Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

What if the “civil” war turns hot?

Kurt Schlicter asks the unspeakable question. His column at Townhall begins:

Are We Looking At Another Civil War?

Consider the logic of the left and it’s no wonder that many people are considering the unspeakable – whether America will devolve into actual violent conflict. . . . The most important question related to the long decline of America at the hands of a corrupt, incompetent, and terminally foolish ruling caste that controls our major institutions is whether we can pull out of this tailspin without bloodshed.

I sure hope so, but the risk is real and we need to confront it.

The logic of the left accepts political violence. . . .

So, while the chance of civil conflict is low, violence is not only possible but it has been used by the left as a means of making political change in America in the past. And the evidence is that the left remains ideologically open to using violence in the future to achieve its goals.

But what would a civil conflict look like if, heaven forbid, it ever came to pass again? . . .

And Mr. Schlicter outlines some scenarios.  Read the full column here.

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