Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.
Showing posts with label JD Rucker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JD Rucker. Show all posts

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Now we know where Jim Jordan stands


The Freedom Caucus can now re-brand as the RINO Caucus.  Politico reports:

Jim Jordan and other key conservative firebrands have caused a fair share of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy‘s biggest headaches. But instead of leading the rebellion this time, they helped him quash it.

As the House Freedom Caucus was preparing to discuss whether to officially oppose the speaker’s bipartisan debt deal — a move that would potentially galvanize conservative opposition — Jordan (R-Ohio) phoned several fellow members with a request, according to a person familiar with the calls. The former chair of the group urged them to hold back, effectively giving conservatives who wanted to vote with McCarthy license to do so.

Jordan, a longtime McCarthy antagonist turned ally, almost got his wish. The group took no official position until hours before the vote, when most members had already made up their minds.

The beloved House Freedom Caucus co-founder — who gravitated toward McCarthy after the now-speaker tapped him for a senior spot on the Oversight Committee — helped out in other ways. The Ohio lawmaker spoke up in favor of the deal in private calls and meetings, including taking the mic at a closed-door huddle on Tuesday night, just hours after many of his fellow conservatives had spent the day trashing the deal.

This report concludes with this:

If most Republicans get on board, it means threats against his speakership won’t gain real traction. And with two-thirds of the GOP conference backing the deal Wednesday, it seemed to be working.

“We didn’t do it by taking the easy route,” McCarthy said in a celebratory post-vote press conference. “It wasn’t an easy fight, I had people on both sides upset.”

But he added: “I think we did pretty damn good for the American people.”

No debt ceiling.  No serious budget process.  J D Rucker considers this bill an existential threat.  His take is here.

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Sunday, May 28, 2023

Debt Ceiling: bad news


JD Rucker at The Discern Report saw it coming:

The debt ceiling battle may be over. We’ll know for sure Wednesday when the vote is scheduled, but it seems Joe Biden and Kevin McCarthy may have come together. Considering the most basic and obvious elimination of fruitless spending — 87,000 IRS agents — was NOT addressed, this seems like a huge loss for patriots.

McCarthy will herald spending cuts, but they won’t be in the same ballpark as the absolute overhaul that is necessary to give this nation any hope for the future. Instead, we will continue down our path to unavoidable Modern Monetary Theory crushing the country into oblivion. . . .

McCarthy caved.  Another win for the Uniparty.

Read the rest of the report here. 

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Sunday, March 12, 2023

Cable News & State Propaganda

Ben Bartee at PJ Media reports:

Cable News Is Riddled With War Profiteers

The problem with cable news is that — outside of perhaps Tucker Carlson, who seems genuinely committed to exposing truths and has paid the price for it in the form of the Majority Leader calling for his censorship from the Senate floor [but see yesterday’s CTP blog here] — it’s not news.

It’s state propaganda, by and for the special interests that have purchased the state.

These special interests include big agriculture, big pharma, and, of course, the private weapons manufacturers that comprise the military-industrial complex.

Much more at the link here. So if you want the news, you have to turn off the TV and cancel your mainstream media subscriptions.  FTA: “The only way for viewers to discover said conflicts of interest is to do their own research.”  Or identify bloggers and websites that do the real digging.

JD Rucker at Discern Report has the plan:

To get the “real” journalists to speak the truth, we need “fake” journalists (like me) and non-journalists (the people) to beat the drums of reality. When those drumbeats get loud enough and are hammered often enough, the “real” journalists will have the cover they need to disseminate what is being said.

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Saturday, January 28, 2023

Republicans would rather lose


JD Rucker at The Liberty Daily reports: 

The UniParty Swamp scored a major victory yesterday by reelecting Ronna Romney McDaniel as Republican National Committee Chairwoman. This comes despite the fact that she has presided over the last three failed election cycles. Republicans haven’t performed up to expectations since BEFORE she took office.

So why would the 168-member body endorse further failure when they had America First patriot Mike Lindell and legal warrior Harmeet Dhillon as better options? There was one interesting data point in a survey conducted by the NY Times of the RNC members that points to the likely reason. According to poll results, “just four offered an unabashed endorsement of Mr. Trump’s 2024 campaign.”

It’s actually more insidious than that.  Harmeet Dhillon is not really a better option.  Here's Sundance at Conservative Treehouse on the continuing Kabuki Theater:

Mike Lindell announced he was going to challenge Ronna McDaniel for the RNC chair.  This sent a shockwave through the Big Club because the potential for support from President Trump loomed over the Lindell announcement.  America-First Mike Lindell is not controlled by corporate money, Wall Street, the multinationals or billionaire Big Donors who ultimately control the RNC as a big private club.

