Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Declaration of Health Care Independence

More than 61% of Americans say it is time to drop government takeover of health care. Congressmen Michele Bachmann, Steve King, and Louie Gohmert have created a Declaration of Health Care Independence and asked for input from our Local Coordinators as they developed it. Tea Party Patriots is endorsing the Declaration of Health Care Independence.

For those within driving distance of DC, we invite you to attend the Tea Party Patriots Press Conference on Wed. January 27th at 1 p.m. at the National Press Club (529 14th Ave NW, Washington, DC 20045) when we announce our endorsement of the Declaration and encourage our elected officials and all Patriots to pledge their support.

Check www.teapartypatriots.org web site for the Declaration of Health Care Independence Pledge to sign. We should have the pledge online in the next few days.

Fiscal Reform Amendment

The debt ceiling has increased from approximately $10.62 trillion to $12.33 trillion in the last year. Now Congress is considering raising the limit to $14.3 trillion!

Instead of increasing the debt ceiling, Senator Tom Coburn has the novel idea to cut spending and leave the debt ceiling alone. The government has gotten fat for years off the American taxpayer by creating more and more programs that do exactly the same thing. For example, there are more than 14 programs administered by the U.S. Department of Education related to foreign exchanges and designed to increase opportunities for students to study abroad.

This amendment to the currently proposed federal debt increase will put the federal government on a massive diet by reducing redundant programs, releasing unspent funds to pay down the debt, thereby saving the taxpayers billions of dollars each year. It will cut spending by $120 billion, consolidate 640 duplicative government programs, and prevents politicians from pursuing the fiscal obesity plaguing our nation.

You are the heart and soul of the Tea Party Movement. Thank you for promoting the causes of fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and free markets with us!

Tea Party Patriots are just ordinary people reclaiming America's founding principles.

Your Tea Party Patriots National Coordinator Team,

Debbie Dooley, Mike Gaske, Kellen Giuda, Ryan Hecker, Jenny Beth Martin, Mark Meckler, Sally Oljar, Diana Reimer, Billie Tucker, and Dawn Wildman

Saturday, January 23, 2010

A Year in Obama-Led Health Care Deform

Geithner: PBO is Sacrificing Good Policy for Politics

Most of us have known, and his actions have shown, that President Obama routinely puts partisan politics in front of good policy. This is consistent with Obama's actions & votes during his "weekend" stay in the Senate prior to becoming president.

It appears now that besides hitting his Health Care "Buzz Saw," our out of touch with the real world President might be facing some dissent from within his own Czarministration....

From America Blog --
Reuters reported two hours ago that multiple financial industry sources claimed that Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner was unhappy with the President's plan he announced today to rein in the banks. The sources said that Geithner thinks Obama is sacrificing good policy for politics.

President Barack Obama's newest Wall Street crackdown was met with hesitation from Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, who is concerned that politics could be sacrificing good economic policy, according to financial industry sources.

Now, sure, we don't know the names of those sources. But for Reuters to run this piece, the sources had to be some pretty senior people on Wall Street with extremely close ties to Geithner, who came from the NY Fed before he took the job at Treasury. Even stranger, the Treasury refused to comment for the story.

Now, if a cabinet member reportedly leaked to his buddies in NYC that he thought the President, his boss, was harming the country for political expediency on a major policy initiative, and the story was wrong, the Treasury would immediately tell Reuters that the story is a bunch of BS. Instead, Treasury refused to comment.

Now there's an updated story that includes a White House official saying Geithner worked on the plan with Volcker and Summers. Though, what's not coming from the White House official in the Reuters story is an outright denial of the story itself - that Geithner told friends in NY that Obama was harming the country for politics.

Oh, and the updated story came out two hours after the first story. And guess what it doesn't include. A denial from Treasury either.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Ant & The Grasshopper

Two Different Versions... ......... .... Two Different Morals


The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter.

The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away..

Come winter, the ant is warm and well fed.

The grasshopper has no food or shelter, so he dies out in the cold.

MORAL OF THE STORY: Be responsible for yourself!


The ant works hard in the withering heat and the rain all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter.

The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.

Come winter, the shivering grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while he is cold and starving.

CBS, NBC , PBS, CNN, and ABC show up to provide pictures of the shivering grasshopper next to a video of the ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food.

America is stunned by the sharp contrast.

How can this be, that in a country of such wealth, this poor grasshopper is allowed to suffer so?

Kermit the Frog appears on Oprah with the grasshopper and everybody cries when they sing, 'It's Not Easy Being Green.'

ACORN stages a demonstration in front of the ant's house where the news stations film the group singing, "We shall overcome " . Then Rev. Jeremiah Wright has the group kneel down to pray to God for the grasshopper's sake.

