UPDATE 6/23/13:
From Tea Party Patriots:
Tea Party Patriots worked around the clock to organize
an "Audit the IRS" Rally that drew a bigger crowd than
President Obama's corresponding speech in Berlin.
Between the "Audit
the IRS" Rally and the adjacent rally against the Senate's
Amnesty bill, the crowd was estimated between 7,000 and 10,000 people.
White House pool reporter Elmar Jakobs estimated President Obama's crowd at only
At one point, the Capital Police tried to stop people
attending the Audit the IRS Rally, from attending the Amnesty Rally (read here), claiming that was not allowed under
the TPP permit. Thankfully, that last
ditch effort in intimidation was thwarted by one of our TPP National Coordinators.
We have never had issues with the Capital Police before,
but between this effort and the hassle in issuing the permit for this event,
it's obvious that this regime will use whatever means necessary to silence
From Tea Party Patriots:
We are excited to announce our brand new mobile application for tomorrow's Audit the IRS rally in DC! Check it out on your mobile device
here: AuditTheIRS.net.
If you are attending the rally, use the mobile app to actively
participate in the rally, stay up-to-date on the latest news, social
integration, rally location, parking and restroom information, call to actions
and more!
If you can't attend the rally, use the mobile app to watch the
rally LIVE!
Speakers include:
Ted Cruz, US Senate
Mike Lee, US Senate (UT)
Rand Paul, US Senate (KY)
Michele Bachmann, US House (MN)
Jim Bridenstine, US House (OK)
Dave Camp, US House (MI)
John Fleming, US House (LA)
Louie Gohmert, US House (TX)
Tom Graves, US House (GA)
Tim Huelskamp, US House (KS)
Jim Jordan, US House (OH)
Mike Kelly, US House (PA)
Steve King, US House (IA)
Tom Price, US House (GA)
Matt Salmon, US House (AZ)
Justin Binik-Thomas, Individual, Included in Liberty Township
Tea Party Letter*
Marion Bower, American Patriots Against Government Excess*
George Brunemann, Jr., Cincinnati Tea Party*
Joe Dugan, Myrtle Beach Tea Party*
Becky Gerritson, Wetumpka Tea Party*
Kelly Horsley, Katy Tea Party Patriots*
Darcy Kahrhoff, Katy Tea Party Patriots*
Kevin Kookogey, Linchpins of Liberty*
Sue Martinek, Coalition for Life of Iowa*
Gerri McDaniel, Myrtle Beach Tea Party*
Daniel Moore, Albequerque Tea Party*
Rick Morlen, Albuquerque Tea Party*
Austin R. Nimrocks, Alliance Defending Freedom*
Larry Nordvig, Richmond Tea Party*
Laura Van Overschelde, The Mississippi Tea Party*
Katrina Pierson, Dallas Tea Party*
Paul Simpson, Katy Tea Party Patriots*
Mark West, Chatanooga Tea Party*
Steven K. Bannon, Breitbart News
Glenn Beck, The Glenn Beck Program
Dan Bongino, 2012 Republican Nominee for US Senate (MD)
Darla Dawald, Grassfire/Patriot Action Network
Ken Hoagland, Restore America’s Voice
Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit
Niger Innis, CORE and TheTeaParty.net
Sonnie Johnson, Breitbart News
Phil Kerpen, American Commitment
Andrew Langer, The Institute for Liberty
Dana Loesch, The Dana Loesch Radio Show
Lisa Miller, Tea Party Washington DC
Seton Motley, Less Government
Michael Needham, Heritage Action
Lisa Mei Norton, Big Dawg Music Mafia, National Anthem Singer
Jordan Sekulow, American Center for Law and Justice
KCarl Smith, Frederick Douglass Republicans
Rose Tennent, The War Room Radio Program
Caleb Yee, Tea Party Students
* Individuals or groups that were targeted by the IRS. (hat tip:
Gateway Pundit)