decade.  To help achieve these savings, the bill shrinks the size and cost of the civilian federal workforce and specifically targets over 100 budget items and spending reforms.


Monday, January 24, 2011

Senator Rob Portman's First Legislation Focused On Ohio Jobs

Press Release
Senator Portman

Senator Portman's First Legislation 
Focused On Ohio Jobs

Legislation Would Create Over One Million New Jobs
and Repeal Key Anti-Job Aspects of Democrat Healthcare Law

Monday, January 24, 2011

WASHINGTON, D.C.  Today, Senator Rob Portman (R-OH) announced the introduction of his first piece of legislation, the Job Creation Act of 2011.  The Job Creation Act of 2011 would provide needed tax and regulatory relief to the private sector to help create new jobs and provide greater certainty for our economy at a time when it is badly needed.

“Over the past two years, I have traveled to every one of Ohio’s 88 counties and visited over 100 factories, farms and other businesses to get input on how to bring jobs back to Ohio.  I received a lot of good ideas from small business owners, workers, and economic development groups.  The result was the Portman Plan for Jobs and this legislation, the Job Creation Act of 2011,” said Senator Portman.

“We need to focus on pro-growth policies, like those included in the Job Creation Act, in order to create an environment that fosters job growth and gets Americans back to work.  If passed, this legislation will create over 1.4 million jobs, provide nearly $240 billion in tax relief, reduce the deficit by $85 billion and eliminate some of the most burdensome mandates on job creators,” continued Portman.

Over the past two years, Washington has been making it harder, not easier, for companies of all sizes to create jobs.  The Job Creation Act of 2011 is a significant step in the other direction which will immediately help companies grow, create jobs and invest in the future.  Economists estimate the payroll tax section of the Job Creation Act alone would create more than 1.4 million jobs.  The legislation would provide nearly $240 billion in tax relief to foster hiring and investment while reducing the deficit by $85 billion and ending job destroying mandates on job creators.

“The Job Creation Act of 2011 is a robust first step towards a pro-job atmosphere here in Washington, and I will continue to remain laser focused on fixing Ohio’s economy and creating an environment conducive to job growth,” stated Portman.