So, what happened?…  Facing the possibility that Ronna McDaniel might be unseated, a week after Lindell’s announcement, Harmeet Dhillon steps into the picture.

Dhillon is a tenured Big Club member and voice for the billionaire class who fund her.  Remember, Dhillon was paid over $1 million by the RNC, separate and above any costs connected to the Trump legal defense fund.   Dhillon makes her money from the RNC, and if Lindell won the chairmanship, in addition to her friend losing the seat, Dhillon was financially at risk.  Dhillon enters the race as an insurance policy, on behalf of the Big Club donors.

. . .

It’s not organic.  All of this is scripted.  All of it.  Every bit of it.  Harmeet Dhillon is already part of the DeSantis Big Club operation.  The RNC roadmap in 2008 was for John McCain. The RNC roadmap for 2012 was for Mitt Romney.   The RNC roadmap for 2016 was for Jeb Bush, and the RNC, Big Club, Wall Street, Billionaire and multinational corporate roadmap in 2024 is for Ron DeSantis.  None of this is organic.  All of this is scripted.

The RNC raises a lot of money.  Whether they win or lose.  More at Liberty Daily here and at Conservative Treehouse here.   

JD Rucker concludes:

If you are an America First patriot, the RNC hates you. They’ll use you for your donations and beg you for your votes, but in the end they despise everything you represent. You shouldn’t give them a penny.

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Monday, January 9, 2023

The Surveillance State in 2023


At Freedom First Network, John and Nisha Whitehead list numerous types of surveillance either already in place or, as they say in baseball, on deck:

In 2023, it looks like we’re going to be in for more of the same in terms of the government’s brand of madness, mayhem, corruption and brutality.  . . .

The bullet point topics include:

  • Digital prisons. 
  • Precrime. [remember the film Minority Report?]
  • Mandatory quarantines.
  • Mental health assessments by non-medical personnel.
  • Tracking chips for citizens.
  • Erosions of private property.

There are many more categories of surveillance and other encroachments on our liberties. Click here to see them and the chapter-and-verse for all of them. Our household now has Faraday bags for our cell phones.  It’s just a start.

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Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Adverse Reactions to the Jabs: Confirmed

JD Rucker has been bird-dogging the adverse reactions to the COVID jabs from the beginning.  Here is his latest at America First Report:

Buried Bombshell: CDC Forced to Reveal
They Had 71 MILLION Symptoms
Reported to Them Following Covid Jabs

It took a couple of lawsuits, a whole lot of coaxing of an unfriendly judge, and over a year of legal battles to force the CDC to do what they should have done from the beginning. Now we finally have the information about adverse reactions reported to the CDC through their V-Safe app. The data makes it clear why they fought so hard to keep it under wraps. It’s absolutely damning of any notion that the Covid-19 jabs are “safe.”

They are not safe, but you probably knew that already. . . .

. . .But what we don’t find out until later in the article is that 71 MILLION symptoms caused by the “vaccines” were reported to the CDC, which they conveniently forgot to mention before over 230 million Americans had already been jabbed at least once.

Yes, this was a cover-up that required massive work from ICAN and The Highwire to force out into the open. Now, it’s up to us to disseminate this information to as many people as possible. Pandemic Panic Theater isn’t over despite an apparent pause for some patriots who have essentially stopped fighting it. They see the numbers of people getting jabbed going down and the lack of adoption of the new bivalent boosters and they think it’s “mission accomplished.”

It’s not. There’s still a whole lot of work to do. We have to assume that a new iteration of Pandemic Panic Theater will rear its ugly head in the near future. Either a new Plandemic or a renewal of the Covid Plandemic is on the way. We have to get as many people as possible to become aware of what our government, Big Pharma, corporate media, Big Tech, academia, and the vast majority of medical professionals are doing to us.

More at the link here.  Share the link with your family, friends, and colleagues.  And we STILL do not know the full story.

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Thursday, July 21, 2022

Deliberate Destruction and New World Order, cont’d


A favorite and familiar line from The Usual Suspects (photo of Kevin Spacey above):  “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”   JD Rucker adapts that line for his column at FreedomFirstNetwork from a few days ago titled “The Greatest Trick the Globalists Ever Pulled Was Making Us Think the Biden-Harris Regime Is Failing.”

Mr Rucker doesn’t deny that our political betters (Biden, Kamala, cabinet appointees, et al) are incompetent.  His point is that they are performing according to plan;  the globalists behind the throne are hiding behind incompetent puppets.  In short:

What we consider to be abysmal failures on most fronts are actually successes in the eyes of the globalist elites. Whether you believe these are simply powerful evil men doing what powerful evil men do or if you believe there is a demonic element in which powers and principalities are pulling the strings, the current goals are the same. They want the world in a state of upheaval so they can herd us into the next phase of their plan.

