Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Audit The IRS Rally * Speakers * Mobile App

UPDATE 6/23/13: 
Tea Party Patriots worked around the clock to organize an "Audit the IRS" Rally that drew a bigger crowd than President Obama's corresponding speech in Berlin.
Between the "Audit the IRS" Rally and the adjacent rally against the Senate's Amnesty bill, the crowd was estimated between 7,000 and 10,000 people.   White House pool reporter Elmar Jakobs estimated President Obama's crowd at only 4,500.
At one point, the Capital Police tried to stop people attending the Audit the IRS Rally, from attending the Amnesty Rally (read here), claiming that was not allowed under the TPP permit.  Thankfully, that last ditch effort in intimidation was thwarted by one of our TPP National Coordinators.  

We have never had issues with the Capital Police before, but between this effort and the hassle in issuing the permit for this event, it's obvious that this regime will use whatever means necessary to silence opposition.


From Tea Party Patriots:

We are excited to announce our brand new mobile application for tomorrow's Audit the IRS rally in DC!  Check it out on your mobile device here: AuditTheIRS.net.  

If you are attending the rally, use the mobile app to actively participate in the rally, stay up-to-date on the latest news, social integration, rally location, parking and restroom information, call to actions and more!

If you can't attend the rally, use the mobile app to watch the rally LIVE!

Speakers include:
Ted Cruz, US Senate
Mike Lee, US Senate (UT)
Rand Paul, US Senate (KY)
Michele Bachmann, US House (MN)
Jim Bridenstine, US House (OK)
Dave Camp, US House (MI)
John Fleming, US House (LA)
Louie Gohmert, US House (TX)
Tom Graves, US House (GA)
Tim Huelskamp, US House (KS)
Jim Jordan, US House (OH)
Mike Kelly, US House (PA)
Steve King, US House (IA)
Tom Price, US House (GA)
Matt Salmon, US House (AZ)
Justin Binik-Thomas, Individual, Included in Liberty Township Tea Party Letter*
Marion Bower, American Patriots Against Government Excess*
George Brunemann, Jr., Cincinnati Tea Party*
Joe Dugan, Myrtle Beach Tea Party*
Becky Gerritson, Wetumpka Tea Party*
Kelly Horsley, Katy Tea Party Patriots*
Darcy Kahrhoff, Katy Tea Party Patriots*
Kevin Kookogey, Linchpins of Liberty*
Sue Martinek, Coalition for Life of Iowa*
Gerri McDaniel, Myrtle Beach Tea Party*
Daniel Moore, Albequerque Tea Party*
Rick Morlen, Albuquerque Tea Party*
Austin R. Nimrocks, Alliance Defending Freedom*
Larry Nordvig, Richmond Tea Party*
Laura Van Overschelde, The Mississippi Tea Party*
Katrina Pierson, Dallas Tea Party*
Paul Simpson, Katy Tea Party Patriots*
Mark West, Chatanooga Tea Party*
Steven K. Bannon, Breitbart News
Glenn Beck, The Glenn Beck Program
Dan Bongino, 2012 Republican Nominee for US Senate (MD)
Darla Dawald, Grassfire/Patriot Action Network
Ken Hoagland, Restore America’s Voice
Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit
Niger Innis, CORE and TheTeaParty.net
Sonnie Johnson, Breitbart News
Phil Kerpen, American Commitment
Andrew Langer, The Institute for Liberty
Dana Loesch, The Dana Loesch Radio Show
Lisa Miller, Tea Party Washington DC
Seton Motley, Less Government
Michael Needham, Heritage Action
Lisa Mei Norton, Big Dawg Music Mafia, National Anthem Singer
Jordan Sekulow, American Center for Law and Justice
KCarl Smith, Frederick Douglass Republicans
Rose Tennent, The War Room Radio Program
Caleb Yee, Tea Party Students

* Individuals or groups that were targeted by the IRS. (hat tip: Gateway Pundit)

Sunday, June 16, 2013


Many of you now know the U.S. Senate voted for cloture and now the immigration reform bill (S.744) goes to the full Senate for a vote.

