Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Young Black Leadership Summit links

The Young Black Leadership Summit took place at the White House yesterday. I tuned into One America News (OAN) for part of Candace Owens’s speech and most of President Trump’s speech. Conservative Treehouse has the video and transcript of the latter. Kyle Morris at Breitbart has a report on Candace Owens’s speech.

President Trump reiterated themes of particular interest to his audience, and the mutual admiration of the President and the Young Black Leaders was palpable. Also of interest was the number of trolls in the comments at Breitbart attempting to discredit Ms. Owens. 
Proof of the pudding for me: just look at the results that President Trump has delivered on his campaign promises, including those that benefit minorities. And as is pointed out by one of the speakers:

A while back, President Trump said, when he was talking to the black community, “If you vote for me, what do you have to lose?” Because the do-nothing Democrats have done nothing for the black community.  2020 is around the corner and we have a lot to lose now because President Donald J. Trump has done so much for the black community. 

Click here for Breitbart report of Candace Owens’s appearance.

Click here for Conservative Treehouse’s video and transcript of President Trump’s speech.
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Friday, October 4, 2019

Are You Registered To Vote?

From cleveland.com:

Monday [October 7] is the deadline to register to vote for November’s election, or for existing registered voters to submit updates.

Either process can be completed online at this link if the person has an Ohio driver’s license or an official state ID. Otherwise, paperwork can be completed in person or by mail.

The Cuyahoga County Board of Elections will stay open until 9 p.m. Monday to accept registrations, spokesman Mike West said. The office is on the east side of downtown, at East 30th Street and Euclid Avenue.

West said registrations can also be completed at any library. He said as long as the card is filled out and dated by the deadline, it will be accepted if it arrives over the next several days.

About 7.7 million Ohioans are registered to vote, though nearly 200,000 were recently purged from the voting rolls for inactivity. You can check the database at this link to see if your name, or the name of someone you know, was removed.

Ohio election calendar is here.
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Thursday, October 3, 2019

Impeachment theater

image credit: the superfins.com

Some pundits see this feeding frenzy over the House’s plan to Impeach President Trump as a deliberate attempt to distract from anticipated indictments and now the Biden Ukraine/China scandal.  Neither Adam Schiff nor Nancy Pelosi is specifying what might be presented formally as Articles of Impeachment, which is why Andy McCarthy calls the whole thing an “impeachment show for television.”  David Catron at the Spectator has another take:

It should by now be obvious to the meanest intelligence that the Democrats are determined to impeach President Trump with or without credible evidence that he has committed any act resembling “high crimes and misdemeanors.” The “whistleblower complaint” that Nancy Pelosi used as the pretext for launching her ersatz impeachment inquiry contains little but hearsay and fabrication, while her claim that it proves Trump has “violated the Constitution” fails the laugh test. In the end, however, impeachment is less about offenses committed by the president than the desire of the Washington establishment to put down what they see as a peasants’ revolt.

Impeachment is, in other words, an attempt to restore the old order that the voters overturned in 2016. It seeks to annul that election and return us to the nascent totalitarianism of the Obama era, an incipient autocracy the Democrats expected to be nurtured during the presidency of Hillary Clinton. Thus, when the hoi polloi got above themselves and put Donald Trump in the White House, his removal from office became the primary objective of Washington’s self-appointed Optimates. They began planning Trump’s impeachment before he was inaugurated because he is the leader of the insurrection, and they know full well that it can’t be put down until he is gone.

House Democrats must impeach the president despite the near impossibility of securing a conviction in the Senate. Indeed, their need to do so is more urgent now than ever because of the booming Trump economy and the weakness of their Democratic presidential candidates. As Rep. Al Green (D-Texas), who has introduced several abortive impeachment resolutions, put it in May, “I’m concerned that if we don’t impeach this president, he will get re-elected.”

Mr. Catron's full article is here.

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Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Capt. Luis Avila sings “God Bless America”

The Blog 100 Percent Fed Up has the report and the video (above):

President Trump spoke at a ceremony to congratulate Gen. Mark Milley on becoming the new chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and then gave a huge bear hug to a wounded veteran.

Retired Army Capt. Luis Avila, who was severely wounded by a bomb in 2011 in Afghanistan, was warmly embraced by the president after the hero sang “God Bless America.”

The name Capt. Luis Avila was familiar to me. Cleveland Tea Party blogged on this veteran in July 2017:

Captain Avila served several tours of duty in Afghanistan and Iraq and lost his leg in an IED attack. This man was not expected to survive. He remains largely paralyzed, he is in a wheelchair, but just watch this short video. He can barely move his body, and yet he struggles mightily to salute, to literally salute, his Commander-in-Chief, President Trump (at about 1:40) and to bow in acknowledgement. It brought tears to my eyes. He is one of many Americans who knows that we have a CiC who loves our country and honors our veterans who defend our way of life.