That next phase for America is to enter into the Liberal World Order, previously known as Build Back Better, also called The Great Reset, branded prior as the 4th Industrial Revolution and known for decades as the New World Order. No matter what they serve as the phrase du jour, it all amounts to the elites having everything and the masses having nothing.

Read the rest at FreedomFirstNetwork here.

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Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Dr Joseph Mercola on prepping


Dr Joseph Mercola has advice for new and/or inexperienced preppers.  His column is at America First Report, ed. JD Rucker:

Editor’s Commentary: As a “late prepper,” I have found that the most reliable sources of information on the subject are those who have been doing it for a long time. This is why the minuscule knowledge I personally impart is always based on what I’ve learned from more experienced preppers. I usually stick with what they say, taking advantage of my penchant for doing hundreds of hours of research on single topics as the “skill” I bring to the table.

It was with low expectations that I read the article below by Dr. Joseph Mercola. That’s not due to any lack of respect; on medical issues he’s been one of my go-to resources. But time and again I’ve learned otherwise intelligent people often give amateur “doomsday prepper” advice if they don’t have years of experience. Dr. Mercola turned out to be the exception. He nailed it. I shouldn’t have had a single doubt.

The importance of establishing personal food security for oneself and one’s family cannot be overstated. It needs to happen as quickly as resources allow; food prices aren’t going down any time soon and those who wait may find themselves ill-prepared if/when massive food shortages and/or price inflation hits.  .. .

Get Prepared With Shelf-Stable Food


  • It appears we’re in a phase where global systems of food and energy production are being intentionally dismantled in an effort to force into effect what the World Economic Forum (WEF) calls The Great Reset and the Rockefeller Foundation calls Reset the Table
  • Controlling food and shifting us away from a natural diet is an important part of The Great Reset. While the destruction of food production is being justified by the Green Agenda, the real goal is to eliminate naturally-grown foods and replace them with patented foodstuffs, frequently synthetic
  • In addition to restrictions imposed by the Green Agenda, nearly 100 food production facilities in the U.S. alone have also mysteriously burned down since 2021
  • The U.K. has even issued an “urgent warning” that gardening can cause heart disease by exposing you to harmful soil pollutants. So, now they’re trying to convince you that growing your own food is harmful too
  • Prepare for unavoidable food inflation, shortages and famine by stocking up on nutritious shelf-stable foods. A list of suggestions is included

Full article is here.  Links to vendors are included.

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Thursday, June 23, 2022

The Uniparty: a refresher course


Our household cut the cable many months ago, so we see only a few segments on cable or network news that get linked on various aggregators.  JD Rucker at America First linked to yesterday’s Tucker Carlson segment calling out the RINOs in DC (especially Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy, but all the RINOs signing on to, e.g., the pending gun control legislation).  What was significant is that Mr. Rucker’s report was based on Sundance’s commentary at Conservative Treehouse – a good sign that Sundance’s analyses are increasingly popping up on alternative media. 

Sundance has been pointing out the corruption in the Uniparty for years, but this update from him the other day spells out the dynamics:

. . . what Tucker Carlson outlines in this monologue is accurate insofar as it merely scratches the surface of the DeceptiCons in Washington DC. {Direct Rumble Link}

The UniParty issue does not start in Washington DC, it surfaces in Washington DC.

The UniParty agenda, the origin of the crap that we see surface in a toxically corrupt federal government, starts IN YOUR STATE.

The UniParty is an outcome of the private organizations that run the political parties known as the RNC and DNC.  This is where almost all voters and political followers get lost.  The Republican and Democrat parties are not affiliated with any construct of the United States government.  They are private entities, private clubs, that can establish any set of rules and regulations for the people within the club/party.   That’s where the origin of the feces begins.

The club can accept or deny membership for any person who wants to run for political office.  The RNC and DNC clubs essentially select the politicians.  There is nothing within this process that is even remotely democratic, representative or even visible in the framework of the U.S. constitution.

Private corporations known as the RNC and DNC run the professional political apparatus, and from that origination all of the corruption in the body politic -as outlined in the visible UniParty agenda- surfaces.   Two clubs, both funded by Wall Street power brokers, globalists and ultra-rich mega-donors, select the members who will represent their interests in Washington DC.   That’s the root of the issue.

The Republican National Committee (RNC), and the Democrat National Committee (DNC), are private clubs.

The RNC and DNC are corporations, private businesses; and just like all private businesses, they have the ability to make rules, bylaws, terms and conditions of membership and association that are completely arbitrary according to their charter.

