Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Neil Oliver on the Great Betrayal


Neil Oliver’s weekly monologue is always a must-hear / must-read.  In this installment, “Betrayal of Britain,” he’s talking about Britain, but every single one of his points applies to American and Americans.  It’s scary but at the same time inspiring.  Here’s the beginning of the transcript (at Conservative Treehouse):

I keep waiting for the betrayal too far – that action by the State against Britain that finally pushes every last citizen of the country that used to be Britain into the grim realization that those illegitimates are out to get us.

The Green Agenda that guarantees the impoverishment of the peoples of the West by pursuing the lie that wind and solar can take the place of gas, oil and coal? The Green Agenda that pushes the palpable nonsense those of us with petrol and diesel cars today are meant to have electric cars tomorrow – when all the evidence makes plain that you and I are meant to be going nowhere while our self-appointed masters go anywhere and everywhere?

The Green Agenda that invites us to think that Net Zero and the rest are about anything more than stealing our rights and freedoms while further enriching the already rich?

The delegates for COP27 flying in private jets to luxury accommodation in Egypt, where they sat down to meals of 100 pound a time cuts of prime Aberdeen Angus beef, foie gras – which is the liver of force-fed geese – salmon and sea bass and cream sauces – while pausing between burps to lecture us proles about carbon emissions and the need to eat bugs and genetically modified grass?

Those delegates discussing plans to eviscerate the farming industry – to cut farming around the world by anything up to a half in a time of food insecurity for millions?

The blindingly obvious realization that these schemes are nothing to do with saving the planet but merely the means to bankrupt the farmers and drive them off the land so it may be acquired by trans-national corporations?

The realization that governments and physicians together oversaw the most disastrous medical intervention in history – that by setting aside “First do no harm” and “informed consent” and opting instead for ruinous lockdowns and coercion they took a bad situation and made it much worse?

The revelation that those so-called vaccines were never even tested to see if they would stop transmission of Covid – which they absolutely do not do – thereby revealing that all the government and media driven propaganda demanding submission to the needle to save granny was a blatant lie?

And Mr Oliver concludes:

What will it take, I ask, before the rest of this country awakens to the realization that we are being had, being played, taken for fools? What will it take before those citizens see that we have put ourselves at the mercy of a criminal enterprise shaped only to rob us blind, hobble all ambition and see to it that we are cowed and submissive with our hands held out for a few shekels from our self-proclaimed lords and masters.

Here’s the thing: all of it stops when we say it stops.

It doesn’t require every one of us – just enough of us – simply to realize that no cavalry is coming, no help is at hand.

It is up to us to see these charlatans for what they are, to disregard them – red, blue and every color in between – to turn our backs on them, and work together to make something else, something decent, something that is ours.

Read the rest here.  Recommended.

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Dr Robert W Malone: more on "Lies the Govt Told Me"


The other day, this blog linked to Dr Malone’s website and parts of his Introduction to his just-released book Lies the Govt Told Me.  Now there’s more from a video and remarks at The Liberty Loft.  Here’s part of it:

In a new book, “Lies My Gov’t Told Me and the Better Future Coming.” he recounts going from – in the eyes of establishment media and government – esteemed vaccine inventor to purveyor of “misinformation.”

Malone sets the stage with an opening chapter intriguingly titled “How I Got Red-Pilled, and the Gradual Reveal.”

In a video interview (embedded below) with WND, he recalled once being a devoted reader of The New York Times and The Atlantic magazine.

“There was a time when I believed what I was hearing from the Democratic Party. There was a time when I believed that the government was really focused on trying to do the right thing,” he said. “I believed in the vaccine enterprise. I believed in public health. I believed in the CDC and the FDA – I was aware of a lot of the problems with the CDC, but I thought the FDA was truly committed to ensuring the safety of the public in food, drugs and health.”

He devoted his career, he said, to learning and assimilating good practices and adhering to ethical standards.

“And then to see all these things just thrown right out the door, as if they’re the trash, with no awareness of consequences.”

When Malone began speaking what he believed to be the truth – he believes “time has validated pretty much all of what I have said” – he “encountered this weaponized information ecosystem of derision and lies and defamation and slander.”