There is another reason why I am posting this: the YouTube video of this man saluting his CIC now displays this message:

Video unavailable
This video is no longer available
because the YouTube account associated with this video
has been terminated.

I don't know the reason, but I don't like it. 
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Monday, September 30, 2019

Peter Schweizer on Joe Biden

Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends

Secret Empires: 
How the American Political Class 
Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends
(image credit: Washington Times)

Trent Baker had three paragraphs at Breitbart summarizing Peter Schweizer’s appearance on Mark Levin’s show last night:

Breitbart News senior contributor and Secret Empires author Peter Schweizer joined Life, Liberty & Levin Sunday on Fox News Channel to explain Joe and Hunter Biden’s Ukraine connections.

Schweizer told host Mark Levin that the former vice president’s son was being paid by Ukraine despite not having expertise in the energy sector while Joe Biden was the “point-person” on former President Barack Obama’s administration in dealing with Ukraine.

“The key question here that nobody seems to want to ask in the media is: What was he being paid for? He wasn’t being paid for his expertise. What was he being paid for? And what were the Ukrainians expecting to get in return?” Schweizer stated. “I think when you overlay the financial payments with the fact that Joe Biden as point person on Obama administration policy to Ukraine was steering billions of dollars of Western money to Ukraine it becomes crystal clear exactly why they were paying him money. They wanted access and they wanted to influence Joe Biden. And Joe Biden has been around a long time here, and he had to know exactly why his son was being paid.”

Schweizer’s book Secret Empires is an excellent resource. If you are interested in his column-length reports, click here.

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Saturday, September 28, 2019

Sarah Palin’s Lipstick

photo credit: American Thinker

Gordon Wysong at American Thinker vividly remembers Sarah Palin’s speech at the GOP convention in 2008. Mr. Wysong’s recollection will resonate with many Cleveland Tea Party readers:

The Democrats don’t have lousy Presidential nominee candidates merely because the good ones were keeping their powder dry.  A Black Swan candidate of 2008 is appreciably responsible for it, and no one seemed to notice.  When Sarah Palin became the focus of the hopes of committed conservatives, the swamp did everything in its power to destroy her.  Venal Republican operatives were so beset with personal jealousy, they were willing to crash the ship on the rocks to ensure against her ascendancy.

They won their battle, sadly.  But, a single line -- just one -- provided the foundation for conservatives.  Mrs. Palin told America “Do you know the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull?  Lipstick!”

In one succinct line she captured the commitment and determination of conservatives seeking to protect something they love.

Fast forward a year, and those same conservatives saw Obama trying to destroy that which they love and without hesitation, these conservatives jumped into a new political movement.  Bolstered by their belief that Sarah Palin was an everyday somebody like them, and infuriated by her maltreatment, they populated the ranks of the Tea Party.  They were determined to protect America. Within months, they were activists.

As I recall, Sarah ad-libbed the joke because for some reason (???), the teleprompter went down for a few moments. Mr. Wysong's full article is here.
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Friday, September 27, 2019

Life After Fox News

Paul Ryan cartoon from Cagle Comics at Utah Independent 

Yes, Fox is moving relentlessly leftward, and in our household, we click the “Mute” button during prime time viewing -- or turn the channel. Judi McLeod at Canada Free Press quotes Breitbart to begin her report:

. . . Former House Speaker Paul Ryan, who currently sits on the board of Fox News Corp., and who, according to Vanity Fair, is reportedly urging Fox News to “decisively break” with President Donald Trump—news in the magazine’s report documenting the network’s “management bedlam”. (Tony Lee at Breitbart, Sept. 26, 2019)

Ryan, the longtime Trump antagonist, has reportedly been suggesting to Murdoch that “Fox should decisively break with the president” as Murdoch holds “strategy conversations with Fox executives and anchors about how Fox News should prepare for life after Trump.”

Downright laughable that while “strategy conversations” are taking place to decide how Fox News “should prepare for life after Trump” that legions in the unwashed masses are already preparing themselves for life after Fox News.
. . .

Full report is here

Related: While I find Mark Levin abrasive most of the time, he dials it down on his Sunday evening program on Fox. This Sunday, Peter Schweizer is the scheduled guest. Having read his books Clinton Cash, Extortion, and Secret Empires, I plan to tune in. Mr. Schweizer is the go-to source on the Joe Biden scandals.
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