The RNC and DNC are not entities of government.  The RNC and DNC are not affiliates of government.  The RNC and DNC have absolutely no connection to government, other than their arbitrary business model for helping politicians enter and remain within government.

. . .

Nothing within the business system of DC and club politics has anything to do with the constitutional framework of U.S. government.

Read the whole thing here. Links to Fox News' Tucker Carlson segment are at the Treehouse.

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Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Follow up: monkeypox in the news


Stephen Green (Mr. VodkaPundit) is suspicious about the recent appearance of monkeypox. (This blog linked on the subject yesterday). Here’s some of his “Insanity Wrap” column from today at PJ Media:

Who needs to worry about monkeypox? “Everybody,” said Presidentish Joe Biden in Korea on Monday. “We’re working on it, hard, to figure out what we do,” he said.

Would it be too bold to suggest that they already have a plan?

Lockdowns, shots, school closures, masks, and stimulus checks.

. . .

Washington and the Global Panicmonger Industry just won’t give up trying to scare us, will they?  So we’re all going to die. If we don’t follow orders, that is.

. . .

But who is this “everybody” that Biden insists should be all aflutter over the pox?

These people:

As of Saturday, the World Health Organization reported there were 92 cases in 12 countries, and a further 28 suspected cases under investigation. The U.S., U.K., Canada, Australia, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Belgium, Portugal and Netherlands have all confirmed cases.

Maybe 120 cases, mostly restricted to a small subset of the populations of a dozen countries with more than half a billion people — and they basically have to be doing it to get infected.

I refuse to worry about monkeypox unless we find out that those wacky Wuhan scientists have been monkeying around with it.

Oh, wait: The Infamous Wuhan Lab Recently Assembled Monkeypox Strains Using Methods Flagged For Creating ‘Contagious Pathogens.’

At this point, things are starting to feel less like Groundhog Day and more like a reboot of Stanley Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove, but with biological weapons instead of nukes.

Maybe it’s time we learned to stop worrying and love the plague.

But whatever happens: No. More. Lockdowns.

Stephen Green is obviously skeptical.  JD Rucker considers more insidious scenarios here.  insidious but not that far-fetched. 

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Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Pandemic Treaty: the worst part


At Freedom First Network, JD Rucker identifies perhaps the most alarming development in the so-called Pandemic Treaty "negotiations" – to a treaty already in the works to cede global power to the World Health Organization (linked on this blog last Saturday; click here).

. . . The powers-that-be are in the process of tying “climate change” to “healthcare” in a way that would give the World Health Organization total supremacy.

By making climate change a healthcare issue, they will have the catch-all they need in order to exert control over every aspect of our lives. Climate change will be blamed for pandemics, as Dr. Li-Meng Yan noted on the latest episode of Two Mikes. Climate change will be blamed for the current food shortages that are plaguing the world, giving the World Health Organization control over the food supply. Add in energy, military, and transportation issues that will be tied to climate change and it’s clear the Pandemic Treaty bolstered by an attachment to climate change is the ultimate huge step towards The Great Reset.

The Great Reset = Agenda 2030 = New World Order.  

Canada has already responded with a #StopTheTreaty movement.  I have not found a comparable reaction as yet in America.  Neenah Payne has posted a column that includes a plan to contact state representatives (click here), but since it’s predicated on the concept of nullification, I am continuing to scout around for other initiatives.

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Thursday, April 7, 2022

Fun facts about Fertilizer


Michael Snyder has more on that always-popular subject: fertilizer.  It’s more important than one might think:

I never imagined that I would be writing so much about fertilizer in 2022.  When I was growing up, there were only two things that I knew about fertilizer.  I knew that it helped stuff grow and I knew that it smelled bad.  But these days, experts are telling us that a global shortage of fertilizer could result in horrifying famines all over the world.  Right now, to a very large degree we are still eating food that was produced in 2021.  But by the end of the year, to a very large degree we will be eating food that was produced in 2022.  Unfortunately for all of us, it appears that a lack of fertilizer will mean that far less food is grown in 2022 than originally anticipated.

Thanks to an unprecedented explosion in energy prices, we were already facing a fertilizer crisis even before the war in Ukraine, but now that war has definitely taken things to the next level.

Under normal conditions, a great deal of the world’s fertilizer comes from either Russia, Belarus or Ukraine

. . .

We have never seen anything like this before.

Read the rest here.  He recommends stocking up on groceries before prices go through the roof.  JD Rucker (one of my favorite bloggers) has gone from mocking so-called “preppers” to becoming one himself.  His story is here. (He posts transcripts of his podcasts, so you can listen or read.)

