Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Deliberate Destruction and New World Order, cont’d


A favorite and familiar line from The Usual Suspects (photo of Kevin Spacey above):  “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”   JD Rucker adapts that line for his column at FreedomFirstNetwork from a few days ago titled “The Greatest Trick the Globalists Ever Pulled Was Making Us Think the Biden-Harris Regime Is Failing.”

Mr Rucker doesn’t deny that our political betters (Biden, Kamala, cabinet appointees, et al) are incompetent.  His point is that they are performing according to plan;  the globalists behind the throne are hiding behind incompetent puppets.  In short:

What we consider to be abysmal failures on most fronts are actually successes in the eyes of the globalist elites. Whether you believe these are simply powerful evil men doing what powerful evil men do or if you believe there is a demonic element in which powers and principalities are pulling the strings, the current goals are the same. They want the world in a state of upheaval so they can herd us into the next phase of their plan.

That next phase for America is to enter into the Liberal World Order, previously known as Build Back Better, also called The Great Reset, branded prior as the 4th Industrial Revolution and known for decades as the New World Order. No matter what they serve as the phrase du jour, it all amounts to the elites having everything and the masses having nothing.

Read the rest at FreedomFirstNetwork here.

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