Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

More on voter fraud from The Hill

Ramirez cartoon credit: ldjackson.net

More on the potential for voter fraud this year, this from Ian M. Smith at The Hill a couple of days ago:

Illegal aliens have never had more incentives and ability to vote in our elections as they do this cycle. After being told by the globalist elite [their] illegal entry into the country is without consequence, helps rather than hinders American workers, and unites the national culture, any existing moral qualms of further violating the law, such as by voting, have been thoroughly scrubbed away. Former president Bill Clinton all but ensured this in his speech at the DNC Convention last week.

Speaking directly to illegal aliens, Clinton stated to an applauding audience of delegates that “if you love this country, you’re working hard, you’re paying taxes and you’re obeying the law and you’d like to become a citizen, you should choose immigration reform over somebody that wants to send you back.” Unfortunately for Bill, illegal aliens (and non-citizens in general) aren’t supposed to be ‘choosing’ anyone. Like in every other country in the world, here in America only citizens are supposed to vote.

Despite its unprecedented foreign-born population (currently over 40 million), the US protects against illegal voter-registration by relying on an attestation system. Under federal law, provided one can show a driver’s license or social security number, all a non-citizen need to do if they really want to vote is check a box “confirming” they’re an eligible voter. In other words, it’s an honor system. . . . 

Despite the fact that an illegal vote casted is a citizen-vote cancelled, similar defensive measures are apparently not seen as warranted in the area of voting.

On both the state and federal levels, incentives for illegal alien-voting abound. . . .

. . . Meanwhile, amongst illegal aliens in general, the use of fake or stolen SSNs is commonplace. . . .

The record-close election between Al Gore and George W. Bush led to the formation of a federal commission directed by former president Jimmy Carter to study voter reforms. Notably, its final report stated that better identification requirements were essential because, first, “[i]n close or disputed elections…a small amount of fraud could make the margin of difference… [a]nd second, the perception of possible fraud contributes to low confidence in the system.”

In this current election, where American confidence in general and the integrity of our laws has taken center stage, comments like Bill Clinton’s show exactly why the public’s so angry and frustrated. Whether disdaining democratically-enacted laws, such as our voting or immigration laws, is a shrewd or foolhardy campaign strategy, we shall see.

The rest of the article is here.
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Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Judicial Watch: Lois Lerner and the IRS lied

"Tea Party and other conservative group tax exempt applications
 would not be approved before the November 2012 presidential election"

cartoon credit: ulstermanbooks.com

Ali Meyer at the Washington FreeBeacon reports (h/t American Thinker):

Staff at IRS headquarters in Washington, D.C., buried conservative groups’ tax exemption applications beginning in 2010 and lasting through President Obama’s reelection campaign in 2012, according to documents released this week by Judicial Watch, a government watchdog group.

The group released 105 pages of FBI documents, which included interviews with Cincinnati IRS employees who disclosed that applications by Tea Party groups were automatically denied approval and assigned to a special group until they heard from the IRS headquarters in Washington, D.C.

“The FBI’s 302 interviews with Cincinnati IRS employees reveal that the agency adopted a series of policies assuring that Tea Party and other conservative group tax exempt applications would not be approved before the November 2012 presidential election,” according to a statement from Judicial Watch.
The full report is here

Will any of the top officials be charged with anything? Perjury for starters? 
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Tuesday, August 2, 2016

How To Steal Elections: Part 2

Yesterday, I posted some of Paul Murphy’s July 19 column, “How Democrats Steal Elections” that was published on the American Thinker website. Another column on that website appeared yesterday; it is by Michael N. Mattia, and it is no less disturbing. Some take-aways:

Now that Hillary Rodham Clinton is the Democrats’ candidate for President of the United States, prepare for the most fraudulent, corrupt and dishonest if not outright criminal election process in the history of this country. That has to be the takeaway from all the recent revelations regarding the Clintons and the DNC coronation of Clinton. Significantly aiding this criminality are Obama and the Democratic Party itself.

Obama has co-opted every federal agency tasked with providing honest oversight of the election process.  From the Federal Election Commission to the FBI and ultimately the Justice Department itself, the Clintons and the Democrats  know that there will be no negative consequences to any and all law breaking that they undertake to steal the election.  Voter intimidation by gangs of Clinton thugs will be given the response that the situation will be “investigated.”  In modern day Government usage “investigation” is simply a euphemism for “we intend to do nothing.”   