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Saturday, March 19, 2022

JD Rucker: what’s wrong with conservative media


At Freedom First Network, JD Rucker is on a mission:  to amplify conservative voices that are compromised in a corrupt environment.  He is explaining to readers and listeners just HOW allegedly conservative news sources are compromised, i.e., being beholden to Big Tech, to Uniparty-R, and being paid to be “controlled opposition.” And as a result, 

[t]here are certain topics that we need to discuss, topics that get suppressed or ignored by all but a few. The 2020 election was stolen and is still being challenged today, yet you wouldn’t know that if you get your news from corporate conservative media. The Covid vaccines are dangerous and ineffective, yet the only pushback you hear about from most conservative media sites centers around stopping mandates. Fighting mandates is important, but it would be a heck of a lot easier to do so if enough sites were telling the truth about adverse reactions surrounding the jabs.

January 6, 2021, was not an insurrection. It was a mostly peaceful protest that was steered to get out of hand by Deep State provocateurs posing as Trump supporters. Moreover, we have convicted child rapists getting probation and Jussie Smollett getting released AFTER being convicted, but political prisoners who entered the Capitol Building peacefully are still imprisoned.

Warmongers on the right are pressing for no-fly zones and getting Americans to support sending weapons to Ukraine. They don’t offer these suggestions with an exit plan for WWIII. They just hope it happens sooner rather than later. Meanwhile, they treat Volodymyr Zelensky as a messiah figure despite his government’s history of authoritarianism, Nazism, and a hard embrace from both George Soros and Klaus Schwab. The conservative media personalities who support him claim that I’m a Putin apologist despite the fact that I’m adamantly opposed to the invasion. We don’t have a horse in this race and I do not want America involved, not just because Ukraine is not our ally but also because their leaders are as corrupt as Russia’s.

Lots more here.  (Report is also at NOQ here.)

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Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Medical censorship


JD Rucker at NOQ interviews Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, who knows first-hand that the stats of adverse reactions to the COVID "vaccine" are being suppressed by the medical community:  

Dr. Mary Talley Bowden: After Over a Million Jabbed, Why Is Methodist Hospital Refusing to Release Adverse Reaction Data?

Who ever thought we’d reach a moment in American history when doctors were forced to get permission from government to prescribe safe and effective drugs to their ailing patients? It never crossed my mind until the powers-that-be started playing their hand in 2020, doubling-down in 2021, and advancing medical tyranny beyond lunacy in 2022.

I had an excellent discussion with Dr. Mary Talley Bowden on the topic during the latest episode of The Midnight Sentinel. She’s a wealth of information about the dynamics between hospitals and patients. But she’s one of very few doctors who are speaking out against vaxx-pushing hospitals because she owns her own practice. She doesn’t have a boss and cannot be fired. Her only real concern is losing her license to practice, and there are many people who are trying to make that happen.

Is she delivering bad care to her patients? No. The complaints are coming in from people she’s never met, people who have objections to her not embracing the accepted Covid narrative about treatments and universal vaccinations.

One of her biggest critics is the huge hospital system in Houston, Methodist Hospital. They removed her privileges and have smeared her continuously, ramping up when she made her plight public. They even denied her request for information, which a non-profit organization like Methodist cannot do. Now, she’s suing.

Of particular interest is the data regarding adverse reactions to the Covid shots. Like other hospitals across the country, they are refusing to release data about it. It’s a component of informed consent to have accurate information about the jabs. For Methodist and other hospitals to continue injecting people while withholding extremely important information about adverse reactions is despicable.

. . .

Yup, despicable.  The interview text follows; click here.

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Monday, January 31, 2022

2000 Mules: Dinesh D’Souza Documentary On Voter Fraud


JD Rucker at NOQ has the report and embedded video of the trailer:

Since Joe Biden was inaugurated as President of the United States, many if not most conservatives who believed the election was stolen have given up hope. Despite mountains of evidence showing massive, widespread voter fraud, the cases were never adjudicated. An unprecedented propaganda and gaslighting campaign launched showing just how ubiquitous the cover-up was.

But some of us have held on. We continue to report voter fraud news as it comes in. There have been many videos made purporting to prove the election was stolen, but they rarely cause more than a minor stir. A new one is coming, and it is the most promising one we’ve seen to date because of the source: Dinesh D’Souza.

Few conservative filmmakers are in the same league as D’Souza when it comes to the credibility of his work. He and his team are meticulous. They check and recheck their facts before putting it all together in D’Souza’s classic documentary style. And while many conservatives have little room for hope at this stage in the game, perhaps having D’Souza behind this effort will bring back the spark.

