Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Update: Build the Wall

image credit: youtube.com

Last December, this blog linked to We The People Will Build the Wall, a project announced by veteran Brian Kolfage; see here. Now Ralph King has posted the following:

Fellow Patriots :

As you know President Trump has declared an National Emergency on our southern border. President Trump also needs our help to deal with this national crisis and below there are several ways you can immediately start to help in Ohio and at a national level. 

To do that, I have been working closely to support the We Build The Wall, Inc. to expand their efforts, energy and base.  In their efforts to grow the volunteer base, they are starting to create state-based Facebook pages - the Ohio Volunteer affiliate page is Ohio Wall Builders

Below is exciting & important news from We Build The Wall, Inc. President Brian Kolfage regarding the upcoming historic Wall groundbreaking in April! 

Make no mistake - without the financial and moral support of patriots like you from across the US & the hard work of everyone involved at We Build The Wall, Inc., this groundbreaking would not be possible.  

Here is how you can make it grow:
1.) Join the Ohio Wall Builders Page on Facebook (Click Here to Join)

2.) Invite your family, friends and fellow patriots to join the Ohio Wall Builder (Here) page and We Build the Wall, Inc. Facebook Page (Here)

3.) Make sure to read the email appended below from We Build The Wall, Inc. President Brian Kolfage on the groundbreaking and how you can help continue growing the Wall efforts.

Important details on the confusing GoFundMe opt-in/opt-out process requirement if you have already donated to make sure your donation is not returned.

Build The Wall website is here:   http://www.gofundme.com/TheTrumpWall

Brian Kolfage's email:

Last week when President Trump vetoed a bill that would have prevented him from declaring a national emergency at our border, it was two WeBuildTheWall Advisory Board members that he chose to have flanking him.

April is going to be a big month for this historic project. We anticipate breaking ground on our first segment of wall and on April 11th we will finally be finished with the GoFundMe opt-in/opt-out process that has caused so much confusion.

BREAKING GROUND is our moment and we don't want the refunds to take away from what we've worked so hard to accomplish. That means we only have about two weeks to get our fundraising campaign moving in the right direction!

If you're still with with us, I need you to do two things:

1: Continue to contribute at www.gofundme.com/thetrumpwall

2: Spread the word about what's really happening with WeBuildTheWall to your friends and family. We cannot trust the corporate media to tell the truth about us and we are counting on you to help us get the truth out!
As you can see, yesterday we raised $73,276 which is a GREAT START.

The GoFundMe has been stuck below 21Mil. for months and this weekend we need to finally break through by raising another $211,724.

We can get back to the days where we were all refreshing the GoFundMe page to see how much it increased if you'll continue to spread the word and donate at:

Thank you and God bless,

Brian Kolfage
President WeBuildTheWall Inc.

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Monday, April 1, 2019

Will Ohio voters support the elimination of the Electoral College?

image credit: calbuzz.com

This blog previously linked to J. Christian Adams’ "How To Steal and Election" – click hereAnd here's a headline today on cleveland.com:

Ohio’s electoral votes for president
would go to national popular vote winner
under proposed constitutional amendment

A proposed Ohio constitutional amendment to award the state’s presidential electoral votes to the winner of the national popular vote has cleared an initial hurdle toward making the statewide ballot this November.
. . .
So far, 11 states holding a combined 181 electoral votes have signed the compact. However, the compact doesn’t become binding until it’s joined by states representing at least 270 electoral votes (the minimum needed to win the presidency).

This is scary. Because the Democrat effort to essentially abolish the Electoral College in favor of the National Popular Vote initiative is gaining traction, any number of articles and essays have been popping up on conservative website. Here’s one from a week or so ago on American Thinker.

