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Showing posts with label political prisoners. Show all posts
Showing posts with label political prisoners. Show all posts

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Phantom ballots: who is cleaning the voter rolls?

Jay Valentine at American Thinker has published a couple of columns expressing his concern:

You would think rational electioneers in the Republican Party would, in 2022, do everything to stop the election jiggering that took place in 2020.  You would be wrong.

And from his column yesterday:

Two years ago, most Americans thought phantom voters were comic book characters.  Nobody had ever seen one.

This week, we reached our 5,000th volunteer request (in 60 days) to help clean voter rolls — and we never asked for a single volunteer.  We are just technology guys.

Americans are fed up; they get it that their elected officials are not going to clean voter rolls.  Perhaps some people did not dig the Big Steal for the Trump election — but after Kari Lake, the Senate in Nevada, and dozens of local races, they are on fire now.

Mr Valentine’s Omega4America website is here. And he has expressed frustration at the lack of attention to election fraud from top politicians.

However, Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch mailed subscribers, including this blogger, the following message:

President Donald J. Trump, the 45th president of the United States, delivered the keynote address last night [Jan 19] at our 6th Judicial Watch Annual Roundtable, a private event, which was held at the Trump National Doral in Miami, FL.

President Trump engaged in a historic battle against government corruption and abuse, a battle that continues to this day. We are honored that he addressed and educated our supporters about the ongoing rule of law crisis that so threatens our Republic.

The Roundtable also featured important discussions on the election integrity crisis, the border crisis, the Left/government/Big Tech attack on free speech, the January 6 political prisoners, Biden corruption [emphasis added] and more!

This is good news:  President Trump participated in an event that directly addressed election integrity.  Judicial Watch is one of the few watchdog agencies that regularly files FOIA lawsuits to expose government corruption, and their recent conference tells us that they have their eye on the ball, so to speak.

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