Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Culture wars, Uniparty, and Deep Values research

artwork from Conservative Treehouse

A few days after the election, the William A. Jacobson (Legal Insurrection blog) interviewed "Deep Values" researcher Anne Sorock, since she predicted a Trump candidacy and a Trump win before he even rode down the escalator. Her comments intersect in many places with the Conservative Treehouse’s ongoing exposure of “the Uniparty” and why Trump’s candidacy was an alternative. He was unique in offering the potential to destroy the unholy alliances between the donor class, the political class, and corporate media. Some extracts from the interview appear below:

WAJ [William A. Jacobson]: When I asked you who you supported at CPAC 2015, what made you not just respond, “Trump,” but insist upon it when no one else thought he would run much less win?

Anne: I remember that day we spoke at CPAC. The giddy atmosphere of insiders and wannabe-insiders  was almost ominous. I had been working at The Frontier Lab on mapping disaffiliation by conservatives from using the term “Republican” to describe themselves. These conservatives had had enough after 2012, being told to get in line and vote for Romney, and then the RNC Autopsy report came out basically as a rubber stamp to keep pursuing the same tired strategies.

Those aware of the Autopsy felt it simply confirmed what the Romney debacle had already shown them – that the GOP and its parasites were incapable of reforming themselves. The only answer was an outsider to blow it all up.
. . .
At the time, I was following these threads about conservatism:
The desire for a concrete way to demonstrate the action of “standing up for your beliefs”

Concern that they had been enabling “bad behavior” of the GOP in the same way that a parent enables a child. A taste of empowerment that had come from interaction with the Tea Party movement, but yearning for more.

WAJ: What about this outsider aspect?

Anne: That was the functional part — being an outsider would allow him to do what previous candidates, and all candidates being considered, were incapable of. And that was absolutely reject the king-makers at CPAC and in DC in general.

There was so much anger I had been cataloging at those in charge. There was a seething sense of being disrespected by those in charge. One of the insights from my research at the time was that when people were asked to “choose the lesser of two evils,” they were basically dropping like flies from the Republican label. They might vote that way, but they resented it even more each time. They were looking for an anti-hero.
. . .
WAJ: So why didn’t all the others predict Trump, especially in the consultant/market research community?

Anne: Polling about the economy, jobs, national security, etc., might reveal superficial insights, even move the needle a few important points, but it failed in one major respect. They were asking about issues that are, at best, the outgrowths of their deeper concerns, but not explanatory or helpful in making predictions. What you don’t know about, you can’t ask about.

WAJ: What should we understand about the Americans who supported Trump that we still continue to miss?

Anne: They may care about all these conservative issues too, but they recognize that the enemy is within the gates. Our culture is what’s being eroded. Small government may be the mechanism to restore much of our country’s greatness but it isn’t the emotion, the value, that drives our country’s unique role in the world.

Read the rest here.

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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Trump's 10-Point Immigration Priority Plan

Image via Twitter 

Robert Law at FAIR, the Federation for American Immigration Reform, reports:

Trump Unveils 10-Point Immigration Priority Plan

President-elect Donald Trump made immigration a core component of his campaign for the White House. Despite winning the election [then] just two days ago, his transition team has already released a 10-point plan to “restore integrity to our immigration system, protect our communities, and put America first”:
  1. Build a Wall on the Southern Border
  2. End Catch-and-Release
  3. Zero Tolerance for Criminal Aliens
  4. Block Funding for Sanctuary Cities
  5. Cancel Unconstitutional Executive Orders & Enforce All Immigration Laws
  6. Suspend the Issuance of Visas to Any Place Where Adequate Screening Cannot Occur
  7. Ensure that Other Countries Take Their People Back When We Order Them Deported
  8. Finally Complete the Biometric Entry-Exit Visa Tracking System
  9. Turn Off the Jobs and Benefits Magnet
  10. Reform Legal immigration to Serve the Best Interests of America and its Workers

It's a start.

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Monday, November 14, 2016

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Rent-a-Mobs once again

photo credit: flushyoutube

Anti-Trump Protests Funded By Left-Wing ‘Charity’

The Progress Unity Fund is a tax-exempt 501(c)3 organization — the same classification as the Red Cross. The group’s mission is to “provide a progressive alternative to mainstream charities,” according to its IRS filings.

The fund provides the financial backing for Act Now To Stop War & End Racism (ANSWER) Coalition, a left-wing activist group that began organizing “emergency protests” immediately after Trump’s election.

The link embedded in “emergency protests” takes you to the ANSWER Coalition webpage headed "Fight Back Against Trump" and announcing that it “is mobilizing across the country to organize and take part in emergency actions.”  

Contrary to media misrepresentations, many of the supposedly spontaneous, organic, anti-Trump protests we have witnessed in cities from coast to coast were in fact carefully planned and orchestrated, in advance, by a pro-Communist organization called the ANSWER Coalition, which draws its name from the acronym for “Act Now to Stop War and End Racism.” 
. . .
In short, the anti-Trump protests that are currently making headlines are 100% contrived, fake, phony exhibitions of street theater, orchestrated entirely by radicals and revolutionaries whose chief objective is to push America ever farther to the political left. Moreover, they seek to utterly demoralize conservatives into believing that public opposition to their own (conservative) political and social values is growing more powerful, more passionate, and more widespread with each passing day.

The bottom line is this: The leaders and organizers of the anti-Trump protests that are currently making so much noise in cities across America, are faithfully following the blueprint of Hillary Clinton's famous mentor, Saul Alinsky, who urged radical activists to periodically stage loud, defiant, massive protest rallies expressing rage and discontent. Such demonstrations are designed to give onlookers the impression that a mass movement is preparing to shift into high gear, and that its present size is but a fraction of what it eventually will become. A “mass impression,” said Alinsky, can be lasting and intimidating: “Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.... The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.”

And that is precisely what we are witnessing at the moment.

Rent-a-Mobs once again.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

World Series: It's a tie!

art credit: pinterest

This just in:

Everyone gets a trophy!!!
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Liberal riots and the Trump victory

Dionne Alexander on YouTube

This short video by Dionne Alexander is making the rounds on Facebook, and I LOVED it. I hope you will, too. (I posted this yesterday but found that only FB subscribers could access it, so I suspended it. Now it’s up on YouTube.)

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It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s Supermoon

photo credit: zazzle

Via Yahoo News:

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (Reuters) - The largest, brightest full moon in nearly seven decades will be on display in the coming days, promising Earth-bound sky-watchers a celestial "supermoon" spectacle.

The full moon will come nearer to Earth than at any time since 1948, astronomers said. 
. . .
If skies are clear, the upcoming full moon will appear up to 14 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter than usual, making it what is called a supermoon, according to NASA. 
. . .
Weather permitting, sky-watchers in North America and locations east of the International Dateline will have a better view on Sunday night since the moon will set less than three hours after closest approach on Monday.

"The difference in distance from one night to the next will be very subtle, so if it's cloudy on Sunday, go out on Monday. Any time after sunset should be fine," Noah Petro, deputy project scientist for NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, said in a statement.

The weather forecast (so far) shows clear skies on Sunday; Monday looks partly cloudy. So mark your calendar to go out to look at the Supermoon this Sunday Nov. 13 and Monday Nov. 14.

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