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Thursday, November 3, 2022

2022 election next week


Updated from last month:  The part of any ballot that finds me generally unprepared is the judicial section, particularly the down ballot candidates.  So I consult the website Judge4yourself for candidate ratings.  The ratings also include endorsements by cleveland.com, which is my rule-of-thumb for choosing the other (non-endorsed) candidate.  However, this year, there are a couple of judicial candidates who either wouldn't respond to any questions or who got such negatives from the other resources that I would make an exception and vote for the cleveland.com-endorsed candidate (i.e., J Synenberg and Wanda Jones).  Speaking for myself, I either print out the lists or jot the preferred names down on a notepad, as I don't otherwise remember most of their names when I go to vote. 

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Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Dr Robert Malone on Censorship and Defamation


This blog has linked to Dr Robert W Malone's blogs on several occasions.  His Substack blog today prefaces the abstract of an “article published in the relatively obscure academic journal Minerva, the mainstream academic publisher Springer has allowed truth to be spoken.” The title of the journal article: Censorship and Suppression of Covid‑19 Heterodoxy: Tactics and Counter‑Tactics.

Dr. Malone's Preface:

Having personally lived through what may be among the most intensive slander, defamation and derision campaigns of the COVID crisis, none of what was described in this article surprised me. I think that I can probably guess the names of some of the interviewed physicians and medical scientists discussed in the article, as so many have shared their own experiences with me. But seeing it written out in a dry academic style and published like a case series study of global corporate, organizational and governmental psychopathology and greed is another thing altogether. I expected the article to bring a tear of relief at being heard and validated, but instead it just left me numb.

The publication summarized much of what I have personally experienced (and by way of disclosure of conflict of interest, I was mentioned as an example in the introduction, although I did not participate in the survey). Much but not all. It missed the ubiquitous Wikipedia re-writing of personal history (and in my case, writing me out of the history of nine of my issued US patents).

It missed Amazon deleting the very credible and well referenced book on “Prepare and protect from the novel Coronavirus” which Dr. Jill Glasspool-Malone PhD (Biotechnology and Public Policy) had worked so hard to publish in the first week of February 2020 - with the only explanation being that it “violated community standards”.

It missed the concerted effort to deny my contributions as a young man to coming up with the whole idea of using mRNA as a drug or vaccine, and developing the technology to the point where it was proven in a mouse model. It missed the (largely successful) stolen valor campaign to credit two scientists (one a Fauci post doc, the other a Bio-N-Tech VP) who came along almost a decade after my work and sought to take credit for my contributions while writing me out of history.

It missed the professional infiltration and disruption campaigns designed to destroy the American trucker protest movement and the medical freedom movements. It missed the YouTube deletions of US Senate testimony convened by a sitting US Senator, Ron Johnson.

It missed the incredibly ugly campaign waged in Maui against a fifth generation Hawaiian former military service MD who had the temerity (as a beloved local public health officer) to insist that he see data justifying genetic COVID vaccination of pregnant women with an unlicensed product before he would recommend that procedure. It missed the Maui-based MD/PhD Pediatric Cardiologist (and devout Pastor with a long history of voluntary public works) which was similarly railroaded for raising concerns about myocarditis in children who received the gene therapy-based COVID vaccines.

It missed the storm of controversy and censorship triggered by my participating in a conversation with Mr. Joe Rogan, which reached such a fever pitch that a member of congress inserted a transcript of that discussion into the congressional record as a method to insure a permanent historic record of the discussion.

It also missed the 17,000 Physicians and Medical Scientists who endorsed the declarations of the Global Covid Summit. It missed the Biden White House appropriating the name “Global Covid Summit” and holding their own in an effort to flood the information zone and internet searches with its own propaganda.

But it got a lot right, and it has documented that these attacks against medical care providers and medical scientists have happened in an amazingly coordinated fashion all over the world.

What has happened to the western world? The Chinese Communist Party censorship policies and practices which we once ridiculed, the ham handed propaganda of the former Soviet Union, have become assimilated and normalized throughout the west. We have met the enemy, and we have become him.

The preface and the abstract are here.  Astonishing, sickening, and scary.  Recommendation: bookmark Dr Malone's Substack blog and visit regularly. 

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Department Homeland Security and censorship


Libby Emmons at The Post Millenial reports on more corruption and censorship, with various tech platforms colluding with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS):

DHS LEAKS: Starting in 2020, DHS began meeting with Twitter, Facebook, Wikipedia and more monthly to coordinate 'content moderation' efforts

Prior to 2020, it was reported that DHS met with Twitter, Facebook, Wikipedia, and other platforms in order to coordinate "content moderation" operations.

The Department of Homeland Security has been working to influence big tech platforms. This became originally evident when the Biden administration launched the ill-fated Disinformation Governance Board early in 2022, but has been a focus of their efforts even beyond that now-defunct unit, and before.

Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt filed a lawsuit that revealed via appended meeting minutes that former Microsoft executive Matt Masterson, who was formerly an official with DHS, told a DHS director in February 2022 that "Platforms have got to get comfortable with gov't. It's really interesting how hesitant they remain." This according to The Intercept.