As expected, Senator Sherrod Brown voted in support of cloture. And, in again abandoning conservatives, after stating he did not support the immigration reform bill (S.744) in its current form, Senator Rob Portman, voted in support of cloture and advancement of the bill.

Willing to trade off what they wrongly perceive will be votes from Hispanic voters for passing S.744 in exchange for the fiscal well-being and national security of our country, this morning on NBC's Meet the Press Senator Lindsey Graham is now predicting the bill will pass with overwhelming GOP support.

Making matters worse, Speaker John Boehner is up to his old tricks again and has been working behind the scenes and predicts the House will pass an immigration bill before the end of the year.

Please call Senators Portman, Senator Brown and the below targeted Senators and tell them to vote NO on S.744.

Senator Rob Portman    
PH#: (202)224-3353
Senator Sherrod Brown
PH#: (202)224-2315

High priority/great concern:

Marco Rubio (Florida):  202-224-3041
Rand Paul (Kentucky):  (202)224-4343
Susan Collins (Maine): (202) 224-2523
Mark Kirk (Illinois): 202-228-4611
Lisa Murkowski (Alaska): 202-224-6665
Dean Heller (Nevada): 202-224-6244
Orrin Hatch (Utah): 202.224.5251

Need additional pressure:

Johnny Isakson (Georgia): 202.224.3643
Saxby Chambliss (Georgia): 202-224-3521
Tom Coburn (Oklahoma): 202-224-5754
Kelly Ayotte (New Hampshire): 202-224-3324
Mike Crapo (Idaho): 202.224.6142
James Risch (Idaho): 202.224.2752
Jerry Moran (Kansas): 202.224.6521
Lamar Alexander (Tennessee): 202.224.4944
Bob Corker (Tennessee): 202.224.3344
Thad Cochran (Mississippi): 202.224.5054
Roger Wicker (Mississippi): 202.224.6253

 # # #

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Taxation Without Representation: Alive and Well in the State of Ohio

June 14, 2013
For Immediate Release
Contact: Marianne Gasiecki
(419) 961-4439

Taxation Without Representation

Alive and Well in the State of Ohio
Ohio - June 14, 2013 - Ohio politicians continue to expose their blatant disregard for the principles on which they ran, and the constituents who elected them.

Their most recent display of weakness and lack of moral fortitude is in full display with the series of events surrounding the Amnesty Bill S.744.

"No one is opposed to legal immigration.  My grandparents were legal immigrants from Sicily and risked everything to assimilate and become Americans, providing a future for their children that would be inconceivable in Sicily," stated Marianne Gasiecki, Founder of the Mansfield Tea Party and State Co-coordinator.  "What we're opposed to is a complete disregard for the laws of this land and taxpaying citizens."

If this bill passes, about 12 million current illegal immigrants would become permanent legal residents within ten years.  A recent poll commissioned by the Federation for American Immigration Reform reflected that 68% of Ohioans oppose granting legal status to illegal aliens before a border security plan is fully implemented.  74% of Ohioans oppose the discretionary authority given to DHS to legalize aliens with criminal records or gang affiliations.  Apparently, Senator Portman (R-Ohio) and Speaker Boehner (R-Ohio) believe it's no longer their job to represent the Ohioans who elected them.
"Earlier this week I asked Mr. Hoggatt, Senator Portman's aide, if the Senator supported S.744.  His answer was "no", but two days later, again betraying his conservative base, Senator Portman voted for Cloture and pushed the bill forward in the Senate.  Then we find out that Speaker Boehner, to no real surprise, has his own ideas on how to push forward with an amnesty granting bill," said Ralph King, fellow Ohio State Co-ordinator for Tea Party Patriots and Founder of the Cleveland Tea Party Patriots.
According to a recent article from The Blaze there is a revolt in the Boehner led House of Representatives, with 70 members petitioning for a special Republican conference meeting on the bill.  
Also, boarder security is not up for debate, nor does it appear to be a concern.  The Senate already rejected a proposal by Iowa Republican Charles Grassley, that would have prohibited a first step toward granting them legal status until the U.S. Department of Homeland Security "has maintained effective control" of the entire U.S.-Mexico border - 1,969 miles - for a period of six months.  Instead, the Senate has shown unity in protecting what they see as a pillar of S.744: a provision to quickly make undocumented immigrants legal residents, therefore creating a whole new, permanent progressive voting block.
It's time for us to demand that our elected officials do the job their paid to do, and represent the tax paying citizens of Ohio.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Bus to DC "Audit the IRS" Rally next week