The latest states to succumb to this misguided attempt to destroy the Electoral College are Delaware and Colorado. If this issue gets enough signatures to get onto the Ohio ballot, Cleveland Tea Party will be sending out Action Alerts so we can let our representatives in Columbus know what we think.
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Sunday, March 31, 2019

Medicare For All: new name, same old

image credit: aapsonline.org
(Assoc. of American Physicians and Surgeons)

The Mueller bombshell was a dud, so the Democrat party and their colleagues in the media immediately pivoted to healthcare. Bruce Bialosky is a contributor to Townhall. He has a good roll-out of what is and is not true of the Progressive’s trumpeted “Medicare For All” plan; He cites facts and also draws from his own experience in the system. Here are a few extracts:

Medicare is a program begun in 1966 to cover people 65 years of age and older. The program is to be paid through lifelong payroll tax payments akin to social security.   Unlike social security, the benefits are not related to how much you have paid into the program. An important point to understand is (for most people) the vast majority of medical expenses are incurred near the end of one’s life. When the program was established, it was not anticipated that people would be living as long as they do.  This has also driven up costs; i.e., keeping older people alive.

As an aside, Medicare covers for pre-existing conditions. 180 million people who are covered by corporation health insurance also are covered for pre-existing conditions as well as those covered by Medicaid. That is over 90% of Americans, so we can dispense with that canard.  Some politicians want you to believe people are threatening to take away coverage for pre-existing conditions when that is just not true. 
. . .
. . . Medicare is far from free.  Less paperwork and figuring out what is or isn’t covered notwithstanding, decisions still have to be made under Medicare unlike what has been stated by some politicians.  
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. . .  Medicare for All is a nice saying, but very misleading.   First, Medicare comes with a cost for all and that would have to be factored in -   it is not free for anyone despite all you paid into the fund.  Second, it does not cover everything as some politicians lead you to believe.  Third, if you want to keep your doctor, you may not be able to do so.  

The truth is Medicare for All is just a ploy to further move us to government controlled and administered health care.  I have been writing this point for years and wrote that Obamacare was just a step along the way.  The Left continues making private insurance more and more difficult to administer and then belittles the insurance companies for their operations.  There is one goal here: to have complete control over the health care system and then we will be at the lowest common denominator for the health care we receive.

As you have been told before, just look at the health care administered by the VA. The Trump administration has finally freed our veterans to see private care practitioners.   Thank God.  Please don’t make the rest of us suffer the fate of our veterans being covered by government-run insurance.

Lots more here.
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Friday, March 29, 2019

Vietnam Veterans Day

image credit: scrollsaaworkshop.blogspot.com

Celebrated every March 29, Vietnam Veterans Day is set aside as a day for Americans to honor the courage and sacrifice of those who served in the Vietnam War.
Thank a veteran today.
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Thursday, March 28, 2019

Amnesty bill: Here we go again

ACTION ALERT! NumbersUSA just sent out an Alert, appended below. Senator Lindsay Graham turns out to have co-authored the amnesty bill coming up for consideration. Cleveland Tea Party patriots will want to call Ohio Senators to oppose DREAM Act Senate bill 874.

Sen. Rob Portman -- (202) 224-3353
Phone Sen. Sherrod Brown at (202) 224-2315

Majority of House Now Supports Nancy Pelosi's
Amnesty Bill: 224 Cosponsors
We must be ready for when Democrats' quest for amnesty
 meets Republicans' desire for cheap labor!

224 House members, all Democrats, have already cosponsored H.R. 6, the "American Dream and Promise Act of 2019." The news yesterday is that Republican Senator Lindsey Graham has already co-authored a Senate DREAM Act, S. 874, with Senate Democratic Minority Leader Dick Durbin.

Would President Trump ever sign either bill? Probably not as they currently stand. But the very grave danger is that congressional leaders may try to sweeten the pot just enough to get his support.  And those "pot sweeteners" could make the bill even worse, not better.

Lately, President Trump has been calling for even more legal immigration because his advisors are telling him it will boost the economy. AND the President says he supports legislation that would make permanent President Obama's DACA amnesty.

Could we end up with a bill that offers amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants, visas for millions of new employment-based immigrants and temporary workers, and some window dressing about border security? Could there be a new Gang-of-Eight "comprehensive reform" bill?

That's exactly what we will get if our elected officials only hear from the cheap-labor lobby.  We need them to hear from people like you!

I’ll post on this again as the bill goes forward.
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