Prior to 2020, it was reported that DHS met with Twitter, Facebook, Wikipedia, and other platforms in order to coordinate "content moderation" operations. These meetings were part of an ongoing initiative which saw collusion and collaboration between DHS and big tech to determine how "misinformation" would be dealt with on those platforms.

Areas that came under this purview included the withdrawal from Afghanistan, undertaken disastrously by President Joe Biden in August 2021 as well as the origins of the Covid-19 virus, which became controversial enough that users were kicked off social media platforms for expressing the hypothesis that the virus originated in a Wuhan, China lab. A Senate report found last week that this was the most likely scenario. Information that could undermine trust in financial institutions was also targeted.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Act, signed by President Donald Trump, opened the door to this as it formed a new branch within DHS, which then undertook to deal with online "disinformation." CISA stated its understanding that the mission of that branch of DHS was "evolved," and meant to communicate their concerns on "disinformation" to social media companies. Social media companies took DHS' word for it.

There’s lots more here, including exposing how they did it / continue to do it.  

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Tuesday, November 1, 2022

What is an “Election Crimes Coordinator”?


Robert Spencer reports on how the “FBI Classifies ‘Misinformation’ as an ‘Election Crime’ ~ Stigmatizing and criminalizing all dissent.”  Here’s the first part at FrontPageMag:

The Biden regime’s notorious Disinformation Governance Board is dead (for now), but the regime’s quest to stigmatize and criminalize all dissent from its agenda is still very much alive. On Thursday, that indispensable team of actual journalists, Project Veritas, released a document entitled “2022 Midterm Elections Social Media Analysis Cheat Sheet” and subtitled “What Are Election Crimes?” This FBI document “details what FBI agents should look out for leading up to November 8.” Some of it really discusses what FBI agents should be looking out for: Election Interference, Election Fraud, Voter Intimidation, and the like. But included with all the other “Election Crimes” are the Left’s favorite euphemisms for true and accurate information that dissents from the Leftist agenda: “Disinformation” and “Misinformation.”

The “Election Crimes” document defines “Disinformation” as “false or inaccurate information intended to mislead others,” adding that “disinformation campaigns on social media are used to deliberately confuse, trick, or upset the public.” “Misinformation” is “false or misleading information spread mistakenly or unintentionally.”

Back on June 30, J. Christian Adams revealed at PJ Media that the FBI was working with the Democracy Fund, “a hyper-funded progressive money source,” on election issues. Among the FBI officials implicated in this partisan and corrupt collusion was Lindsay Capodilupo, who was identified as the FBI’s “Election Crimes Coordinator.”

Now, there are a lot of great titles in the world, but Lindsay Capodilupo must be proud to have one of the absolute greatest. With the FBI all in on the Russian Collusion hoax, it’s unclear whether the “Election Crimes Coordinator” is actually fighting against “election crimes” or coordinating and implementing them, and that’s just perfect for Merrick Garland’s desperately corrupt and politicized FBI.

. . .

Click here to read the rest of it.    

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Monday, October 31, 2022

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Trump 'Save America' rallies announced


The Donald Trump website has announced four upcoming Save America rallies, all taking place before the midterms (all times EST):

  • Sioux City, Iowa  ~ Thursday Nov 3 at 8pm
  • Latrobe, Pennsylvania  ~ Saturday Nov 5 at 7pm
  • Miami, Florida  ~  Sunday Nov.  6 at 5pm
  • Dayton, Ohio  ~  Monday Nov  7 at 8pm

Livestream links will be accessible at Right Side Broadcasting Network here.  Will post this again before each rally.

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Saturday, October 29, 2022

Dr Peter McCullough cancelled


Steve Kirsch writes about "COVID vaccine safety and efficacy, corruption, censorship, mandates, masking, and early treatments." He publishes at Substack.  And he reports on the cancellation of a respected voice of dissent on the “vaccines”: 

Peter McCullough is an author of 677 articles published in the scientific peer-reviewed journals. He’s one of the most respected cardiologists in the world. He’s been right about everything throughout the pandemic. He has an encyclopedic memory of every paper he’s ever read. And he’s just a wonderful, nice person to boot. You really never met a nicer guy.

He’s sacrificed everything so he can speak the truth about the COVID policies. If there was one COVID advisor that the government should be listening to, Dr. Peter McCullough would be at the top of every list.

So how is he being rewarded for having the courage to speak the truth?

I got this message from him this morning:

I was terminated as the Editor-In-Chief of Cardiorenal Medicine and Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine after years of service and rising impact factors.  There was no phone call, no board meeting, no due process.  Just e-mails or certified letters.  Powerful dark forces are working in academic medicine to expunge any resistance to the vax. 

Yesterday I was stripped of my board certifications in Internal Medicine and Cardiology after decades of perfect clinical performance, board scores, and hundreds of peer reviewed publications.   

None of this will stop until there is a "needle in every arm." . . . 

And go to the newsletter here and scroll down to read the journal's despicable announcement of Dr McCullough’s “resignation” as Editor-in-Chief.  Dr Peter McCullough joins Dr Robert Malone in exile.  Quite an exclusive club in the Police State of America. 

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