"Audit the IRS" Rally to Include 
Amnesty Issue

Date/Time: Wednesday, June 19th from Noon to 2 PM
Where:        West Lawn of the US Capitol

[Cleveland Tea Party Patriots can sign up for the bus going from the Akron area; here are details from Ohio Tea Party Patriot co-coordinator Marianne Gasiecki - and please make your plans ASAP:]

A bus is being planned for Akron/Canton/Cambridge area:
If you want to take a bus, a gentleman by the name of Scott ... is coordinating one. He was originally planning to leave from the Akron area, but if he doesn't get enough responses, he will be joining forces with Zanesville, which means the departure location could be changed to Cambridge.

If you are interested, please e-mail ClevelandTeaParty@gmail.com ASAP, so we can provide you with further contact info and can plan accordingly [and you can determine time/location, cost, etc.].

Tea Party Patriots will also be incorporating the Amnesty issue into this IRS rally.  Again, for more information go to teapartypatriots.org

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Medicaid Expansion in Ohio: Are Hospitals and Insurance Companies Too Big (and Powerful) to Fail?

Marianne, Ohio Tea Party Patriot co-coordinator, published her op-ed on Ohio Medicaid expansion in The Blaze yesterday:


What would cause an otherwise fiscally conservative budget hawk to push for Medicaid expansion - an unsustainable, broken system that provides substandard, if any, care to those in need - and turn his back on the very constituents that supported him?


When Governor Kasich made his announcement to support Medicaid expansion in Ohio, it made no sense to anyone who knows the Governor’s fiscal policies or congressional history. The only plausible explanation was that it’s campaign season.

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was intentionally constructed to turn health care providers into lobbyists for Medicaid expansion, by phasing out federal funding that currently offsets some of the charity work hospitals are mandated to provide.

The Ohio Hospital Assoc. (OHA) claims that Medicaid must be expanded to care for the poor, but only 16 out of the 88 hospitals in its network would have reported a loss had they not received charity offsets, and only 30 hospitals reported charity offsets exceeding 1% of their total revenue (Ohio Hospitals Would Net Millions Without Charity Care Funding). But the OHA insists that its members need more taxpayer funding. Really?

Former OHA President and CEO James Castle was paid over $600,000 by the hospital lobbying group in 2011. The current chair of the OHA Board James Pancoast (who is also CEO of Premier Health Partners) was paid over $800,000 in 2011. The Cleveland Clinic – the model of health care according to President Obama – paid the most recent past chair of the OHA, Fred DeGrandis, almost $900,000. And the list goes on (Ohio Hospital Association Millionaires Want More of Your Money)

What about insurance companies? Rep. Barbara Sears, who recently introduced House Bill 176 to expand Medicaid in Ohio, manages the employee benefits division at Roemer Insurance, and over 27% of the donations made to her campaign account came from the health care industry alone. Rep. Sears’ top donor, Ginni Ragan, has been identified as a supporter of the ACA Medicaid expansion. Other top donors were Friends of Ohio Hospitals, the OHA, Aetna, Humana, Merck and Novartis, just to name a few (source: Ohio Secretary of State).

