Nancy Pelosi DID NOT have the votes for to pass The DREAM Act last week and is expected to reschedule the vote for some time this week -- possibly Wednesday. It is rumored the Senator Harry Reid will move for a Cloture Vote on the DREAM Act as soon as today. Recent studies show the DREAM Act will have an estimated cost of $6.2 Billion!
Patriots, your calls, emails and faxes are working! Continuing your calls, emails & faxes, can and will stop the fiscal nightmare backdoor amnesty for illegal immigrants will cause our country Contact info for House & Senate members is below.
The dangers of The DREAM Act --
To help remind you of the dangers of this bill, we are reposting Sen. Jeff Sessions' "Ten things you need to know about S.3827, the DREAM Act," which was featured on Michelle Malkin's website on Nov. 18th. (To read the entire memo, visit:
1. The DREAM Act is NOT limited to children, and it will be funded on the backs of hard working, law-abiding Americans.
2. The DREAM Act PROVIDES safe harbor for any alien, including criminals, from being removed or deported if they simply submit an application.
3. Certain criminal aliens will be eligible for amnesty under the DREAM Act.
4. Estimates suggest that at least 2.1 million illegal aliens will be eligible for the DREAM Act amnesty.
5. Illegal aliens will get in-state tuition benefits.
6. The DREAM Act does not require that an illegal alien finish any type of degree (vocational, two-year, or bachelor's degree) as a condition of amnesty.
7. The DREAM Act does not require that an illegal alien serve in the military as a condition for amnesty, and there is ALREADY a legal process in place for illegal aliens to obtain U.S. citizenship through military service.
8. Despite their current illegal status, DREAM Act aliens will be given all the rights that legal immigrants receive, including the legal right to sponsor their parents and extended family members for immigration.
9. Current illegal aliens will get federal student loans, federal work study programs, and other forms of federal financial aid.
10. DHS is prohibited from using the information provided by illegal aliens whose DREAM Act amnesty applications are denied to initiate their removal proceedings or investigate or prosecute fraud in the application process.
Let's melt the lines
The Washington Post article also reported that "a coalition of labor and immigrant advocacy groups announced Tuesday they're launching a radio and print advertising campaign to pressure Republican senators to support the measure. Targets include Florida Senator George LeMieux, Maine Senators Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe, Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown, Nevada Senator John Ensign and Texas Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison."
Patriots, it is imperative that we counteract the efforts of these pro-amnesty groups. The Senate needs to know that "We the People" want our government to uphold the current federal immigration laws and to act in a fiscally responsible manner by not passing this spending-nightmare bill.
We urge you to contact our Ohio senators as well as the list of targeted senators and tell them to vote NO on the DREAM Act.
List of Ohio / targeted senators
Sen. Sherrod Brown
DC Office Phone: (202) 224-2315 / DC Fax: (202) 228-6321
Cleveland Office Phone: (216) 522-7272 / Cleveland Fax: (216) 522-2239
Sen. George Voinovich
DC Office Phone: (202) 224-3353 / no fax provided
Cleveland Office: (216) 522-7095/ Cleveland Fax: (216) 522-7097
Sen. George LeMieux (FL)
DC Office Phone: 202-224-3041 / Local Office Phone: 904-398-8586
(Recently, LeMieux stated he is voting "No." We must continue to call him and reinforce his decision.)
Sen. Olympia Snowe (ME)
DC Office Phone: 202-224-5344 / Local Office Phone: 207-874-0883
Sen. Susan Collins (ME)
DC Office Phone: 202-224-2523 / Local Office Phone: 207-945-0417
Sen. Scott Brown (MA)
DC Office Phone: (202) 224-4543 / Local Office Phone: (617) 565-3170
Sen. John Ensign (NV)
DC Office Phone: (202) 224-6244 / Local Office Phone: (702) 388-6605
Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (TX)
DC Office Phone: 202-224-5922 / Local Office Phone: 214-361-3500
(According to staff, Hutchison will vote against the DREAM Act in its present form.)
Sen. John McCain (AZ)
DC Office Phone: 202-224-2235 / Local Office Phone: 480-897-6289
Sen. Lisa Murkowski (AK)
DC Office Phone: 202-224-6665 / Local Office Phone: 907-271-3735
Sen. Sam Brownback
DC Office Phone: 202-224-6521 / Local Office Phone: 785-233-2503