We and others have contended that President Donald Trump won the 2020 election in a landslide, but a well-planned operation perpetrated by multiple bad actors reversed the results after the fact. It seemed as if everyone was involved from the average poll workers all the way up to the heights of the Deep State. We believe the Chinese Communist Party was involved, as were several technology companies associated with the election.

Mainstream media and Big Tech did their parts to cover it all up. It has been difficult to determine if they were insiders in the conspiracy or simply willing pawns who allowed their own radical progressive biases and anti-Trump sentiment guide their actions. Either way, they are complicit.

The election was stolen. That much has been crystal clear since November 4, 2020. Will Dinesh D’Souza’s new documentary finally be able to turn the tide towards the truth?

Good question.  Share the link with those on your list.  Source: Rucker at NOQ here

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Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Sen. Ron Johnson: COVID-19: "A Second Opinion” panel


At NOQ, JD Rucker reports:

Yesterday’s “COVID-19: A Second Opinion” panel hosted in Washington D.C. by Senator Ron Johnson exposed bombshell after bombshell as fresh data keeps pouring in that shows the Covid-19 “vaccines” are neither safe nor effective. Doctors from across the spectrum spoke up about what they’re seeing on the ground while other expert panelists exposed damning data demonstrating not only a huge medical problem, but also a coordinated cover-up of the evil deeds being perpetrated by members of our own government.

Conservative commentator Daniel Horowitz from The Blaze posted a follow-up bombshell of information he received from one of the panelists, attorney Thomas Renz:

I can share with you from attorney Thomas Renz that the number of cancer diagnoses in the military’s DMED system went from a 5-year average (2016-2020) of 38,700 per year to 114,645 in the first 11 months of 2021. This is a predominately young population.

Unlike VAERS where the naysayers can suggest that anyone can submit, this is only by military doctors and quantifies every single ICD code in the military for tri care billing of Humana. This is the ultimate defined and finite population with excellent surveillance.

. . .

He also posted a video of Renz at the panel explaining some of the other mind-blowing data he had accumulated:

The video of Renz is here. I know 2 of the 3 cited whistleblowers. Their credentials are impeccable. Lt. Col. Chambers is one of the only Green Beret doctors in the military. Actually i got that wrong. One of the whistleblowers just told me it was through October, not November. So this is 10 months of data off the chart vs. prior 12 month years!

One of the biggest takeaways here is that the data is beyond reproach and widely accessibly by the DoD, CDC, FDA, and across the Biden-Harris regime. In other words, they are all very well aware that the jabs are almost certainly causing an untenable increase in cancer in otherwise young and healthy military-age Americans and they’re keeping that information away from the people.

. . .

The testimony that Renz delivered should be enough to compel our government to immediately halt the vaccine push, reevaluate the data that they have, and release it all to the public for independent scrutiny. They won’t do this, of course, because they have a universal vaccination agenda that they will not willingly stop. It will take a concerted effort by patriots to share this data and expose the powers-that-be for what they’re trying to do to the people.

“We have substantial data showing that we saw, for example, miscarriages increasing by 300% over the five-year average, almost.,” Renz said. “We saw almost 300% increase in cancer over the five-year average.”

This is crucial information for the entire population to have, but what he revealed next should concern us about the state of our military readiness.

“We saw — this one’s amazing — neurological. So, neurological issues which would affect our pilots, over 1000% increase. 1000,” he said.

Senator Johnson had to interrupt to reiterate what these numbers mean from a different angle. “Ten times,” he said. “That’s ten times the rate.”

Renz continued, “82,000 per year to 863,000 in one year. Our soldiers are being experimented on, injured, and sometimes possibly killed.”

Having Senator Johnson and the brave Americans on his panel speaking out is an important step, but the information will be swept under the rug if we fail to amplify the message as loudly as we can.

The report on NOQ is here and it includes tweets with more information.  Please share.

To access video or the full hearing chaired by Sen. Ron Johnson, go here to Sundance who posted the Rumble link.

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Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Warning About Monoclonal Antibodies


image credit: istockphoto.com

JD Rucker at NOQ Report has transcribed a big chunk of his interview with Dr. Carrie Madej on the hazards of “monoclonal antibodies”:

Dr. Carrie Madej Issues Shocking Warning About Monoclonal Antibodies

It's been the "silver bullet" that so many have embraced. But what do we really know about monoclonal antibodies? Are they really better than the vaccines or are they just another experiment that's bound to go awry? 

. . . 

“Even in the freedom movement, the ‘anti-vaxxers,’ people are against getting these injections or genetic modification devices, really, but then I see those same people run to get the monoclonal antibodies and I think, ‘Oh, you just have no idea,'” she said.