Who was one of the top contributors to Governor Kasich’s campaign? Barbara Mixon, wife of Mal Mixon who owns Invacare Corporation (manufacturer and distributor of home and long-term care medical products) and is Chairman Emeritus of the Board of Trustees of The Cleveland Clinic Foundation (Followthemoney.org).

It is these same organizations that have threatened to pull their campaign funding from anyone who opposes Medicaid expansion.

What these organizations, the Governor and other Medicaid expansion proponents seem to have forgotten is that regardless of the money in their campaign coffers, without the grassroots conservative vote, they cannot win. Governor Romney is a perfect example of what happens when the grassroots conservatives are left uninspired and feeling betrayed.   

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Ohio Senate passes budget : Update on Ohio Medicaid Expansion

From Marianne / Ohio Tea Party Patriots: 

Ohio Budget Passed

Last week the Ohio Senate passed a budget.  The good news is it did not include Medicaid expansion.  The bad news is, the fight is far from over.

The more conservative members of the House continue to fight against Medicaid expansion, but are up against other members, and our Governor, who will personally and politically benefit from the expansion, as well as the gargantuan American Hospital Association and the Ohio Hospital Association which stand to gain $13 billion over the next seven years with this expansion.

Who else gains from the expansion?  It's not the taxpayer, and most likely not those in need.  Click Here to Read Marianne's recent Op-Ed regarding who's behind the push for Medicaid expansion.

If Medicaid expansion is not passed, the AHA and the OHA will most likely use their power and money to get it on the ballot this fall. 

They must be exposed for the self-serving bullies that they are.
# # #

Friday, June 7, 2013

Amnesty vote scheduled for Tuesday: Kill. The. Bill.

NumbersUSA reports that
The Senate will vote on the Schumer-Rubio-Obama Amnesty bill on Tuesday, June 11th at 2:15 p.m. 
The bill can be killed with this first vote if it doesn't get 60 YES votes.There has been plenty of debate about this bill or the plans for this bill since January. After the Judiciary Committee made it clear that this bill will provide amnesty/work permits to 11 million illegal aliens before any new enforcement -- and will issue 33 million work permits to foreign citizens over the first ten years -- there is no need for more debate to know it is time to just kill the bill.
Details on the bill in a PDF file here

And from Ohio Tea Party Patriots:

Ohioans Are Against the 
Senate's Amnesty Bill
Brown and Portman Must Respect the Will of the People

(Washington, D.C.  June 7, 2013)  A statewide poll of likely Ohio voters finds strong opposition to a bill before the U.S. Senate that would grant amnesty to 12 million illegal aliens and dramatically increase overall immigration to the United States. According to the poll, 56 percent of Ohio voters oppose S.744, the Gang of Eight immigration bill - including 38 percent who said they are "strongly opposed."  Click Here to See the Poll.
Rep. Labrador has left the Amnesty Gang of Eight due to his concern over the taxpayers having to foot the health care bill of illegal immigrants.  Read More
Call Senators Portman and Brown and tell them they were elected to respect and represent the will of the people.

Rob Portman      Contact Information                            
Sherrod Brown   Contact Information

Schedule a few minutes on Monday to call both Senators. You might also wish to call Sen. Marco Rubio’s office at 202-224-3041 or e-mail him here. What a disappointment he is!

UPDATE 6/6/13: Add Senator Kelly Ayotte to your list. Here's her op-ed on why she will vote yes. Her phone numbers are at the bottom of the op-ed page

There was some good news yesterday (Thurs.), reported at National Review online:
The House of Representatives voted 224–201 Thursday morning to deny funding for the Obama administration’s controversial Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy. The policy, which was implemented via executive order in June 2012, effectively assumes the enactment of the DREAM Act, legislation that has failed to pass Congress on multiple occasions, and has raised concerns about executive overreach.

It’s a start.