Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Occupy the Truth More Important than Ever

Although it has been going on for quite some time, the liberal media is even more brazen now that President Obama looks like he may be actually losing this election. From juicing polling data to omissions of legitimate news stories to outright lying. The American people are being led down a path and fed a narrative that most likely originates from The White House itself. That's why as political activists, it is even more important than ever to make sure we are holding our media and elected officials accountable. That is what Occupy the Truth is all about. We are letting them know that their behavior is no longer acceptable and we will be shouting the truth and pushing them to do their jobs.

We are being told that the hundreds of thousands of people that gathered at Tea Party rallies across the country peacefully are violent radicals and extremists. We are being told that the Occupy Wall Street crowd, with thousands of arrests including rape, destruction of property and drug use, are to be admired and held up as examples of what America is all about. We are being told that if you want a responsible government that doesn't waste money and works within a budget (like every human being on the planet is expected to do) we are evil and soulless. Then in the next breath, we are told that it is necessary to spend trillions of dollars we don't even have, so that we can take care of those that refuse to lift a finger to help themselves. We are also told we need to give a free ride to people that are not even citizens of The United States.

How is it that we are called racists when we don't agree with our president, but a white vice president can tell a crowd of people in African-American vernacular that the banks and the GOP are going to put black people back in chains, with no repercussion whatsoever? Why is it The Tea Party is the go-to boogie man whenever a high profile crime occurs with a gun? And yet a leftist activist walks into a conservative non-profit screaming he "does not like their politics", opens fire and hardly a word is uttered on the evening news.

The media is guilty of malpractice can be the only sane conclusion. It is time for this to stop! That is why we are hosting Occupy the Truth. Please join us on August 18th, 2012 at the FREE stamp in Cleveland, Ohio. The truth must win out.

Speakers will include: Michelle Malkin | Dana Loesch | Jim Hoft | Tony Katz | Sonnie Johnson | Jenny Beth Martin and more!

Action Alert

 Action Alert: we are looking for volunteers to pass out flyers on the "Occupy the Truth" Rally & March at the local showings of the "2016: Obama's America" being played tomorrow.

If you are interested in helping out please message us on Facebook or email us



Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Michelle Malkin blogs on Occupy The Truth

Michelle Malkin's column today is all about the Occupy The Truth rally on Thursday!! Be sure to scroll to the bottom -- the photos explain what this event is all about.

Go here.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Dana Loesch to speak at Occupy The Truth

This just in from Gateway Pundit:

“Occupy the Truth” Tea Party Organizers Announce Addition of Conservative Rock Star DANA LOESCH to All-Star Lineup

Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, August 13, 2012, 12:09 AM

(Cleveland, Ohio August 13, 2012) / — Filmmaker Andrew Marcus, Director of the upcoming documentary Hating Breitbart and Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit announce that conservative rock star Dana Loesch will join us along with media powerhouse Michelle Malkin at “Occupy the Truth”. This Tea Party protest will shine the light on the dishonest coverage of the media of the attempted violent bombing planned by members of Occupy Cleveland. The event will be held at Willard Park / Free Stamp Plaza in Cleveland, Ohio (near the site of one of the planned bombings) on Sat. August 18th from 11am to 1pm (EDT).

Make your plans now to attend this historic rally where conservatives come together and say “Enough is Enough!” to the corrupt and biased American media outlets.
Please join us on August 18th in Cleveland, Ohio.

Register / RSVP (free) here.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Occupy Cleveland #FAIL : Patriots "Occupy The Truth"!

This short video from the Mansfield Tea Party is scary - a frightening "what-if" -- what if law enforcement had not prevented the Occupy Cleveland anarchists from blowing up several targets, including the Cuyahoga Valley Bridge. Yet the media continue to blame conservatives for acts of violence and attempted bombings. More from Malkin here.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Malkin on DHS, Tea Parties, and media bias

Today, Michelle Malkins expands on the bias and dishonesty in the mainstream media. In her intro to today's column, she connects her outrage at media malpractice to her upcoming appearance at Occupy the Truth in downtown Cleveland on Sat., Aug. 18. Here's her intro:

As you read my column below, bear in mind this new report that the Obama administration ordered that the the General Services Administration give special treatment to law-breaking Occupy protesters and dwell on the media whitewashing of the Occupy Cleveland terror plotters.