“First of all, they’re brand new, they’re experimental, they have very little research on them, okay,” she continued. “You’re putting something in your body that we don’t have research on. However, we know something about it.

“So, these are called a cocktail. So, what that is, they’re taking antibodies from three sources. One is just a ‘human source.’ What does that mean? Is it somebody from the street? I mean, what is that? Do we know if they’re purified? We don’t know. Okay, that’s one.

“Number two, they’re using aborted fetal cells. When they say they’re not, they’re lying. They’re using a play on words. They’re using the HEK line, the human embryotic kidney cell line. It’s 293. What that means is it took 293 … living babies that were born. So they aborted them alive. They’re still living with their heart beating. Then they take them to a cold lab and then they kill them there.

“It took 293 of them to get that cell line. So what they do is they make those lines cancerous so they never stop dividing. They don’t want to tell you they’re putting cancer cells from an aborted fetus in you so they’re going to tell you that it’s ‘immortalized’ — isn’t that a nice word. Then they tell you they’re cloned. That’s what it means. You’re taking in an aborted fetus that was killed in a lab and then you had a cancerous cell line from it that’s being injected inside of you. Okay, so you’ve got two sources.

“Now, the third one is from a human and a mouse genome pushed together inside of a mouse, and the mouse spits out a human kind of an antibody but from a mouse. So this is something called a chimera. A chimera is two creatures pushed together and they’re going to be spitting out an antibody.

“Now, you have to understand, all the genetic material that a human body takes up, whether we eat it, whether we inhale it, we become injected with it… our bodies are amazing. It takes up genetic material to analyze it, sometimes incorporate it inside our genome. It’s called epigenetics.”

Even at this point of the interview, I was having concerns about the monoclonal antibodies based on the information I was hearing. But it was during the next portion of Dr. Madej’s answer that I became truly shocked.

“There’s a problem also with the human-mouse antibody cell line,” she continued. “It has a trade name called VelocImmune. So, I knew this, I recognized this from years ago when I had a very big practice here in Georgia. I took different cases, complicated, and of course I got cancer patients. Well, many of them were breast cancer patients that were put on a newer chemotherapy agent immunotherapy.

“And they use this same mouse-human line. It’s called VelocImmune, okay. So they took that line and they put this in this chemo-agent. At first, the people looked great. These women were doing wonderfully. ‘I feel good. My tumor shrank.’

“And then what happened within one to three years? Sometimes five but usually one to three years there was an allergic reaction, they called it, and a woman would come back loaded with cancer. All the organs looked like they had melted together. I couldn’t, nor could the radiologist, tell one organ from another. So, it was a fulminant, terrible reaction. This was a failure.

“They’re going to use the same mouse line on people right now. This is horrifying because, although people are only getting one or two of these doses, not many, this can’t be good.”

. . .

In addition to the transcribed remarks, Mr. Rucker also links to the 1-hour video – the full interview plus additional context; click here.

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Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Dr Peter McCullough’s medical toolbox


JD Rucker interviewed Dr Peter McCullough and reported at Freedom First Network on the doctor’s recommendations for everyone's medicine cabinet during the age of COVID (... I note that he did not specify ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine).  With that said, here is what Dr. McCullough had to say about the six things to keep in your medical toolbox:

“If there was six things in the over-the-counter toolbox, I would put in there that Povidone Iodine. That’s about $5 if you buy it online. And then after that it would be Zinc, 50 mg a day. Vitamin D, 5,000 IUs a day, increased to 20,000 a day during active treatment. Vitamin C, 3,000 mg a day, active treatment. And then Quercetin, 500 mg a day for prevention, 500 mg per day for active treatment. And then one last one, which is over-the-counter antacid/antihistamine which actually reduces viral replication and that’s Famotidine or Pepcid, but at a high dose, 80 mg a day active treatment.

Full report is here.

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Sunday, November 14, 2021

Get ready for more riots


CNN's "Baghdad Bob" moment

The Kyle Rittenhouse trial is almost concluded.  Perhaps the judge will dismiss the case with prejudice.  Perhaps the jury will be able to withstand doxxing and other pressures to convict.  JD Rucker at NOQ predicts that the jury will acquit.  If the verdict is anything other than a conviction, JD Rucker is sounding the alarm: 

Leftists, Media, and Big Tech Are Colluding
to Burn Down Cities After Kyle Rittenhouse is Acquitted

This isn't the case of a common narrative being circulated. This is collusion that is so blatant, lawsuits need to be filed.

When Kyle Rittenhouse is acquitted, many cities will likely experience what we saw last year following the release of the George Floyd video. It may even be worse this time if the powers-that-be get their way. But unlike the BLM and Antifa riots that sprung up after the Floyd video, the riots that will come with Rittenhouse’s acquittal have had months of planning and coordination.

