Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Dr Malone on World Economic Forum / New World Order


This blog often links to the Substack pages by Dr. Robert W. Malone, the scientist & physician credited with inventing the mRNA technology.  He is also a principal in the Malone Institute, whose

mission is to bring back integrity to the biological sciences and medicine. We support and conduct research, education, and informational activities in infectious disease and bio-threat research and assessment, as well as to engage in other scientific and medical research.

As part of the Institute’s initiatives, it has published information about the World Economic Forum (WEF), the global New World Order outfit headed by Klaus Schwab.  The WEF runs a leadership training program, and here are a few “graduates” whose names you may recognize:

Huma Abedin

Pete Buttigieg

Sen. Tom Cotton (Ark-R)

Rep. Dan Crenshaw (TX-R)

Brian Deese, National Economic Council

Tulsi Gabbard

Nikki Haley

Bobby Jindal

Adam Kinzinger

Gavin Newsom, Gov. of CA

Jared Polis, Gov. of Colorado

Samantha Power

Rep. Elise Stefanik  (NY-R)


I was not surprised to see most of these names, but Tom Cotton was a surprise.

Here's more from GreatAwakening, a blog with whose work I am not familiar:

This is a quote that's on Ivanka Trump's "Advisor to the President" bio page at: https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/people/ivanka-trump/ (see paragraph #6):

“Ivanka has been included in Fortune magazine’s prestigious “40 Under 40” list (2014) and was honored as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum (2015)."

This quote is straight from the www.TrumpWhiteHouse.Archives.gov official website (it's been scrubbed from the World Economic Forum's website though). . . . Poor POTUS may have an infiltrator (or 2 - with her hubby Jared) in his own friggin' FAMILY!  Let's hope that Ivanka was infiltrating THEM (the World Economic Forum), not the other way around.

The World Economic Forum's "Young Global Leader" indoctrination system (I've heard from Monkey Werx) is a 5-year program, to get 'em good and brainwashed into their anti-humanity death cult.

Other notable WEF "Young Global Leaders" graduates include Canadian PM Justin Trudeau, German Chancellor Angela Merkle, Bill (Mr. Depopulation) Gates, British PM Tony Blair, David de Rothschild, Mark (Facebook) Zuckerberg, Leonardo DiCaprio, Bono, Richard (Virgin Atlantic) Branson, Google founder Larry Page, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wale, David Roy Thomson (Chairman of Thomson Reuters), and a bunch of Princes and other Prime Ministers.

One reader at Great Awakening adds Maria Bartiromo to the list.  They're everywhere, they're everywhere!

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Wednesday, August 24, 2022

“Never Again” is Now

Vera Sharav: “Unless All of Us Resist, Never Again is Now
Full Speech – Nuremberg, August 20, 2022

This speech in Nuremberg has gone viral, and here is part of it:

I came to Nuremberg to provide historical context to the current global threat confronting our civilization. These past 2½ years have been especially stressful— as painful memories were rekindled.

In 1941, I was 3½ when my family was forced from our home in Romania & deported to Ukraine.

We were herded into a concentration camp – essentially left to starve. Death was ever-present. My father died of typhus when I was five.

In 1944, as the Final Solution was being aggressively implemented, Romania retreated from its alliance with Nazi Germany. The government permitted several hundred Jewish orphans under the age of 12 to return to Romania. I was not an orphan; my mother lied to save my life.

I boarded a cattle car train – the same train that continued to transport Jews to the death camps – even as Germany was losing the war.

Four years elapsed before I was reunited with my mother.

. . .

If we are to avert another Holocaust, we must identify ominous current parallels before they poison the fabric of society.

Since the Nazi era, the study of history & most of the humanities—including philosophy, religion, and ethics — have been overshadowed by an emphasis on utilitarian science & technology.

As a result, few people recognize foreboding similarities between current policies & those under the Nazi regime.

By declaring a state of emergency—in 1933 & in 2020, constitutionally protected personal freedom, legal rights, and civil rights were swept aside. Repressive, discriminatory decrees followed.

. . .

The media is silent – as it was then.

The media broadcasts a single, government-dictated narrative – just as it had under the Nazis. Strict censorship silences opposing views.