If you are in the Ohio area next week, we will be calling attention to the double standards and Occupy coddling of the MSM smear merchants. I’ll join my longtime friend and blogger extraordinaire Jim Hoft and Hating Breitbart director/documentarian Andrew Marcus at Occupy the Truth, Cleveland OH, August 18th, Willard Park/Freestamp Plaza, 11am-1pm. COME JOIN US!

Her column, "Revisiting the DHS Smear of the Tea Party Movement," is here.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Michelle Malkin to keynote Occupy The Truth

Michelle Malkin will be the keynote speaker for the Occupy The Truth event on Saturday, Aug. 18, 11am-1pm, at Willard Park at the Free Stamp in downtown Cleveland. Gateway Pundit and Cleveland Tea Party Patriots are co-hosting the event. Here's the news release posted at Gateway Pundit:

August 9, 2012, 8:00 a.m. CST
‘Occupy The Truth For Peace and Justice’ Tea Party Organizers Announce Keynote Speaker Michelle Malkin

—–Director of Hating Breitbart, Andrew Marcus, and Blogger Powerhouse Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit announce Michelle Malkin as Keynote Speaker for Tea Party Protest “Occupy The Truth” set for August 18th in Cleveland, Ohio—–

Cleveland, Ohio August 9, 2012 / — This morning, Filmmaker Andrew Marcus, Director of the upcoming documentary Hating Breitbart and Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit announce that media powerhouse Michelle Malkin will be the Keynote Speaker at “Occupy the Truth”. This Tea Party protest will shine the light on the dishonest coverage of the media of the attempted violent bombing planned by members of Occupy Cleveland. The event will be held at Willard Park/Freestamp Plaza in Cleveland, Ohio near the site of the planned bombing on August 18th.

Malkin is a widely read conservative blogger with one of the largest digital footprints in politics on the web. She is a Fox News contributor, syndicated writer and highly successful New York Times best selling author of multiple books on politics and culture and is the founder of Hot Air News Site and MichelleMalkin.com. Her keen understanding of the rapidly expanding social media arena, and its impact on shaping the political narrative, has resulted in her recent launch of Twitchy, a ground-breaking entrant in the Twitter curation/aggregation space.

Malkin will join speakers Marcus, Hoft, and additional speakers to be announced in the coming week.

Hoft opines, “I have known Michelle for years. She has been, and continues to be, one of the most powerful voices in American politics. She has consistently been willing to hold the mainstream media accountable for their continued, chronic media malpractice. She is, without question, one of the most fearless voices of truth in the American political dialogue. Her willingness to come to Cleveland, the scene of the almost crime, and call attention to the embarrassing, willful collaboration of the media with the Occupy movement, is an indication of just how important it is that all of us, whenever possible, force the media to Occupy the Truth.”

Marcus elaborates, “The media would be happy if their lack of intellectual and professional vigor was swept under the carpet. Indeed, it happens so regularly. They don’t want to see everyday Americans questioning them. And in another era, at another time, that might have happened. But because of people like Andrew Breitbart and Michelle Malkin, the playing field has undergone a dramatic change. The mainstream media no longer not only owns the narrative, they no longer even own the news cycle. THEY might want this important story to go away, but the American people deserve to know the truth. If they won’t cover it, we will. We are grateful and excited that Michelle will be a part of this important event.”

It’s time for our voices to be heard. Join us on August 18th in Cleveland.

For more information or to schedule interviews, contact Jim Hoft (@GatewayPundit) at midwestjim@charter.net & Andrew Marcus (@HatingBreitbart)contact@hatingbreitbart.com

SOURCE Hating Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, Cleveland Tea Party Patriots


SAT. AUGUST 18 * 11am-1pm

Willard Park at the Free Stamp