Release of e-mails proving the corruption and collusion of the Democratic National Committee with the Clinton campaign are simply ignored by the Media and the watch dog agencies of the Government.  No matter how many more e-mails are released from the DNC or how criminally evidentiary they may be, the Clintons know that nothing will dampen the enthusiasm of their lemming like supporters nor in any way endanger their movement to dominance. 
. . .
The only things that drive the Clintons are greed and the lust for power.  There are no religious, ethical or moral constraints on their actions.  If there is enough money dangled in front of her, she will be more than willing to sell out the Country, blackmail be damned.  An elected Democrat, be he Congressman or Senator, would never in a million years vote for impeachment of President Clinton and absent such an action, there is no other way to remove her from office.  She would pack the Supreme Court with ultra-liberal judges acting as a rubber stamp for whatever unlawful or unconstitutional efforts she might embark upon. 

It is now up to the Republican governors, especially, to plan for the onslaught of illegal election activities in their States. [emphasis added]  It is a foregone conclusion that the Democrat governors will turn a blind eye if not wholeheartedly support such activities in order to secure the election of Clinton -- while at the same time giving lip service to the purity of the process.  The tidal wave of Democrat lawyers which will descend on Red States prior to the election in attempts to stymie valid election processes and results will make all previous actions pale in comparison. 

The Republican Party needs to mobilize, now, the assets needed to counteract these people.  State and local law enforcement agents need to be trained in how to specifically deal with the thugs that will be unleashed to effect voter intimidation.   These hooligans will be trained to promote confrontation with Law Enforcement in such a way as to milk the most propaganda from these events.  Be assured that the Mainstream Media will put the most negative spin on efforts to control the intimidation.  Be prepared for an onslaught of charges of voter dis-enfranchisement. Plan, plan, plan, now for the inevitable no holds barred attacks on truth and freedom.

Even if Hillary does not make it to the election (health issues, indictment, whatever), all these tactics will be in play to ensure a win for Fauxcahontas, Biden, Bernie, or fill-in-the-blank. 

This blogger doesn’t hold out much hope that Gov. Kasich will take any meaningful steps to ensure an honest count of the votes in Ohio or to make any efforts to stop intimidation efforts. He couldn’t even see his way clear to show up at the RNC in Cleveland, in his home state. Some voters can do some heavy lifting – by manning the polling stations. At least that might get us past this next election with a modicum of integrity in the vote count in Ohio.

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Monday, August 1, 2016

How To Steal Elections

Photo credit: allenbwest.com

Over the past several weeks, several commentators have been analyzing the prospects for a November election decided by fraud. The potential for fraud and a stolen election this year is yuge, and one of the first articles that caught my eye was at American Thinker. Here’s an excerpt from Paul Murphy’s July 19 column, “How Democrats Steal Elections”:

The reality is that in the 2016 election it now takes more than a majority for a Republican to win. Romney, for example, won about two thirds of all precincts nationwide and probably got in the range of 55% of the verifiable vote, but lost the election to nearly unanimous Obama support from nearly 100% turnout of potentially eligible voters in inner city precincts in key states like Ohio, where the certainty of being accused of racism for even thinking you couldn't get that level of turnout for a week of free pizza and beer prevented any form of verification.

Electoral cheating has probably existed since the second election ever held, but cheating by American Democrats has now reached levels never seen before in a major democracy. Basically what seems to have happened to electoral integrity is akin to the fate of the legendary frog in water slowly brought to a boil with conservatives only marginally aware that a a lot of small battles are being lost and the Democrats relentlessly pursuing four closely linked, long term, and deeply dishonorable, national policies:

Democrats hide the extent of fraud by combining a line of patter denying the existence of voter fraud while accusing Republicans of it with media blitzes publicizing and denigrating isolated, and often not very credible, claims like those that some voting machine somewhere mis-recorded a few conservative votes as liberal.