In Nazi Germany few individuals objected; those who did were imprisoned in concentration camps.

Today, doctors & scientists who challenge the approved narrative are maligned; their reputations trashed. They risk losing their license to practice as well as having their homes & workplace raided by SWAT teams. . . .

Click here for the rest.  Share with your family and friends.

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Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Sundance’s preview of the midterms


This blog recently linked to Sundance’s overview of the Uniparty; click here.

Unfortunately, once you see the strings on the UniParty club marionettes, you can never return to that moment in time when you did not see them.

I continue to link to Sundance at Conservative Treehouse to encourage more readers to see those marionette strings.  Sundance is my go-to source for analyses on the Uniparty machinations, and he is beginning his previews of the midterms:

Long before President Trump’s home in Mar-a-Lago was raided, both political clubs in DC appear to have developed a map to stop the voters from interfering in the DC business model.  Always remember, the color of the flag atop the dome matters not, the provided indulgences underneath the dome do not change.  Destroying the populist movement known currently as the MAGA base, formerly the Tea Party, is as much a goal for the red club as it is the blue club.

Shortly before August 8, 2022, club agreements were made, prior strategies within the DNC and RNC wings were triggered, and events began unfolding according to the script. In the aftermath of the raid the club’s narrative engineers now begin to finish setting the stage.  “Democracy is at risk” because of this populist uprising. 

… But it’s not the polling per se’ that people should be paying attention to. Instead, it’s the overarching national midterm election narrative being created.  There’s a vulgarian hoard out there creating all of this angst and trepidation you are feeling. Voters are going to have to decide if they want instability (an election outcome against the interests of Washington DC), or stability (an election outcome congruent with the interest of Washington DC).

This is how the abuser system works.  If you leave, you have no idea what might happen next; however, if you stay, you have the benefit of familiarity.  Even though the abuse is painful (‘we’re on the wrong track), at least it is consistent and predictable.  Skilled abusers leverage psychological resignation.

You might scoff at the metaphor, but on a larger national dynamic that’s our reality. . . .

Read the entire analysis here.

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Monday, August 22, 2022

New World Order or Freedom?


In his America First column, J B Shurk gives us reasons for optimism.  Here’s an extract:

Has the Great Reset Reminded Us
Why Freedom’s Worth the Fight?

. . .

Only when the U.S. government accused half the American population of being “domestic terrorists” for their political beliefs did many finally understand how dangerous the national security surveillance state had become.  Only when it became clear that Big Tech and Big Government were actively working together to censor Americans’ free speech and punish certain points of view did many finally grasp how serious the threats to liberty now are.  Like some weary beast waking up from a deep slumber, the American people have begun stretching, looking around, and rejecting a lot of what they see.  A growing contingent even realizes that the freedoms they hold most dear have been under attack for quite some time.

Now, I wish that none of this discomfort were necessary in the struggle for human liberty.  I wish most people would permit history to be such a stinging reminder of how difficult it is to achieve and maintain freedom that they would never carelessly let it slip from their grasp.  I wish that humans were impervious to smooth-talking politicians who promise gifts in exchange for servitude.  I wish that Memorial Day, Veterans’ Day, and Independence Day were sufficient to remind those who have benefited from the comforts of freedom without risking anything for its blessings not to throw away carelessly what they have yet to defend.  Alas, it does seem as if human nature demands a little self-inflicted misery from time to time so that those who have not suffered can learn the costs of ensuring that liberty lasts.

The battles taking shape today, after all, involve nothing less than what it means to be human.  On one side sit the oligarchs, communists, and New World Order globalist types who think of human beings as nothing more than cogs or inputs to be used, manipulated, and discarded.  On the other side are those of us who understand life and liberty as precious, sacred gifts that deserve enduring respect.  The Great Resetters and Build Back Better enthusiasts see people as digital ones and zeroes that can be made to obey society’s programming codes.  Friends of freedom, on the other hand, understand both free will and moral intuition as the hallmarks of human existence.  Communism and its global government derivatives seek to deny individual choice.  Liberty-lovers know that without individual choice, there can be no real life. . . .

Read the rest here.  I just hope Mr Shurk is correct -- that there are now enough Americans who see what's happening in Biden's Build Back Better administration. 

