Art credit: and Edvard Munch
This just in from the Mansfield Tea Party:
Opt Out of Fall Testing Now!
Take the Pledge to Protect Your
The first round of fall tests starts October 6th, but did you know that you, as the parent, can opt-out your child?
These tests are used to "benchmark" your child for "Value Added Measures", but are not state mandated. Common sense would tell you that any student is going to perform better in the spring than they do in the beginning of the school year, but now we have to prove it by administering more tests, leaving less time for learning.
The state mandates that the schools administer one test per year. In the past it has been the spring OGT's and the OAA's. Unless we pass HB 597, and Common Core gets repealed, the data gathering replacement testing - PARCC - will add six weeks of testing to the school year this spring.
Don't subject your child to this scrutiny. Exercise your right as a parent and opt-out your child. Click Here to Download OPT-OUT form and Click Here to learn more about the assessing of your child.
Please note all forms must be submitted by October 3rd, 2014 to ensure your child's protection.
- Print out Opt Out Form
- Fill out Child's Name (must do separate form for each child)
- Read and check all three boxes on opt out form
- Complete bottom portion of the form
- Be sure to leave Received by, Signature, and Date Received blank (this is for school officials to fill out)
- Take the completed form to the school office. Request signatures.
- Request two copies. One for your records and one to mail to your State Representative
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