This is stagecraft 101 for magicians and propagandists alike: focusing audience attention on the insignificance of the occasional process failure in elections where millions of votes are counted while simultaneously raising emotional and credibility barriers against those who might otherwise get people to look a bit more carefully at what other members of the Democrat team are doing.
. . .
The Secretary of State Project, (apparently originally funded by George Soros) which seeks to put Democrats in charge of both the voting, and the vote counting, processes has now succeeded to the point that a majority of American voters are affected.

Key strategies implemented by these apparatchiks include:

Fighting the use of voter id and/or voter list verification though any means possible including slow walking legislated implementations, lawfare, inviting federal intrusion into state matters, and directing state and local authority funds aimed at remediation toward the acquisition and use of dysfunctional technologies with long histories of delay, uncontrolled cost escalation, and eventual failure;

Developing and perpetuating utterly ineffective processes for delivering or counting military ballots (which tend to favor Republicans);

Refusing to reform equally incompetent and ineffective processes for preventing felons, illegals, or the dead (all of whom tend to vote Democrat) from swaying elections; and,

Extending the duration of, while weakening eligibility and verification criteria for, all forms of advance voting.

Using litigation, and the threat of litigation, to sway electoral process decisions in favor of Democrats and against Republicans.
. . .
In particular abuse of the Help America Vote Act (2002) has enabled Democrats to insert significant new opportunities for voting fraud into the system.
. . .

Read the rest of Murphy’s column here. More blogs on this subject coming soon.

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Saturday, July 30, 2016

Under-reported or ignored by the media at the DNC

Photo credit: YouTube: 
"Hundreds Of Sanders Delegates WALK OUT Of DNC And Launch Protest In Philly Streets(VIDEO)"

Breitbart reporter Patrick Howley filed a report on the recently concluded Democratic National Convention. If parts of his report are news to you, it’s because many in the legacy/ lamestream/ mainstream media didn’t cover it. Here’s a snippet (and notice all the empty seats in the above photo):

Floor Walk-Out

The walk-out by Bernie Sanders delegates immediately after the roll call vote was arguably the most significant act of defiance on the floor in recent convention history.

This reporter observed the carefully planned walkout from the grandstands a couple sections over from Bernie’s balcony, where he was busy getting feted for his silver medal. The commotion on the floor got started around the time Bernie’s brother Larry was toasting their late parents. My Breitbart News colleague Joel Pollak was on the packed convention floor texting me the protesters’ next location: the media center.

The protest at the media center was intense. Pro-Bernie agitators stormed through the glass doors while at least a hundred more crowded around inside. These were some of the top protest organizers on the Left at the top of their game (and negotiating with the police to avoid arrests).

The media center (which was just a big tent with no complimentary Wi-Fi) was completely shut down. How interesting that the top left-wing protesters in the country would choose the mainstream media’s encampment as the site of their surprise assault!

The mainstream media did not know how to handle this chaos aimed directly at them.

The rest of the Breitbart report is here

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Friday, July 29, 2016

Donald J. Trump's Statement On America’s Future

Whether you watched the Clinton Coronation ceremonies or not, you will not want to miss Mr. Trump’s response to the DNC this past week:

At Hillary Clinton’s convention this week, Democrats have been speaking about a world that doesn’t exist. A world where America has full employment, where there’s no such thing as radical Islamic terrorism, where the border is totally secured, and where thousands of innocent Americans have not suffered from rising crime in cities like Baltimore and Chicago.

In the Democrats’ fantasy world, there is no problem with Hillary Clinton maintaining an illegal, exposed server full of classified information that could have been hacked by any foreign enemy, and in which Hillary Clinton risked prison time to delete 33,000 emails that were simply about yoga and wedding planning. In this world, there is no Hillary Clinton disaster in Syria, Libya and Egypt, ISIS doesn’t merit a mention, Iran isn’t on the path to nukes, convention stages don’t need American flags, and our great men and women of law enforcement, our police, do not need to be honored.

I propose a different vision for America, one where we can break up Washington’s rigged system, and empower all Americans to achieve their dreams. In our vision, we will put America First.

If we deliver this change, the future is limitless and we will Make America Great Again for everyone.
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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Wanted: actors to pose as DNC delegates and Bernie supporters

Infowars copied the ad in Craig's List ~ for actors who can stand-in for Bernie supporters and delegates at the DNC:

More on this story is here.
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