The book – written with his wife, Jill Glasspool Malone – includes chapters by other outspoken physician scientists, Drs. Meryl Nass, Paul Marik and Pierre Kory. And there’s one by Ed Dowd, the former Wall Street analyst who has compiled evidence from the insurance and funeral industries, and government databases showing a spike in excess deaths corresponding to the rollout of the COVID mRNA vaccines.

Read or watch the rest here.

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Saturday, November 19, 2022

Chip Bok cartoon : for Browns fans

Chip Bok cartoon via Townhall  

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GOPe swamp dweller: Kevin McCarthy



Over the years, Sundance at Conservative Treehouse has shown his readers why he views both Democrat and Republic establishment politicians as two wings of the same vulture bird – hence the term Uniparty.  He recently linked to a key donor to Ron DeSantis’s campaign, with an explanation of what the donor expected from DeSantis in return;  see here.  Now Frankie Stockes at National File reports on some of the cash behind GOPe Kevin McCarthy, who has ambitions to become Speaker of the House:

McCarthy Used FTX Cash to Defeat Conservatives in 2022

Throughout the midterm campaign season, GOP establishment leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) used his Congressional Leadership Fund political machine to inject massive amounts of cash into House races nationwide. In doing so, he targeted GOP primary races and even general elections vs. Democrats, in which America First conservatives, aligned with President Trump, were on the ballot.

Millions of dollars worth of the campaign money came straight from corrupt crypto exchange FTX and its top executives.

Along for the ride on McCarthy’s scheme were GOP lobbyist Jeff Miller, described as one of McCarthy’s “closest friends,” and Brian Walsh, an establishment strategist who McCarthy brought in to take down Madison Cawthorne after the young Representative blew the whistle on DC drug use and Capitol Hill pervert parties.

As they often do, over a month ahead of the 2022 primaries, The Washington Post, notoriously used for decades as a uni-party communication rag, openly admitted that McCarthy was using left-wing oligarch money to “sway” the GOP field in favor of his establishment agenda.

Conveniently for McCarthy and the establishment, the piece wasn’t published until after the last of the GOP’s nominating primaries had ended.

. . .

America First candidates and others who couldn’t be controlled by the establishment or, more importantly, couldn’t be bribed into supporting McCarthy for speaker, were sold down the river.

More at the link here.  I’m linking to this report at National File because exposures such as this can help voters to distinguish between America First vs GOPe Uniparty candidates.  And McCarthy is obviously part of the swamp.

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Friday, November 18, 2022

Dr Malone: Lies my GOV’T told me


Dr. Robert W. Malone is the scientist & physician credited with inventing the mRNA technology. Dr Malone has just published his book Lies My GOV’T Told Me and the Better Future Coming on Kindle.  He loaded up his first chapter at his Substack website here.  It begins:


In one sense this book documents a personal journey, a long effort to get to the bottom of the fundamental questions that have dominated every waking moment of my life ever since the COVID crisis began. It includes a series of essays composed during late 2021 through 2022, each of which addresses some aspect of the enormity of what we have all experienced. Who is responsible for all the globally coordinated propaganda, information management, mind control efforts, lies, and mismanagement we have experienced? How has it been globally coordinated, and what can we do to stop this sort of thing from ever happening again? What are the root causes of this incredibly dysfunctional “public health” response that frequently seems to have nothing to do with public health? Has there been a truly nefarious agenda, or is this dysfunction merely the unintended consequence of interactions between separate, random events amplified by incompetence and exacerbated by hubris?

During this journey, I have seen, experienced and learned so many new things, met so many people, made many new friends, and listened to so many stories. What follows in this volume is an attempt to process and comprehend the incomprehensible human tragedy and horror of what has occurred during this “pandemic,” and to find some path forward that could lead to a better future for all of us. A future that will require people who still believe in the core principles that form the bedrock upon which Jill [Dr Malone's wife] and I have built our lives: Acting with integrity, respecting the fundamental dignity of other human beings, and making a commitment to community. The principals that formed the foundation of the American Enlightenment, resulting in the US Constitution and Bill of Rights.

