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Showing posts with label madness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label madness. Show all posts

Friday, August 19, 2022

Trump Derangement Syndrome Is Real


I am linking to Brandon Morse’s “Trump Derangement Syndrome Is Real and It Needs to be Studied” at RedState because I expect that almost all visitors to this blog have witnessed the Syndrome up close.  If any of your family, personal, or professional relationships have been disrupted or destroyed by this Syndrome, then Mr. Morse’s observations will resonate:

The concept of “Trump Derangement Syndrome” may have started as a joke to describe the over-reaction of hatred toward Trump, but after years of people upending good sense and their own principles in order to get at this man, I’m pretty convinced it’s real and that scientists need to study this in the future.

I see it every single day and as we drift closer and closer to the 2024 presidential election, I have a feeling we’re going to see it even more and in big ways.

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I also see it on social media daily. Any disagreement with a leftist figure, no matter who, always results in the same replies about me being a Trump-obsessed drone, MAGA extremist, Trump-humper, etc., etc.

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Yet, there are some who will craft an entire fantasy world around them where Trump was a great evil who never did anything but great evil and will do nothing but great evil in the future. In their minds, he must be stopped at all costs, even if that cost means ditching firmly held principles. I’ve seen this kind of mentality before in personal situations, but never on a mass scale such as this.

Decades from now, when we’ve left this age behind, I truly hope scientists and clinical psychologists study this moment. I truly believe that this is something of a shared madness that has ruined the minds and relationships of many people. It’s caused them to debase themselves and become unreasonable. I hope future generations look back at this and learn from it because I fear if we don’t then this problem will just fester, and I’d hate to see how this could get any worse.

Read the full column here.  

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