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Sunday, August 21, 2022

Solway: The Threat of the New World Order


 David Solway at The Pipeline outlines the New World Order. He begins:

It is disturbing to note that the greater portion of the public do not seem to be aware of the vast ideological movement for social transformation called the Great Reset. Those who are at least partially informed consider it merely another conspiracy theory. Some among the so-called elite—the media, the academy, the political stratum—consider the Great Reset as a rational and benevolent response to the specter of overpopulation and the threat of populist uprisings. Others among the patrician class, doubtless a majority, are engaged in promoting what they know to be a concerted attempt to destabilize and supplant the long-established order of ideally democratic governance that has slowly and incrementally characterized the liberal societies of the West, dating from the Magna Carta (1215) and the Peace of Westphalia (1648) to the approximate present.

We should make no mistake about this. The revolutionary project, whether denominated as the New World Order, the U.N.’s Agenda 2030, or the Davos-centered Great Reset—different terms for essentially the same impetus—under the influential leadership of Klaus Schwab is apocalyptic in its aims. It envisages a world in which the middle-class will have been expunged, the global census markedly winnowed, and a China-like social credit system introduced in which citizens will be under constant digital surveillance determining what they are allowed to possess, rent, use or spend.

Mr. Solway concludes:

The last decade or two has served as a trial run for what is to come. Media censorship and administrative fiat culminating in the gradual suppression of long-standing freedoms and economic expectations have tenderized the public for a grim and reductive future in which they will own nothing and be miserable. The Great Reset is poised to profit from such prefatory conditioning in the laboratory of public affairs and political enactments. There is no getting around the brazen fact that we are now facing arguably the greatest menace ever to gather its forces against the liberal civilization of the West. This is not hyperbole. For the regents of deconstruction, it’s full speed ahead. The Great Reset is approaching steadily and with growing rapidity, unless we are vigilant, muster our resources, and meet the challenge with renewed vigor and conviction. Whether the effort will bear fruit remains to be decided, but there is, really, no alternative.

By 2030, you will own nothing and you will be happy.  Or else.  Read the full column here.

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Saturday, August 20, 2022

Your weekend meme: First Ladies in Vogue

Seen on PowerLine’s The Week in Pictures (h/t Instapundit):

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Sundance on The UniParty: your weekend read


Some years ago, Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse introduced me to the term “UniParty.”  I have since come across the term “Fusion Party,” but “Uniparty” is being picked up more and more at conservative websites.  Sundance’s recent column presents an update with additional insights.  Here are a few extracts (lightly edited):

. . .

The UniParty issue does not start in Washington DC, it surfaces in Washington DC.

The UniParty agenda, the origin of the c*** that we see surface in a toxically corrupt federal government, starts IN YOUR STATE.

The UniParty is an outcome of the private organizations that run the political parties known as the RNC and DNC.  This is where almost all voters and political followers get lost.  The Republican and Democrat parties are not affiliated with any construct of the United States government.  They are private entities, private clubs, that can establish any set of rules and regulations for the people within the club/party.   That’s where the origin of the s*** begins.

The club can accept or deny membership for any person who wants to run for political office.  The RNC and DNC clubs essentially select the politicians.  There is nothing within this process that is even remotely democratic, representative or even visible in the framework of the U.S. constitution.

. . .

Two clubs, both funded by Wall Street power brokers, globalists and ultra-rich mega-donors, select the members who will represent their interests in Washington DC.   That’s the root of the issue.

The Republican National Committee (RNC), and the Democrat National Committee (DNC), are private clubs.

The RNC and DNC are corporations, private businesses; and just like all private businesses, they have the ability to make rules, bylaws, terms and conditions of membership and association that are completely arbitrary according to their charter.

The RNC and DNC are not entities of government.  The RNC and DNC are not affiliates of government.  The RNC and DNC have absolutely no connection to government, other than their arbitrary business model for helping politicians enter and remain within government.

In fact, the RNC and DNC are simply private corporations who engage in the business of politics.  Whenever we start to forget the DNC and RNC are private corporations, we can slip into the mistaken belief that they operate on any form of baseline altruism.

Quite a bit more at the link here.  Actually, it’s a great refresher course.  And as George Carlin famously said, “It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it.”

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