I am firmly committed to a belief that the American experiment in self-governance, forged in another crucible (the tyranny of a mad king), remains relevant today. I reject the twisted logic of those who assert that these principles are obsolete, antiquated, and must be replaced with a system built upon a collectivist and globalist totalitarian vision, a system of government, and command and control economic activity that has consistently failed every time it has been tried throughout history.

Jill and I have lived our lives as free and honest people. It has not been an easy path to walk, but as we begin to approach the end of our journey, we would have it no other way. This commitment and belief system forms the subtext that is woven throughout the following chapters. A commitment to integrity, dignity, and community, tempered with empathy, offered without apology. Please walk alongside of us for a while.

Read the rest of the chapter here.  

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Thursday, November 17, 2022

Stolen Elections : Now and Forever


If you are sitting on the fence wondering if the American election process really is utterly corrupt, Michael A. Bertolone at American Thinker has a simple response:

A common reply from Democrats and Bush family-allied Republicans to charges of election fraud in the 2020 and 2022 elections is that those making the charge have “had their day in court and failed to produce substantive evidence to make their case.” In fact, in July 2022, The Hill proudly proclaimed that a conservative group found ‘absolutely no evidence of widespread fraud’ in the 2020 election.  . . .

There’s a good reason that crime scenes are secured with yellow police line tape. It prevents criminals from tampering with and destroying evidence. In the case of the past two elections (2020 presidential and 2022 midterms), no such security measures were taken. In many cases, Democrats had full access to polling places and drop boxes, and had an army of “ballot harvesters” at their disposal. These conditions violated basic rules of evidence, in that the chain of custody was almost immediately broken. And when evidence is manipulated or destroyed, court cases attempting to rectify the transgressions are moot.

Read the rest here. 


  • “Modern Electioneering”: Ballots are not necessarily votes by Sundance at Conservative Treehouse; click here.
  • “This Wasn’t an Election: There Is No Ideological Component To Voter Fraud Whatsoever” (by Dan Gelernter at American Greatness); this report explains some of the ways elections are stolen, and Mr. Gelernter concludes:

It wasn’t the Democrats who stole the election in 2020. It was the politicians. The Democrats couldn’t have gotten away with it without the Republicans handing it to them and looking the other way.

And it just happened again.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2022

President Donald J Trump Announces for 2024


The whining RINO headline at Hot Air:

Sununu at RGA: No one cares about
2024 campaign announcements right now

The real deal at Conservative Treehouse:

He’s Back, President Donald J Trump Officially Declares
His Candidacy to Run for President in 2024

I have written and deleted a thousand words, repeatedly, in an effort to encapsulate what this moment means to me, and perhaps to others.  However, when you boil the essence of the thing down to its important part, you are left with a question: Which American politician loves this country more than Donald John Trump?

The honest answer is ‘no one’.

There’s not a force of man or nature as strong in its devotion to a mission, as Donald Trump is to this nation.  That’s the core, the heart, the genuine essence of the thing, that separates President Trump from all others.  Within that love of country, is a strength of determination that is almost uncanny to witness; and from that love of country an authenticity emanates that is impossible to duplicate.

Donald J Trump is, quite simply, unapologetically American – and tens of millions just love him for it.

Tonight, with his family by his side, President Donald Trump announced his intention to seek the GOP nomination in 2024 and run for President of the United States.

Yes, I don’t give a flying flip what any detractor of this nation might try to say, Donald Trump is exactly what we need.

Many people are exhausted from the battle to save this republic.  Many people are frustrated and despondent from the scale of the effort it takes to push back against the metastatic corruption that has infected our entire body politic.  Even more people are sick and tired of having to constantly look behind the duplicitous motives and conniving schemes of the professional political class who falsely claim to represent our interests.  For all of those people Trump kneels and says, ‘get on my back and rest for a moment’.

We don’t have to question his intentions; we do not have to doubt his motives; we do not have to worry about his goal with the America-First agenda.  We know when Trump succeeds, our lives and the lives of our family improves.  Period. 

Read the rest here.  It’s the feel-good read of the day.  Sundance's closing image:

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