At the heart of the conspiracy are mainstream media and Big Tech. They’re doing their part to make sure there’s as much carnage as possible. Let me break it down briefly before getting into more details.

The tag-team efforts of mainstream and social media are crystal clear. We have the CNNs, MSNBCs, and network news outlets all spreading coordinated lies about the trial. They are painting Rittenhouse as a murderer; CBS News literally called him that while the trial was still going which is a blatant obliteration of any remnant of journalistic standards they may have once had. They are attacking the judge. They are attacking the defense team. They’re even attacking the prosecutors to create a scapegoat for why this “murderer” was set free.

Meanwhile, Big Tech is suppressing the truth. Free Beacon reported that social media companies are suppressing claims that Rittenhouse is innocent. While mainstream media spread the lies, Big Tech suppresses the truth. It’s a one-two punch designed to make the people unaware that the trial was a mockery and clearly demonstrated Rittenhouse as acting in self-defense.

. . .

One would think that law enforcement will be prepared for the riots that are coming. Some will be. Others will not. We will likely see Democrat-run cities burning while Republican-run cities are able to contain most of the domestic terrorism that is coming. It isn’t just inefficiency or ineptitude in leftist cities. It’s also the greatly depleted police forces that are already allowing criminals to rule in Seattle, Portland, New York City, San Francisco, Minneapolis, and similar cities across the country.

When Rittenhouse is acquitted, those cities will almost certainly be overrun with violence and property destruction. This is by design. It has many benefits for the powers-that-be who want to see America torn down, replaced by an ugly “utopia” under the Neo-Marxist tenets of The Great Reset.

Law enforcement has been warned. Will they act accordingly?

Mr. Rucker’s full article is here.

I don’t agree with every assumption in Mr. Rucker report (e.g., I don’t agree that officer Derek Chauvin should have been fired after George Floyd died while in police custody;  body cam transcripts and the medical examiner’s report incl. the toxicology report, demonstrate that Chauvin was following protocols and that Floyd died of a drug-induced heart attack).

However, the main point – that if Mr. Rittenhouse is NOT convicted, there will be blood in the streets -- is why I’m linking to the report.  And downtown Cleveland was on the target list in May 2020. 

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Saturday, October 23, 2021

Rand Paul Was Right — Fauci Lied


The meme is via PatriotPost. Thomas Gallatin reports:

Rand Paul Was Right — Fauci Lied

NIH … categorically has not funded gain-of-function research.” Yes it has.

National Institutes of Health official Lawrence Tabak issued a letter Wednesday admitting that the agency did indeed provide funding for gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology via the U.S. nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance. That’s a big problem for more than one reason.

Tabak writes that NIH funding went to a “limited experiment” in which a test was conducted to see if “spike proteins from naturally occurring bat coronaviruses circulating in China were capable of binding to the human ACE2 receptor in a mouse model.” The modified coronavirus did make the mouse “become sicker” than the non-modified virus.

While Tabak avoids using the term “gain-of-function,” it is clear from his descriptions that such research is exactly what he admits the NIH funded. That the NIH was involved in funding gain-of-function research should come as a surprise to no one, as Anthony Fauci himself had been a longtime proponent of the controversial practice.

Back in 2012, Fauci argued in support to gain-of-function research, contending: “Scientists working in this field might say — as indeed I have said — that the benefits of such experiments and the resulting knowledge outweigh the risks. It is more likely that a pandemic would occur in nature, and the need to stay ahead of such a threat is a primary reason for performing an experiment that might appear to be risky.”

Fauci’s clearly favorable views of this research would also explain why he chose not to alert White House officials in 2017 when he lifted the ban on the practice. It also appears to explain why the NIH’s funding of gain-of-function was not direct but funneled through EcoHealth Alliance, giving Fauci the cover to later claim that the NIH was not directly involved in funding gain-of-function research.

Yet when Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) pressed Fauci over NIH funding, an irate and contentious Fauci retorted: “You do not know what you are talking about. … If anybody is lying here, Senator, it is you! … You are entirely and completely incorrect. The NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”

Just in case someone wasn’t clear, Fauci added, “I will repeat, the NIH … categorically has not funded gain-of-function research to be conducted in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”

We knew this before, but now even the NIH is tacitly admitting that Fauci lied not only to Senator Paul in sworn testimony but to the American public. . . .

Read the rest here.  It's scary, because too many people I know still rely on the mainstream media for news propaganda.  

See also JD Rucker's report at NOQ on the NIH's funding of gain-of-function research.

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