President Obama condemns the ant and blames President Bush, President Reagan, Christopher Columbus, and the Pope for the grasshopper's plight.

Nancy Pelosi & Harry Reid exclaim in an interview with Larry King that the ant has gotten rich off the back of the grasshopper, and both call for an immediate tax hike on the ant to make him pay his fair share..

Finally, the EEOC drafts the Economic Equity & Anti-Grasshopper Act retroactive to the beginning of the summer.

The ant is fined for failing to hire a proportionate number of green bugs and, having nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes, his home is confiscated by the Government Green Czar and given to the grasshopper.

The story ends as we see the grasshopper and his free-loading friends finishing up the last bits of the ant's food while the government house he is in, which, as you recall, just happens to be the ant's old house, crumbles around them because the grasshopper doesn't maintain it.

The ant has disappeared in the snow, never to be seen again.

The grasshopper is found dead in a drug related incident, and the house, now abandoned, is taken over by a gang of spiders who terrorize the ramshackle, once prosperous and once peaceful, neighborhood.The entire Nation collapses bringing the rest of the free world with it.


Be careful how you vote in 2010 !!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Election Day Notes....


We received this in an email yesterday from two of our national coordinators for the Tea Party Patriots, Jenny Beth Martin & Mark Meckler. Jenny Beth & Mark were in MA for Brown's earth shattering victory and below are some of their thoughts....

From Jenny Beth --
Tea Party Patriots and others involved in the tea party movement have asked Congress to listen to us. In the past year, we, the people, have demanded accountability. We, the people, demanded principled leadership. And, we, the people, demanded that our elected officials represent us.

It is so appropriate that the American liberty movement started in the Boston Harbor in December, 1773 with the Boston Tea Party. Today, we carry on the tradition of tea parties in the spirit of our founding fathers. We carry it on in the birthplace of the American liberty movement. The birthplace of the original tea party patriots. The birthplace of American patriots.

Like our founding fathers, we are ordinary citizens. Tea Party Patriots today are ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles. More....

And from Mark --
Everyone who watches the news knows what’s taking place here in Massachusetts and what’s at stake as far as future policy and legislation. But what most people don’t get the chance to do is to actually feel what’s in the air here in the cradle of American history. So I wanted to travel to Boston to touch the moment, firsthand, and to share that experience with people who can’t be here. Last night I boarded a redeye from the west coast, and I exited just hours later in the midst of one of the seminal battles of the Second American Revolution.

I can tell you with certainty, a political buzz is definitely in the air. From the time I got off the plane in Boston, the elections were the topic du jour on almost everyone’s lips.

I think we can agree from their comments, we are all part of something special. Thanks Mark & Jenny Beth!

For all of our members.... I hope you see that YOU really are the Heart & Soul of the Tea Party Patriots!

Democrats De-Form Health Care Re-form

After Coakley conceded the U.S. Senate Race in MA last night, some of the Democrats quickly issued statements on what their next steps should be on the current Health Care Reform fight.

After hearing the "Scott" heard round the world, ultra-liberal Rep. Barney Frank issued the following statement.....

“I have two reactions to the election in Massachusetts. One, I am disappointed. Two, I feel strongly that the Democratic majority in Congress must respect the process and make no effort to bypass the electoral results. If Martha Coakley had won, I believe we could have worked out a reasonable compromise between the House and Senate health care bills. But since Scott Brown has won and the Republicans now have 41 votes in the Senate, that approach is no longer appropriate.

I am hopeful that some Republican Senators will be willing to discuss a revised version of health care reform because I do not think that the country would be well-served by the health care status quo. But our respect for democratic procedures must rule out any effort to pass a health care bill as if the Massachusetts election had not happened.

Going forward, I hope there will be a serious effort to change the Senate rule which means that 59 votes are not enough to pass major legislation, but those are the rules by which the health care bill was considered, and it would be wrong to change them in the middle of the process.”

Boy, it sounds as if Frank is starting to get it!

Sen. Jim Webb issued this statement pretty much putting to rest any questions on the certification of Scott Browns victory....
In many ways the campaign in Massachusetts became a referendum not only on health care reform but also on the openness and integrity of our government process. It is vital that we restore the respect of the American people in our system of government and in our leaders. To that end, I believe it would only be fair and prudent that we suspend further votes on health care legislation until Senator-elect Brown is seated. (Politico)

It will be very interesting to see how the Health Care bill plays out.... will they finally listen to the American people or will they arrogantly continue trying to ram through health care which as we see, some of the Dems strongest supporters are starting to back away from?

Brown Wins MA!